I goofed... I deleted my Index for this page and am just getting it all back together... please be patient and return soon. Thanks !!!


came to live with us when he was 9 weeks old. I have the world's worst sweet tooth so it was only fitting that our first Labrador be a chocolate. It was not intended that he be shown when we purchased him. He was a result of much research due to the horrible experience with our first Lab we had gotten at the local pet store 2 years earlier.

I had been traveling to the shows for quite some time with friends that showed Great Danes. They finally talked me into entering him in a show. When he took BOB from the classes for a 4 point major, I was hooked! Over the years we have bred and acquired more blacks than chocolates (some say we have just come to our senses!)

There have been so many wonderful dogs we have known throughout the years. Some have been very successful in the show ring as well as made a great impact on our breeding program. Others have simply been good friends and all have their own special place in our hearts. The following are some of our favorites.

Some of my friends are on-line with their own home pages so please have a nice visit with them>

Labrador-H Home Page
Sedgehaven Labradors (Barbara Novick)

Rochar Labradors (Rita Wagoner)

Fawnhaven Labradors (Barbara Ironside)

Dickendall Labradors (Kendall Herr)

Wingmaster Labradors (Winnie Limbourne)

Blue Knight Labradors (Dian Welle)

Ms T's Labradors (Terry McFadden)

Labrador Clubs

Papago Labrador Retriever Club of Greater Phoenix

Miami Valley Labrador Retriever Club
High Desert Labrador Retriever Club

Greater Atlanta Labrador Retriever Club

Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Club

Huron River LRC

Labrador Retriever Club of S. CA

Shawnee Mission LRC

Feel free to email me!