My Family's Home Page and Midi File

Welcome To My Home Page

My beautiful 16 year old Daughter and My Handsome 11 year old Son.If you would like to see some of our wedding pictures just click on the photo of the children.

Welcome to my homepage. I must warn you...this is my first attempt at a web page. I will be adding to my page, so please stop back by and visit again. And for all of you that are Moody Bluesfans here are some midi files just for you.

I was located in the heart of Charlotte County, Florida. For those of you wishing to visit this glorious state, make sure you bring plenty of cash, some credit cards and be willing to pawn your wedding rings and anything else of value. You should be forewarned that you might also need to donate your first-born since some counties are more expensive than others. Of course, you could always buy certain items tax free from some of our indian reservations. However, since many of these reservations have alligator shows and keep a number of these gorgeous beasts around their houses as pets, you might be advised to watch your step. More then one visitor has mistaken a wild alligator for a house-broken one and had to drive home with only one hand. As a general rule, the once endangered gator is now used to control the population of many areas where man hunts gator while being hunted by them at the same time.

Florida is a state where politics are taken seriously. Everyone in this great state feels free to express their views about canidates and issues around election time and one or two of them even know what they are talking about - unless they happen to be one of those canidates running for office. Like many politicians, our elected officials are proud of the way they keep criminals off of the streets. Of course, that usually involves them going to jail themselves. And speaking of jails - Florida's prison system is unique. The inmates have it so good that they often refuse to leave when their sentence is up - causing the correctional staff to have to use force to put them outside the gates. Then they turn around and sue the officers for using force on them because they technically weren't inmates since their sentence was up before the force was used. Hell, Florida is the only state I know of where people try to break INTO prison.

I would like to say thankyou to a special friend and now my husband for all his hard work and patience he had, helping me with my homepage and letting me copy his midi page. Thank You Pierre-Paul Je t'Aime! One other thing please do not link back to these or other pages you find on the web, it really slows things down

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions about Florida - or any of the numerous subjects that I am well versed about - please feel free to E-Mail me. After all, I know a whole lot about nothing and can tell you about anything that I don't know. And comming soon everything you ever wanted to know about Canada but were afraid to ask.Thankyou for visisting my home page and hope that you enjoyed you stay. Dottie.


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