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Is June really "Adopt a Cat" month? One would think it was "Dump a Cat" month by both the calls to this organization and the sheer volume of cats, dogs, nursing mothers and kittens flooding into the Center for Animal Care and Control in New York City.
It is sad when major articles appear in newspapers or magazines (such as "Parade"), they never seem to mention the animals needing homes and help in our animal control shelters like the CACC which takes in over 60,000 abandoned pets and strays a year. Nor, do they ask for or offer help to the many small rescue groups (like ours) which have to take so many "dump calls" each day with almost no offers for help, foster or donations. As such, we are extremely strapped and LIMITED in the number of animals we can board or otherwise, take in. Mostly, we are forced to play the role of "Messenger of Bad News:" "We can't take the pet you no longer want (but don't want 'killed') and don't know anyone who can."
Today, I had more than a dozen calls which I had to deliver the above message to.....
The woman seeking to dump her cat due to "having a baby" called me "rude" when I suggested to her that was not a viable reason to abandon a pet. She then told me she was "also moving" and would call other organizations. Whatever.....
The man who called about the Persian cat he took from friends (who were going to have the cat destroyed because they got a dog and the two animals did not get along) did not wait for me to get back to him, after I had to answer another dump call. He had told me he needed to "get rid of" the cat because the "thing" did not like him. "It" hissed and attempted to scratch him. I told him that is normal for a cat he only had 2 days: "Please, sir, try to realize we are talking about an animal here with feelings of fear and disorientation after being abandoned, not a "thing" or computer chip we can program. He needs time and understanding."
Then there was the man who called "desperate" because he was moving out of the country "TODAY" and needs to find a place for his cat. I agreed to board the cat if he would pay two weeks of boarding fees. He agreed and arranged to meet me at the boarding facility at 2:30 in the afternoon. I went to "Run Spot Run" and waited an hour for him, but the man never showed up with "Princess" or even bothered to call to cancel. My message to him asking what he did with Princess went unreturned.....
While I waited at the boarding facility for the man who never showed up with his cat, a woman left a ten-minute rambling message on my answering machine thereby running out the tape and preventing other calls (maybe I should be grateful for that)? Her message was that she was "interested" in one of the cats we have for adoption. But, first she has to "find a home" for a Persian she has who is too "rough" with her other cat. I didn't bother to call that one back....
Then there were the assorted "moving," "allergies" and calls telling me about the strays in their neighborhood. One woman told me she brought home a stray dog she couldn't keep. She expected us to run out and pick up the dog. Another caller asked if I have fosters for her cats while she goes away. Such people think "foster" means free boarding services. Talk about "naive!"
Finally, it is not just the "dump calls," but the dump emails as well. Coming online this morning, I find this among "NYFCA" emails:
<< Subject: my cat
Date: 6/4/03 1:02:35 Eastern Daylight Time
From: suny31@msn.com
To: NYFCA@aol.com
In a message dated 6/4/03 1:02:35 AM Eastern Daylight Time, suny31@msn.com writes:
I would like to know, what can I do with my cat. I love my cat Mickey very much because I have him since he was very little , however, I can take care him anymore because my sister is living with me ,and she is getting allergy and other health problem just because my cat. my sister does not have place where she can go. so I would like to find shelter for mickey. I do not want anybody kill him. I also want to know, if you can pick up because he is too big and fat. please, let me know what can I do. I will appreciate any information. att. carmen thank you. I want to hear from you. >>
Can anybody help this lady? I am out of words to say......
I am writing this message and asking that it be circulated to all Tri-State animal friendly sites as the CACC is BEGGING for help and responsible adopters and rescue for numerous abandoned cats, kittens, moms and litters and dogs. There are presently few, if any empty cages AT ALL for the new animals coming into CACC. Most CACC calls to rescue and no-kill shelters have either not been returned or returned with, "We are full and cannot take." Despite all the PR campaigns and slogans, the reality is that June seems to be "Dump a Pet Month." Summer is indeed very cruel and THIS is only beginning for our companion pets. I wish some TV news show or other media outlet would do a "story" on how "Personal Responsibility" seems something severely lacking in our culture now -- especially when it comes to companion dogs and cats.
If you can help in ANY way, (including donations) please contact either our organization, "New Yorkers for Companion Animals" at (212) 427-8273 or the CACC directly. The Brooklyn CACC is (718) 272-7200. Ask for Michelle or Ben. The Manhattan CACC is (212) 722-3630. Ask for "Cindy."
Let's try to work together to turn the "cruel summer" of dumps, ignorance and animal abandonment into one of cooperation, caring, GIVING, rescue and yes, responsible Adoption.
Thanks for any help you or others can offer.
Patty Adjamine, Director of New Yorkers for Companion Animals
or email to NYFCA@aol.com