Welcome to the Union Hill Neighborhood Home Page. We created
a Web Page to give families an additional means to keep up-to-date with
happenings in the neighborhood. The page is hosted by Geocities.Com, which
kindly provides a limited amount of free web space (i.e.,
is no cost to the neighborhood for maintaining the web page)..
Announcements of future events as well as other information of neighborhood interest will be posted below. The page will be maintained by David DiLalla. Click on the Mailbox to provide feedback via email.
The board has begun discussion of how best to deal with road damage occurring
as a result of construction. Click here
for details.
a remodeling project? Remember that all construction projects that increase
the square footage or change the facade of your home, or that add new exterior
structures such as decks and pools must be submitted to the board for approval.
Click here for details about what should be
included in proposals.
Information of Interest
(Click on the Icons to View)
Neighborhood Security Information (Including Jackson County Curfew)
Page Last Updated 9/22/98 by DLD
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