Total: 59 guests
Name: Sandy Mason
Website: Satindolly's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sioux Falls, SD
Time: 1997-04-14 03:49:00
Comments: I loved your page! You put a lot of work into it and it shows! I have a new business site, I locate banks for people who are having a hard time getting credit cards. It is also a very fun, easy, and free way to start your own business on the net! Won't make you rich quick, but a couple of hundred dollars a month for a couple of hours playing on the computer isn't hard to take! Check it out for yourself, what do you have to lose except a couple of minutes! Thanks!

Name: molly b.
Website: Molly's Lounge
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: santa fe, nm
Time: 1997-04-13 15:29:00
Comments: i'll sign yr's if you sign mine...

Name: Scarlett
Website: Scarlets Page!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Kentucky
Time: 1997-04-11 07:11:00
Comments: Hi there! I am not quite sure how I got here! *L* But I'm glad I did! I just loved your "tribute page" and your homepage is just beautiful! Stop by my page and get to know me!

Name: Harmony
Website: Harmony's Hideaway
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Toledo, Ohio
Time: 1997-04-10 23:05:00
Comments: Hey there girlie! I don't know exactly how I got here, but I'm here now! I thought I would sign your page and say hey. Drop me a line sometime and let me know what's up. I miss talking to you...Hope things with you are good and I hope to talk to you soon Love, Harmony aka Kate Libby/Poppy

Name: Steph
Website: Stephs Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-04-10 08:27:00
Comments: This Page is just beautiful. Loved the links and the graphics..very nice layout. *S* I'm in the tub sometimes so say hi if you see me there!!!

Name: Suzie
Website: Suzie's Kingdom
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Guelph Ontario
Time: 1997-04-09 17:31:00
Comments: Loved the Page.......come check out mine sometime!!

Name: Kevin Hayden
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Air Liquide
Time: 1997-04-08 18:38:00
Comments: How the heck did I get here?

Name: Adamus
Website: Adamus' wicked webpage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hollandia
Time: 1997-04-07 23:55:00
Comments: Hi there! A quick message from your chatfriend Adamus. We haven't seen eachother in the 'house for a while, but I'll try to be in there more often.......always a pleasure to chat with you......*HUGGERZ*

Name: lawless lady
Website: lawless lady's place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Toronto
Time: 1997-04-04 15:23:00
Comments: Claire, great page... love the colours.. we always seem to miss each other in the Tub... I'm sorry about that too... You are are not partial.. your girls ARE beautiful! *hugs* until next time...

Name: HairBear
Website: I don't have one, I'm sorry!!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Anderson, Indiana
Time: 1997-03-27 23:40:00
Comments: I feel so guilty ccause I dopn't have a page of my own!!!

Name: Jessica... aka Ångel of Music
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hmmm....Some might say the net..**L**....but I'm from Indiana.....Hicksville USA..**giggling**
Time: 1997-03-27 23:35:00
Comments: Claire you are one hell of a person....I have seen you go from a sweet nice gal to one that sometimes shocks the hell out of me..*giggling*....Seriously though you're a wonderful gal and I'm glad that through all we've been through we are still friends.....What you said about me being your little cybersister well that's is one of the sweetest things anyone's ever said to me.......Also you just remember I'm ALWAYS here for you whenever you need a friend or a shoulder or an ear...*big smile*...Clairey Beary you're a great person and DON'T ever change.....*HUGE HUGS*...****S****

Name: Jamie Ballinger AKA Erotica2u
Website: Welcome to Wayne and Jamie's Homepage!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mason OH, but right now I am going to college here in Alaska.
Time: 1997-03-23 18:16:00
Comments: Hey there girl! Great homepage! I just wanted to thanks you for teaching me so much, with my homepage and in the chathouse. You are a sweetie! you taught me how to post pictures, write in color, bold, etc., you taught me how to get my own guestbook and counter from geocities, etc. The list goes on and on. You are a true friend. Maybe some day we can actually meet in person, but until then see ya in the chathouse. Jamie AKA Erotica2u

Name: Louie
Website: Louis's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ohio
Time: 1997-03-22 18:25:00
Comments: Really like your page. Hope to meet you and your hubby on the chats one day! I'll be visiting often!

