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![]() 1. BULLETIN BOARDS - the internet URL or "address" follows each description. You type the URL under the "find" or "keyword" feature in your Internet browser, and you will be taken to the bulletin board. a. newsgroup This is a newsgroup or Usenet group where bereaved persons share experiences, coping techniques, and sympathy. It was set up in December 1994 by Cendra Lynn, who administers GriefNet, another resource. When you are looking for it, you should look under "Usenet groups" if you cannot reach it through your browser. It is an active bulletin board. There is an instruction sheet or "FAQ," which means "frequently asked questions," but most of the guidelines are common-sense. All newsgroups are "unmoderated," which means that anyone can post anything, so there are occasional inappropriate postings like money-making schemes. By and large the posting on are on topic and supportive. There are also other newsgroups related to grief, such as, depression,,, alt.consciousness.near-death-exp, and alt.obituaries, but there are more off-topic postings on these newsgroups. (On newsgroups a message will not re-appear once you have read it and signed off the newsgroup. If you want to save a message, you must mark it "unread.") b. Grief and Healing Discussion Group - run by Tom Golden. Discussion bulletin board covering wide range of grief topics. Participants are usually bereaved persons. c. AOL Death of a Child folder - This is a "folder" on America On Line for messages concerning the death of a child. You must be a member of AOL to review the messages in this folder. Type keyword "IMH" Choose "Parenting" on the next screen, then choose "Browse folders" on the following screen. "Death of a Child" in one the folders. Click on that line to read the messages. Follow the instructions to post a message. d. AOL Deceased Loved Ones Forum - Board topics on metaphysical issues related to death. You must be on AOL to access this discussion board. Keywords are keyword religions, then Metaphysics e. Prodigy - Prodigy has message or bulletin boards under "Grief Loss and Recovery" that include messages on bereavement issues. f. Compuserve - Compuserve has message or bulletin boards in the Family Services Forum under the headings "myfamily" or "illness and death" that include messages on bereavement issues. g. Bereavement Education Network - has discussion folders on Men and Grief, Teen Grief, Suicide, Perinatal Loss, and other grief issues. Register at h. Transformations Message Board i. After-Life Message Board - Administered by the ADC Project, founded by the Guggenheims. Not much traffic on the discussion board. Some portion of the postings are related to bereavement issues.
a. General b. Children (siblings) c. Infant Death & Miscarriage d. Suicide e. Violent Death f. Drunk Driving g. AIDS h. After-life i. Religious Pages h. Compasionate Friends Pages 1. WEBster Death and Dying Resources -A comprehensive index or "collection" of Internet resources, with a perspective to gaining an understanding of the death and grieving process. Contains the most complete list of internet "links" to other grief resources, which makes it an easy place to begin 2. GriefNet - Death and dying resources - connections with a variety of resources related to death, dying, bereavement, and major emotional and physical losses. Ann Arbor-based resource administered by Cendra Lynn. Lots of general information on handling grief, a bulletin board, a library, info on how you might help others, and some memorials to people who have died. Also has instructions for joining various e-mail lists for grieving parents and for kids surviving a loss 3. Tom Golden's Crisis, Grief, and Healing pages - various support, resources, and links, with particular attention to men's grief. Washington D.C. therapist Tom Golden, has discussion pages and on-line memorials. Also has an audio introduction via RealAudio 4.Jim Miller's Willowgreen - Grief, Transition, Illness, Caregiving, Older Age, AIDS. Administered by Dr. Jim Miller. Detailed discussion of grief symptoms and GriefList - hints of things to do for effective griefing 5. Bereavement Research Network/Bereavement Education Network - a resource for professionals and the bereaved. Ontario pastor Howard Gorle's original purpose was to help men deal with grief. There is also a more general collection of links concerning bereavement.. Includes discussion and information folders. Discussion groups on A Healing Place, Bereavement Research Network, Men's Grief, Teen Grief, Suicide Support. Includes Men's Grief Resource 6. Alternate Grief Sites on the Internet - links to various pages 7. Association for Death Education and Counseling- Professional group for mental health professionals, death educators, caregivers, counselors, researchers, and volunteers. 