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From A Child's Point of View

Why We Do The Things We Do


Hello Welcome to my room. I'm Dakota and I'm 8 years old. I like to play Nintendo, my favorite game is Zelda.  I like to watch videos as well. Some of my favorite videos are Star Wars Trilogy and Land Before Time I - V.  I also like Power Rangers and Beetleborgs, but my grandma doesn't like for me to watch them. I  used to live with my Maw Maw, Pa Pa , Great Grandma and Daddy.  But now I live with my Mommy. I used to go to Head Start but now I have to go to Day Care. I don't like day care and I really miss Head Start and all my friends. I really miss Ms Carolyn and  Ms Sherry, they were my teachers.


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Why I Misbehave In Public

From A Child's Point Of View

Not long after they arrived at the shopping mall Mommy began to have second thoughts about a lot of things, particularly motherhood. Her younger child struggled to get out of the stroller while her older one whined to get in. She gave up and let them trade.

 Then her older child discovered that dragging his feet would slow the stroller down. Mommy ordered him to stop. He kept it up, glancing around to see if his sister was admiring his new skill. She wasn't. She was, in fact, about to poke an intriguing red alarm button at the bottom of an escalator.

 Mommy lost it. Sprinting towards the escalator she shouted everything she'd vowed she'd never say when she was a parent--including "If you don't behave, I'm going to leave you here!"

 She wouldn't of course, and her children knew it. They also knew a few other things. Like how it feels to be a young child out in a public place.

If kids could find a way to put those feelings into words, it might go something like this:

 What throws me off, mostly, is not knowing what to expect. I worry about being in an unfamiliar place. Then I get all goofy and end up doing the opposite of what I'm supposed to. I wish I knew more about things ahead of time. Like where we're going, what will it be like, and what we'll be doing. Most of all, I need to know what's expected of me.

 I don't need a lecture, of course. Just give me a short preview right before we go. Or, if it's a really special occasion like a big family gathering, let's play a pretend game about it.

 Sometimes I feel like I'm flying coach. Being all cramped up in a stroller or grocery cart doesn't come naturally to me. (Try it). On the other hand, neither does trying to keep up with a grown-up's stride. Somehow I end up tired and cranky either way.

 Here's what I think would help: If you bring the stroller, let me stretch my legs once in a while. And if we're walking a lot, plan some breaks.

 I've got a really different viewpoint. It's a fascinating world out there if you're only a few feet tall. You see lots of interesting things--squashed cigarette butts, door handles with alarms on them, revolving display racks. I love 'em all! I keep muttering to myself, "Don't touch--don't touch--don't touch..." but it's hard! And not much fun.

 Maybe you could keep an eye out for things I can touch. I mean, if you're going to buy something, bring it down to where I can see too. At least sometimes.

 I get confused when I don't hear your "at home" voice when we're out somewhere. At home you're usually firm and stop me when I go too far. I feel a lot safer then. Out in public when I don't hear your regular way of talking, I get confused about what I can and can't do.

 If you act different, I almost always do too. Sorry. It just happens.

 I don't know what it's like to be an adult. (I've never been one yet.) I don't know about time and why we have to hurry. And I don't know about paychecks, or bills, and why you can't always buy what I want. And I don't know about--well, you get the idea...

 In fact, until I grow up, I'll probably never behave like a well-mannered adult when we're out in public. But in the meantime, with your help, I can end up being a pretty nice little kid to hang around with.


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