Name: Mike Huard
Website: Human Tripe and Islets of Langerhans for the Curious
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: A Land Called Massachusetts
Time: 1997-03-22 15:29:00
Comments: Wally & Family, Great Web Page! I LOVED IT! I'd like to see what ole' Wally looks like these days though... how about a close up? Keep up the good work. I'll be sure to check back again! M

Name: K. P. Chong
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Singapore
Time: 1997-03-21 02:45:00
Comments: Found your web site from someone guestbook and so I surfed in.

Wow ! You really did put a lot of efforts in developing your site.The interface is carefully choosen to bring out the content of your presentation. I like your choice of background too. Anyway, I have bookmarked your page for further exploration.

Hope you could visit me at Web Friend Exchange. Very best on your homepages.

Web Friend Exchange

Name: WagsBJ
Website: N/A
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: DUH!!!!!
Time: 1997-03-20 04:05:00
Comments: Whoa!!! Like you can't imagine

Name: Ben Porter
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Holland
Time: 1997-03-17 17:38:00
Comments: Too cool for a truck drivers wife. LMAO Ben

Name: KCJonz
Website: KCJonz'Musical Train Ride
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Never Ever Land
Time: 1997-03-11 02:11:00
Comments: Claire. Very nice page, but you have me in the wrong section. Links up babe. *S* Just thought I'd cruise on by and drop a line *S* Take care. KC

Name: Normajeane
Website: Norma Jeane's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: The Hot Tub
Time: 1997-03-08 11:40:00
Comments: Hey ~Claire! Well, you visited MY home page, so it's only fair that I visit yours! You'll have to tell me some tricks to getting cool stuff put on my page. I don't have much time to work on it, so it's coming along a bit slowly! Thanks for checking it out anyway! Hope to see you soon! *hugs* Love, Normajeane

Name: Ron Ewing @ ARCO...your husband delivers to us..
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Bellingham, WA..All my life (50 years!!)
Time: 1997-03-06 22:05:00
Comments: You have a great husband...I'm always happy to see him. He usually doesn't have much time to chat. He is always on the go. He told me about your homepage. So we checked it out here at work. Cool.....Claire! Nice job. Regards, Ron Ewing

Name: **MASK**
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: the other side of your world *L*
Time: 1997-03-05 22:53:00
Comments: *CT* you are a great friend ....who is my all time fav !! we shared some great times with laffs and other wild things *L* hope we have many more great moments together......... thinking hell we can't have many more bad ones *L* hugs !!

Name: Jessica
Website: Jessica's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Indiana
Time: 1997-03-01 10:14:00
Comments: Hi! Saw that you had signed by guestbook so I thought I would come check out your HP. It is pretty good. Like you said......doesn't take long to load and is simple and to the point! You are right......they are beautiful. *another proud Mom smile* Although we have never talked maybe we will someday.

Name: bLink
Website: How to be cool
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Jagumba
Time: 1997-03-01 08:41:00
Comments: Dear Claire... hope you are having an abolutely fine time. *lots of greets

Name: Mr.Bo Jangle's
Website: Humble Pie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada(near Toronto)
Time: 1997-03-01 06:35:00
Comments: thought I'd return the visit! stealing beer eh? *L* liked your page as well!! see ya round the house! *S*

Name: Beautiful Star
Website: Where the Stars are Bright
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: My Guestbook
Time: 1997-02-28 20:17:00
Comments: Hey Claire! Great work on your HP! Keep up the great work! Hope to chat with you soon in the 'cuzzi! Love & Peace, Beautiful Star

Name: D-DOG
Website: It's weird
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Northern California
Time: 1997-02-27 02:13:00
Comments: Wassup girl---just sayin Hello and givin you what you wanted!!*S* See Ya soon!

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