8. Batesville: Grief Resource Center - some information posted by Batesville, a casket maker 9. Bereavement and Hospice Support Netline - out of the University of Baltimore 10. Bereaved Families of Ontario - Maintains general bereavement support information, has a monthly column 11. Bereaved Familes of Ontario Support Center - information, monthly newsletter 12. Bereavement/Grief - characteristics of grief, techniques for mourning 13. Complete List of Death, Dying, and Grief Related Sites - links, not actually complete 14. Compuserve Family Services Forum - In the Illness and Death and in the My Family Libraries, there are downloadable articles on grief issues. You must be on Compuserve to access these articles 15. Death and Dying - projects of the Global Idea Bank - listings sounded interesting but nothing came up for any projects described 16. Death, Dying & Grief - Web page by Kay Cabell, primarily a page of links. 17. FuneralNet -Bereavement Resources page, maintained by Armstrong Funeral Home, links to other pages only 18. Getting Through The Holidays: 10 Strategies For The Bereaved - One page list of tips. Low contrast page. Somewhat difficult to read. Administered by the Cremation Society page 19. Grief and Memorialization Information Center - run by Falk Funeral Home - 20. Grief Briefs - articles on grief issues by The TLC Group 21. The Grief Page - links to internet sites 22. The Grief Process - page of Help-Line, a Christian group, but pages are not religious. 23. Grief Shared Is Grief Diminished - links to sites and to poetry 24. Growth House Grief and Bereavement - annotated links to bereavement resources 25. Grief and Healing - page by the People with AIDS Coalition 26. HVCN Dying, Death, and Grief Information - Dying, Death, and Grief Information Internet Resources GriefNet Kearl's Guide to the Sociology of Death Michgan Electronic Library Yahoo This page is part of the Human Services Infocenter. 27. A Handy Guide - Death - Bereavement Research Network, a list of links, some related to bereavement, some to death and dying issues 28. Loss of a Loved One - MetLife sponsored page with search tool, links 29. Magic Stream: Death, Dying, and Grief - links to pages on grief, student grief, grief discussion 30. Pen Parents- Iinternational non-profit support network for bereaved parents that matches bereaved parents by the types of losses they have had or other special circumstances so they can write to each other for mutual support. 31. Transforming Grief - a personal story 32. Candlelighters - Childhood Cancer Family Alliance 33. What Can I Say? - article on what others should say and do to help the bereaved 34. Dr. Grohol's Mental Health Page - periodically updated pointers on various mental health issues. or 35. Mental Health Net 36. Rose Institute - Web site dedicated to all types of mental health, addiction, pain, recovery and wellness issues. The site is sponsored by The Rose Institute in Fort Lauderdale Florida. There is a section where you can ask questions to their psychiatrist and receive a confidential answer. 37. Death, Loss, and Grief: Moving Through Grief, Hampden-Sydney College: Counseling Center 38. The Grieving Process - Part of the Against Drunk Driving web pages, useful information and strategies RETURN TO MAIN INDEX | RETURN TO INFORMATION WEB SITES 1. Children Coping With Grief and Dying- books about loss and illness for children and their caregivers collected by Lee Anne Phillips 2. Facts for Families:Children and grief - brochures were written by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 3. The Child's Loss -- Death, Grief and Mourning General Guilelines for Caretakers of Children Experiencing Death A CIVITAS Initiative Product, out of Baylor University , Dr. Bruce D. Perry 4. Children and Grief 5. Children and grief - story of talking to children - part of FuneralNet 6. Grief in a Family Context (Indiana University)- course offering for past grief cyber-class at IU with readings, topics 7. Teen-Age Grief 8. Teen Grief - discussion board register at bereavement education network page 9. Topical Grief Notes - Advice for children on grieving - from Edmarc Hospice for Children 10. Helping Children Cope with Grief RETURN TO INDEX | RETURN TO INFORMATION WEB SITES 1. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Pages 2. Miscarriage 3. HAND Houston's Aid in Neonatal Death - homepage 4. SANDS(Vic)A support group for parents who experience miscarriage,stillbirth or neonatal death. 