Welcome to Barbara's Homepage!

Make yourself at home.

Welcome to my homepage.  Things are finally looking better around here.
I've got four of my family trees here now...located on the
Heiland Genealogy page; the King Genealogy page; the Padget
Genealogy Page; and the Atchison Genealogy Page.
Good Luck to all my fellow genealogists!
I'm researching many lines, including Atchison, Childress,
Davis, Green, Heiland, Herrmann, King, McBay, Padget, Petty,
Stewart, Taylor and Williams, to name a few. If you don't
see all of those names on my genealogy pages, contact me
for further information.
I also like science fiction, i.e. Star Trek (all shows and movies) & Star Wars. I'm also a Beanie Baby collector.

I also like the television show "JAG" which which stars David James Elliot and is about the Judge Advocate General's Office in the United States Navy.
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Thanks for stopping by. If you have any helpful hints or something to add to my homepage, please let me know at captaink@earthlink.net.

© 1997 captaink@earthlink.net

©1997 B.Heiland
Claudia's Page Pam & Red's Home Page & Genealogy Charlene's Home Page
Heiland Genealogy Page King Genealogy Page Padget Genealogy Page
Atchison Genealogy Page My Pictures Page Best Genealogy Links
Genealogy Resources Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites


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