Hello there! I'd like to extend my sincerest welcome to my homepage! I know there isn't much to entertain yourself with on here but cut me some slack, I'm Internet impaired. My brother pretty much did this whole thing....so blame him! Give me some time. I'm working on it. 
My E-mail!
I know what you are thinking! You are wondering if you actually have the privilege to e-mail me personally! Well, guess what!?! You do! Now you are probably thinking, "How!?I" Well, I think I can help you out there! All you have to do is click the cute little mailbox following this sentence.  See, that wasn't such a traumatic experience afterall, now was it?

Since I'm new to cyber-space, I don't really have that many links to share. However, the few that I do have are yours! Here they are:

Nathan's Homepage: This is my brother's home page! He is the one who is making this page up for me. What a wonderful guy (Yes, he is the one typing this).

Most of my friends don't even know how to turn a computer on. And, those that do, don't have homepages yet. But, when they do, I will put them up!


Below are links concerning my interests. Luckily I have enough to make up for the few links I have concerning my computer illiterate friends:

Dominick Dunne(My favorite author)

Check out my Alaska page!  I went to a mission trip there!
Download the special GeoCities version of Microsoft Internet 
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