Sorry about the loading time. I think it's worth the wait though.
I hope you do too.
Don't forget to sign my guestbook please.

Hi everybody
Welcome to my little piece of the cyber world.
This page will be changing all the time, so please have some patience with me. *S*

First of all, I'd like to say that I've met quite a few interesting people on the net. I've made quite a few good friends, some great friends, and hopefully no enemies.
(I'll name names later on down the line) *L*

As far as real life goes.....I'm 34, married to Wallmeister for 13 years now, and have
2 beautiful little girls ages 5 & 8. Hey....I'm not partial, they really ARE beautiful! *L*
Us 3 "girls" taken 10/96,
or check out the latest picture taken on 8/22/97. One of us has changed a bit. *L*
Stop by and check out their new page. K-doo & Kalico's page
We live in Washington state. I've been here all my life. I love it here!
Oh sure...we get a little rain sometimes, but what the hell.... ya' can't have it all.

I'm a stay-at-home Mom & housewife for right now.
I'm planning on going back to school once I get my youngest daughter
through kindergarten and into the first grade.
BOTH of my girls are the lights of my world. I'm VERY proud of them.
My husband is a truck driver. That's how I got "hooked" on the net, waiting for him to get home nights. It's a little nerve wracking knowing that he's hauling around liquid oxygen and nitrogen.
Chatting helps pass the time till he gets home.
We have 2 dogs now, Claire & Bart. (so now you know how I got my handle *L*)
I love full moons....there's just something magical about them.
I love Steve Perry & Journey! *S*

And I LOVE to laugh and to make people laugh.
Here's something I thought was funny. I hope you do too.
"You know you need a life when...."

OK, that's all ya' need to know about me real time.
If ya' wanna know more, just ask....if I know you well enough, I'll usually tell more. *L*

I spend almost all of my time chatting in Chat house, usually in the hot tub.
If I'm not in the tub, you can usually find me in the jacuzzi.
If ya' can't find me there....I don't wanna be found. *LOL*

Friends' links
Adamus *hugs*
Allnighter *hugs*
Astrocreep *hugs*
Betsy & Nuts *hugs*
Blink *hugs*
Blueman *GRIN*
Boomer *HUGE HUGS*
Brandywine *HUGS*
Caine *Love ya' bro!*
Caress of Steel *hugs*
Catrina *hugs*
cheryred *HUGS*
Cool Water *hugs*
Dazed & Confused *hugs*
diamond *HUGS*
Drunk *hugs & bwsk*
Erotica2U *huge huggies*
Gestalt *HUGE HUGS*
*Humby* *HUGE HUGS*
Jessica *HUGE Clairey Beary HUGS*

Jersey Ed *hugs*
KC Jonz *huge hugs*
lawless lady *hugs*
luckylady *HUGS*

**MASK** *CT hugs*
Marillion *wink*
Musical *hugs*
Myst-ified *HUGE HUGS*

NightShift *hugs*
NB Jimmy *hugs*
Novacane *hugs*
Pamphylos *hugs*
Pheonix-1 *hugs*
Philo *HUGS*
pookie *tight hugs*
Ramses *hugs*
Redhead *jygundus hugs*
Roo Burger *hugs*
Sabby *HUGE Bear HUGS*
Sneak Attack *hugs*
Spud *sisterly hugs*
TLC *huge hugs*
Tuesy & Bender *HUGS*

Friends without links .....
"eyes" (my idol) & ZZ~~Raw Iron~~Big Daddy Wags~~ Romantic(M)~~
igloo2~~ Juice~~Arkansas Traveler & Red~~sirendr~~mad hippie~~
Wiley~~MISTIE-girl~~ Mussel Man~~Poppy~~
~~Ariel~~smeagol~~New York Guy~~

*And a special mention for "jewel" who introduced me to chat house*

Please stop by and check out my special friends' tribute.
Special People

If your name isn't on here, please don't be offended.
I've been rather lazy and haven't been updating enough.

PLEASE help bring a loved one home.

Links to other sites on the Web

Chat house
firefly chat
The Park
Aptiva Support
Art Bell
Animated Gifs

Some people may say it's naivete,
others might call it gullibility,
I like to call it looking on the bright side.
Let's just say that my glass is usually "half full".

Please take just another minute or two and sign my guestbook.
( nice please. *L*)

Say what ya' wanna say.... Sign My Guestbook
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    Thank you!

    This page created on an and best viewed with

    You are # to visit this page since February 24th 1997.

    Chatters lingo....*L* = laughing. *LOL* = laughing out loud. *LMAO* = laughing my ass off.
    *ROTFLMAO* = rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. *S* = smile. *G* = grin.
    *EG* = evil grin. *WG*=Wicked Grin.

    I found this gif in my guest book, didn't know where to put it, but HAD to have it. *L*

    Thank you Alrick!

    Special thanks goes to GEOCITIES for making this page possible.

    What'd ya' think? There was something else down here?
    Fooled ya' huh? *LMAO*