New Yorkers for Companion Animals (NYCA)

New Yorkers for Companion Animals


What Is NYCA?

New Yorkers for Companion Animals is a not-for-profit 501-3C volunteer organization founded in 1994. Our purpose is to rescue and place in responsible, loving homes, cats and dogs usually saved from pounds or streets. Since our incorporation, NYCA has rescued, cared for and successfully adopted out over 3,000 cats and 200 dogs.

What is NYCA’s Mission?

Our goal is not only "quantity" adoptions, but quality as well. All applicants are screened before adoption. We look for people with a history of committed, responsible care of pets. Working with adopters, we try to "match" the appropriate cat or dog to the caregiver’s individual situation and needs. All NYCA pets are fully vaccinated, tested and usually neutered.

Where Are NYCA’s Animals from?

Almost all of NYCA pets are rescued from our city shelter system, the Center for Animal Care and Control. Due to the more than 60,000 lost, stray or abandoned pets coming into our city shelters each year, most (over 40,000) must be "euthanized" (killed) for lack of space. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of these cats and dogs are young, affectionate pets who have lost their homes due to caregiver problems (i.e. allergies, moving, illness, arrest or death.) NYCA tries to save as many deserving animals as possible. However, as we do not have a formal shelter, we are severely limited. We can only save those for whom we have available foster care or store space.

What is Foster Care?

Foster is temporary in home care of an adoptable cat, dog or kittens until NYCA is able to place the animal(s) in permanent adoptive homes. Fostering is critical to a rescue group’s abilities to save! Opening and running a formal shelter requires many thousands of dollars – a sum no small rescue group can muster. Foster care is often a wonderful option for those people in uncertain or transitional phases if life. One can enjoy the companionship of a pet without the 15-year commitment that responsible adoptions require.

What is Store Space?

NYCA shows cats for adoption in pet supply stores that are willing and kind enough to lend space for purposes of adoptions. One such store NYCA has worked with for over three years is Dogs, Cats and Co., 208 East 82nd St. in Manhattan. NYCA keeps several cats in this store Mondays- Saturdays. Interested potential adopters can view cats from 10am – 8pm, six days a week. One may call us at (212) 427-8273 to inquire on other adoption showings.  

What If A NYCA Adoption Doesn’t Work Out?

NYCA guarantees a full refund of adoption fee within 30 days if, for whatever reason an adoption fails to succeed. We also try (within reason) to take back animals after 30 days if an unsolvable problem occurs in adoptive home. But, there is no refund at such times. Adopters are always encouraged to call or e-mail us with any problems or questions. Although we are a "no-kill" organization, we trust and request people to take adoptions seriously and try to seek solution to any problems over return. Returned adoptions do translate into other animals dying for whom we cannot rescue due to lack of space.

Can NYCA Take in Strays or Pets Who Cannot Be Kept?

Those seeking to give up a pet not adopted from NYCA must call us to discuss problem and (or) proper procedure for relinquishment. NYCA sadly cannot take in every lost, abandoned or stray cat or dog. All animals accepted by us must first be fully examined by a vet, vaccinated, FeLv tested (cats only), neutered and temperament evaluated.

How Does One Volunteer for NYCA?

Our greatest needs are for people who can foster a needy cat or dog. We also need dedicated help in promotions, fundraising and showing cats for adoptions through the stores we work with. In order to volunteer, one must be committed, reliable and experienced with cats or dogs. Please call us for details.

Does NYCA Provide Low Cost Spay/Neuter Services?

Responsible caregivers seeking to neuter their pets can obtain low cost services through the Have A Heart spay neuter Clinic, 352 East 52nd Street. The cost is $25.00 for a cat and $35.00 for a dog. Call (212) 977-6877 for further info and appointments.

Where Can One Adopt Puppies/Dogs?

Beautiful, loving and young puppies, dogs, kittens and cats are available 7 days a week (11am- 6pm) at the CACC, 326 East 110th Street. You may visit or call the shelter for further information (212) 722-3620.

Is NYCA On The Internet?

NYCA keeps an updated list with pictures of animals currently up for adoption on our web page One can also e-mail us at

New Yorkers for Companion Animals, Inc.

(212) 427-8273