5. SANDS - Western Australia -Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support 6. The Miscarriage Manual - A page sponsored by INCIID, the infertility support group for parents who have recently experienced the death of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth or other perinatal loss. By C.Elizabeth Carney 7. For Those Who Have Had Miscarriages - guide for stillbirth, miscarriage and perinatal loss 8. Perinatal Loss -register at Bereavement Education Network page Also e-mail lists 9. In Loving Memory - monthly newsletter supporting parents who have lost their only child or all their children; has a list of anniversaries and a way to receive direct mail from that listing RETURN TO INDEX | RETURN TO INFORMATION WEB SITES 1. SA/VE When the Worst Has Happened - minimal post suicide support page 2. Grief After Suicide - from BuddhaNet - Buddhist perspective 3. Suicide Discussion Folder - register at Bereavement Education Network page 4. Growth House Suicide -information and links 5. Also see E-MAIL RETURN TO INDEX | RETURN TO INFORMATION WEB SITES 1. Parents of Murdered Children POMC: Parents of Murdered Children 2. Concerned Families of Homicide Victims - new page by NYC Supprt Group 3. Victims Place - Homicide Victims resources and memorial pages RETURN TO INDEX | RETURN TO INFORMATION WEB SITES 1. Drunk Driving/ADD - The Grieving Process - Against Drunk Driving, 2. MADD - web pages for national organization 3. MADD- web page for North Carolina organization RETURN TO INDEX | RETURN TO INFORMATION WEB SITES There are numerous AIDS sources. The listed source has links to other sources that might be useful. Marty Howard's HIV/AIDS Home Page - links to various AIDS sites, including caregiver sites, but no bereavement sites RETURN TO INDEX | RETURN TO INFORMATION WEB SITES 1. "Insights into the afterlife" - Questions and answers by Nora M. Spurgin. 2. After-Death Communications Page 3. Where Do We Go When We Die? 4. International Association for Near Death Studies RETURN TO INDEX | RETURN TO INFORMATION WEB SITES 1. Grief and Loss Resource Center - Christian, information and links 2. BuddhaNet: Helping yourself heal when your child dies 3. BuddhaNew: Grief Is for Sharing 4. Infant Death & Eternity - ChristianAnswers.Net - Christian Answers Network, concerns the death and eternal state of infants 5. Christian Care Resources Home Page - includes "Grief and Men", "Faith and Mourning: Practical Help for Grieving People", and Scripture Passages for Those Who Mourn 6. Life, Death and Mourning - explanation of Judaic beliefs and practices related to death 7. Mourning rituals help Jews confront the grief of loss 8. Parashat Shemini - essay on Jewish view of grief after untimely death 9. Called to Care: The Death of a Child - a program to help local congregations train lay people in Christian...United Chirch Resources 10. Grief: God's Way of Healing the Heart - Christian 11. Death - Grief - by Lovelines, a Christian organization 12. Dealing with Grief - Christian perspective, steps of grief, written by daughter for mother. 13. The Grief Process - HelpLink, part of the American Christian Television System - stages of grief RETURN TO INDEX | RETURN TO INFORMATION WEB SITES RETURN TO INDEX | RETURN TO INFORMATION WEB SITES
If you have your own page or would like to take a *tour* of some pages you might want to vist the Empty Arms Ring - A web ring devoted to memorial pages of children and grief resources /Heartland/Plains/5516/arms.htm 1. Bill Chadwick (Zoom) - pages with links 2. Jack Villari - A Grief Page - fairly Christian view, pages with links, poetry 3. Adrienne's Page - by Lorraine Maillet 4. Stu Upchurch - Jason's page - pages with links, ideas for remembrances or 5. Richard Van der Steen 6. Marilyn Heavilin 7. In Memory of Tonianne Vertullo - Maintained by her uncle. Pictures of angels and poems about the death of a child. 8. My Precious Daughter, Christina Janelle Wolfe 9. Someone I Love Was Murdered 10. David Roy Bigelow 11. Brion Steven Sheriff: story of Brion, who was killed by a drunk driver 12. Autumn Dawn Middleton - includes Grief, God's Way of Healing the Heart 13. Mark Adam Pruett - page by his mother Maribeth Doerr who runs Prodigy's grief pages 14. Caitlin Nicole Lynch - remembering Caitlin, with links to pages on congential heart defects 15. The Angel - story of Tara Moore and Tara's Angels 16. A Memorial to My First Born 17. Charlotte Malloy - memorial and links to information on violent death, including links to pages about other violent crimes against young people. 18. Martin Richard Friedmann- this is done by friends (who know a lot about computers) with help from family 19. Little Tina's Chapel, Christina Louise Harmon - done by her caretaker 20. Melinda Rose Hathaway - Melinda's Home Page - page she set up and her parents are maintaining since her death on September 15, 1996. 