High School
of 1964
The Wilcox High School (of Santa Clara, California) Reunion Comittee would like to maintain a current mailing list of all the Grads of 1964 (Wilcox's First Graduating Class).
We try to have a small reunion every year and larger get togethers for milestone years, Every Grad (and Teacher) is welcome at every reunion. To do this, we need Grads who are not currently on the mailing list to fill out an online form so we can update our database.
If you didn't get a reunion notice over the summer, you're not on the list! Please fill out this form so we can keep you informed of future reunions!
Thanks for your help,
Your "Class of 1964" Wilcox Reunion Comittee:
Sandy Bacher Reed, Ralph Jacob, Cheryl Larson Vettel, Bob Lowry, Linda Martin Bentson, Karen McFalls Maxwell, Richard Prioste, Jeanette Weinhausen Shields, and Allen Weitzel.
HTML layout by Tod Weitzel of the Weirdness Factory