Roy Rogers Home Page

This page was created to tell about a Yorkshire Terrier
named Roy Rogers. Roy was born on January 24,1991.
We got him around May of that year. Since then Roy has
become the most spoiled dog in the world.

This is Roy; he was named after Roy Rogers.

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For those of you using Netscape Navigator, there is music on some of the pages within this website.
You may wish to download Crescendo Basic (Free) so that you may hear it play.

The above copyrighted "Frank and Ernest" comic strip (which appeared May7,2001) has been used with permission. You may check out more Frank and Ernest comics by going to

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This Yorkshire Terrier Web Ring site is
owned by Roy Rogers Home Page


Flipping Yorkie graphic used with permission of
Roy's friend,Jean. "T.P. Party" photo below is used in loving memory of
Jean's dogs, Pepper (the Yorkie), and Brandy (the Shih Tzu).

Our friends at Tuscarawas County Dog Pound want to remind you that they have adoptable dogs. The phone number there is (330) 339-2616. There are adoptable cats at the Cats 'N Us shelter at 829 Union Ave. in Dover. For more information call (330) 602-6762. The Tuscarawas County Humane Society address is Box 92, New Philadelphia, OH 44663. Their phone number is (330) 339-6436. This is Buddy, our "sister's" Eskimo dog (Would that make him Roy's and Dale's nephew?), whom she adopted. She has invested lots of love and patience in his care, and has received SO MUCH back!

The Happy Trails Children's Foundation takes a leadership role in partnership with the community to prevent child abuse. The foundation built the Cooper Home for severely abused and neglected children. There is a dire need for the services provided by the Cooper Home. Roy Rogers and Dale Evans-Rogers loved children and spent a lifetime devoted to children's charities, including the Happy Trails Children's Foundation.

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