21. Ghislain Cayouette - a series of pages by Ghislain's niece with a particular wonderful essay by Ghislain on his battle with cancer 22. In Loving Memory of Chris - in memory of Chris who died from AIDS acquired during abuse; this site contains the story of the Bear Who Lost His Boy 23. Shelby's Room - in memory of Shelby who lived for only hours 24. Sleep in Peace Sweet Angel, Carol Michelle Mickelson -part of the Boise Idaho TCF pages, these honoring the life of Carol 25. Who Killed Kait Arquette? - pages by Kait's parents remembering Kait and trying to solve her murder 26. Tanya Renee Tonn-Bloom - pages by her father Lee 27. My Destiny is gone - the story of Lisa Barney's daughter /Heartland/Plains/5516/Destiny.htm
Mail Lists - by joining e-mail lists, you receive communications between parents of other survivors on grief issues Grief, Loss & Recovery Mailing List ~ Prodigy mailing list, open to all with internet access. To join the GLR Mailing List, send an email to: with the following command in the body of the message (skip the subject line): subscribe grief. Grief-Net groups - topics overlap, join as many lists as you think you would benefit from; general discussion list for any topic related to death, dying, bereavement, or other major loss. grief-parents is our general parents' support group for parents who have had a child of any age die from any cause, whether recently or long ago. Several other groups have spun off from grief-parents. These are: griefparents-accidents, a group for parents whose children have died due to some accidental cause. griefparents-adultchild, for parents whose children were adults when they died griefparents-neonate, for parents whose children died due to miscarriage, still birth, or died as neonates (soon after being born) griefparents-onlychild is for parents whose only child has died griefparents-suicide is for parents whose child committed suicide adult-sibs a list for adults and older adolescents who have had a sibling die, whether recently or long ago. kids-to-kids is our support group for children dealing with any major loss. Adults may lurk but only kids may send messages. grief-men is our group for bereaved men who want to talk with other men about their loss grief-chat - email list - Griefnet general grief discussion list To subscribe to any list, send an e-mail message with a blank subject line to MAJORDOMO@FALCON.IC.NET In the body of the message type: subscribe followed by your e-mail address. For questions, contact Cendra Lynn ( For a more complete listing of groups visit Survivor is a new e-mail list maintained by a Christian ministry for survivors of suicide attempts and those who have lost friends and loved ones as a result of suicide or traumatic death. It is a new e-mail group, so I do not know how religious the tenor will be. Form to subscribe is located at: Suicide Survivors mailing list provides an electronic support group for people who have had a family member, close friend or loved one complete suicide. Membership of the list is open to anyone seeking emotional support regarding the death of someone close to them due to suicide, and to people willing to offer support in a non-judgmental manner. The stigma surrounding suicide can make it extremely difficult for survivors to deal with their grief and can cause them also to feel terribly isolated. This list exists to provide one avenue where people can discuss, and begin to resolve these feelings in an emotionally supportive environment E-mail request to: Put: 'subscribe' in the body of the message infanloss - Infant loss Support Group - is an e-mail list, in which parents who have lost infants can participate. Address Leave subject title empty In the body of message write : subscribe infanlos your e-mail address Lostangels - Group for those who have lost a twin, triplet or any mulitple Send e-mail to : Lostangels-request@Tripcom.COM Leave subject line empty In the body of the message write: subscribe
Transformations- hosts a chat on the topic of "Grief and Loss" Wednesday and Thursday nights. Information on how to subscribe Parent's Place- hosts weekly (Wed. 10 - 12 p.m. EST and Thurs 8 - 10 p.m. EST) chats specifically for bereaved parents. Instructions on how to subscribe. Canadian Parents - hosts weekly (8 - 10 pm on Sunday night) chats for bereaved parents Also, there is a private chat room at called Bereavement. You have to register, but it is free and easy. There is currently no set time for chats. The room might be deactivated; if there is no bereavement room, you can simply re-open one. AOL: Compassionate Friends - Monday at 9 p.m. EST Keyword "IMH" Go To Keywords Enter: IMH Select: IMH Conference Hall At 10 PM, TCF moves to a private room. To get there (after 10 PM EST, Mondays) Click on People Connection Click on List Rooms Click on Member Rooms Click on Create Member Room (not Private Room) Type in CompassionateFriends (exactly as shown- capitals C&F with no space) Click on Create AOL Compassionate Friends has a new support group (CF Sibling Loss) that meets every Thursday at 8 PM Eastern. Go To: Keyword Type in: PEN Select: Chat Rooms icon Select: Health Conference Room AOL You Are Not Alone is another support group for bereaved parents. They meet every Tuesday at 9 PM eastern. "Death of an Older Child" on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 8:00-9:00PM. The directions to You Are Not Alone--YANA: Go To: Keywords Type in: PIN Click on: Member to Member icon Click on: Conference Center Select: Homefront Hall AOL Pregnancy and Infant Loss meets the first Tuesday of every month at 8 PM Eastern in the Homefront Hall. The directions: Go To: Keywords Type in: PIN Click on: Member to Member icon Click on: Conference Center Select: Homefront Hall Scheduled chats can also be found on IRC on Anothernet, channel #bereaved-parents IRC Chats Jennifer Roberts (parent) has been setting up an IRC site. You can check how that is coming. E-mail (James E.M. Roberts). These sites are (this is a random server and should be able to pick a server to connect you with AnotherNET) You will have to have or download IRC software. The software is mIRC, verson 4.1 (the final one). It is 570K. It is freeware for IBM compatible, zipped so you must unzip it. and can be downloaded from the WWW. Addresses (for the software) are: (You may also use Pirch. There is a button on my page to take you to download Pirch.)The program you want for Mac's is "ircle" (don't know the URL for that) When getting this loaded click on the file, 3rd icon from the left and it will give you a setup. Click on add server, give it a name, place one of the addresses above in the server line, and use either port 6667 or 7000. You may have to go into local info and enable the ident this is necessary to someand not to others. The channel Jennifer registered is #bereaved-parents. To get there, type: /join #bereaved-parents Any problems, e-mail Jennifer, who is very helpful.
On-line memorials, usually with instructions for including someone in the memorial listings 1. AIDS Memorial at The Body 2. Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Family Alliance Memorial Pages (out of Houston) 3. The Cemetery Gate - cost associated with listing 4. Cyber Eternal Life 5. Dearly Departed - no fee for listings, music 6. Eternal Flame Commemorative Memorial Site - memorials cost from listings for $10 to $100 and up. 7. Eternal Memories Memorials 8. Eternal Monuments in Cyberspace - provides web pages - most expensive 9. FuneralNet Death Notices- small charge for including photographs - listing for a few months only 10. Garden of Remembrance - small annual fee 11. The Goodbye Page - currently free, undergoing re-construction to be finished early 1997 12. Grief and Memorialization Information Center - run by Falk Funeral Home - 13. GriefNetMemorial Garden - free, but organization is a nonprofit, with need for contributions; site was NII finalist in 1996 or 14. In Loving Memory - originally a site for parents who lost all or their only children, now expanded for all bereaved parents, this site, which is maintained by parents Jim and Carol Hall, has a memorial listing available. 15. Internet Obituary Network - costs, based on words and photograph - listings for 1 year + four weeks 16. Memorial Gardens 17. Memorial Online - 18. Memories Forever Ours - costs $45 for setup and $18 a year 19. Obituary Page associated with Virtual Memorial Garden 20. Organ and Tissue Donor Memorial Pages 21. Perpetual Memorials - various prices from free temporary listing to permanent expensive web pages 22. A Place To Honor Grief - Tom Golden's Honor Page 23. Rose Garden - Prodigy site (you must be a Prodigy subscriber) for memorializations, updated with monthly information 24. Scouter's Memorial - youth and adult members of worldwide scouting movement memorialized. 25. Victims of Drunk Drivers Memorial Wall - no fee, donations requested. 26. Victims Place - Homicide Victims resources and memorial pages. Not many memorializations, but free listings offered. 27. Virtual AIDS Quilt 28. Virtual Heaven 29. Virtual Memorial Garden - no fee 30. Virtual Memorials 31. Web Memorial - unclear whether there is a cost 32. Heavenly Playground - a memorial site made especially for children 33. Inmemoria - a memorial site for any religous background
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