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Welcome To The Davis Website

It's been along time, over two years, since I have updated this page.....I appreciate all of the emails over the past 2 years. I apologize for not answering all of them. With all that has happened in the United States over the past two years and as busy as I have been, I have had no time to devote to family research. There is much data here and you are all welcome to use it. I will try and update my site in the near future. Please use my new email address down at the bottom of the page.

God Bless America......

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    Hi....I'm Roy Davis, I was born in Portland, Maine in 1960.

Served almost 14 years in the United States Navy as an

   Aerograhers Mate. My last duty station was on the Island of

Guam in which I spent almost 8 years.

      I participated in the 50th Anniversary of the Liberation of

     Guam Ceromonies and helped piece together a WWII museum    

      designed especially for the survivors of the landing which took

place in 1944.

That museum still stands today.



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I now live in Colorado Springs, Colorado with my wife Ok Chung

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She was born in The Republic of South Korea.

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This is a picture of.....


My home for almost 8 years.


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What I have done here is probably a little different than alot of other sites that you may have visited.  I have included not only the males in each family, but the females as well and how they relate. Many times the females may have come from a more colorful family. I have also included not only grandparents, but  have included their brothers and sisters and in most cases, their brothers and sisters as well. So as you will see this site branches out enormously. This will give people that view this site not only the opportunity to see my  family history but also make some sort of connection to my distant aunts, uncles, and cousins (no matter how many times removed) any way.... here goes........................


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Estabrook of Enfield, England, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Jemseg, New Brunswick, Canada, and Houlton, Maine, sometimes spelled Easterbrook, Easterbrookes, Easterbrooke, Estabrooke, Estabrookes, Estabrooks, and Estbrok, beginning with Joseph A. Estabrook born 1610 Suffolk, England.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Gilman of Norfolk, Hingham, England and Hingham, Massachusetts, sometimes spelled Gilemyn, Gilmyn, and Cilmin, beginning with Cilmin-Troed-Dhu born around 800 AD.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Davis of Virginia and Northampton County, North Carolina, beginning with Edward Davis Sr. born about 1726 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Piland of Northampton County, North Carolina beginning with Stephen Piland born abt 1770 in Virginia. Sometimes spelled Pylant and Pilant.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Taylor of Northampton County, North Carolina, beginning with Nathaniel Taylor born in Northampton County, North Carolina in 1827. Also William Taylor line of Northampton County, North Carolina.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Scott of Canada and Houlton, Maine, beginning with Alexander Scott born in Onslow, Nova Scotia in 1781.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Hasty of Northampton County, North Carolina, beginning with Wesley Hasty sometimes spelled Hastie, Haystey, Hastey, born in Northampton County, North Carolina in 1820. Also researching Samuel T. Hasty, Henry Hasty, and Andrew Jackson Hasty.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Liles of Surry County, Virginia and Northampton County, North Carolina, sometimes spelled Lyle, Lyles, Lisle, and De Lisle. Beginning with Henry Lyles born in Virginia.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Deloatch of Northampton County, North Carolina, sometimes spelled De Loach and Des Loges, beginning with Michel Des Loges born in England or France in 1645.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Powell of Northampton County, North Carolina, beginning with Jacob Powell born unknown, died about 1781 in Northampton County, North Carolina.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Lincoln of Norfolk, Hingham, England and Hingham, Massachusetts, beginning with Richard Lincoln from England. Richards Son Edward married Bridget Gilman.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Hammond of Marblehead, Massachusetts, beginning with Philip Hammond born in Marblehead Massachusetts in 1690.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Daniel of Massachusetts, beginning with Robert Daniel born in England in 1592. This line leads into President William Howard Tafts line.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Sappier (St.Pierre) of New Brunswick, Canada and Houlton, Maine beginning with Hannah Sappier who was a Maliseet (Malacite Indian) born in New Brunswick, Canada in 1840...........I could really use more info on any Sappiers you might have.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Desvaux out of Normandy, France, Quebec Canada, Eel River, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, Houlton Maine and Portland, Maine, sometimes spelled Deveau, Devou, Desvaux, Deveaux, Devo, Devaux, Devost, Devot, Devots and Devoe, beginning with Thomas Desvaux born in Normandy France.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Glasher of Massachusetts, New Brunswick, Canada and Houlton, Maine, beginning with John Glasher born in Woburn, Middelsex County, Massachusetts/England in 1637, sometimes spelled Glazier, Glaser and Glasier. This line will lead into Ralph Waldo Emersons line and President William Howard Tafts line.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Maguire of New Brunswick, Canada and Houlton, Maine, sometimes spelled McGuire, beginning with William James Maguire born in New Brunswick, Canada in 1853. I need more info on this Maguire line


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Dube of Quebec, New Brunswick and France, sometimes spelled Dubay.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Everett of New Brunswick, Canada and Houlton, Maine, beginning with John Everett born in Millbrook, Bedfordshire, England in 1762.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Mason of England and Massachusetts, beginning with Capt. Hugh Mason born in England in 1606.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Wells of England, beginning with Thomas Wells born in Malden, Essex, England in 1539.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Leavitt of England and Massachusetts, sometimes spelled Levet, Levit, Lovit and Levett, beginning with William Levett born in England in 1448.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Johnson of Northampton County, North Carolina, beginning with Benjamin Johnson born about 1725 in Virginia/North Carolina?......I could use any additional info on this name.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Sykes of England, Isle of  Wight County, Virginia and Northampton County, North Carolina, sometimes spelled Sikes, beginning with Thomas Sykes Sr. born in England about 1660.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Emerson of Rysome Manor Hollington, Yorkshire, England beginning with George Emerson born about 1490. This line will lead into the Ralph Waldo Emerson line and the William Howard Taft line.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Allens of Northampton County, North Carolina beginning with Nathaniel Allen born 1785. Need Info on Nathaniel Allen.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Brewster beginning with Elizabeth born 1584.

   It doesn't appear Elizabeth is related to the Mayflower Brewsters.


Bullet20.gif (950 bytes)Tyners of Northampton County, North Carolina, sometimes spelled Tiner.


Other names I am researching are as follows: Boone of Northampton County, North Carolina, Edwards of Northampton County, North Carolina, White of New Limerick, Maine, and Grant of New Limerick, Maine. Tidd of Houlton, Maine, Sherman out of Maine and Canada, Pike of Massachusetts, and the Morse surname.


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Some of the links on this page may not be up and running as I am still working on updating information. I have been very busy over the last two years and have been delayed in getting this site up and running 100%. I am little by little going to start updating....I HOPE!

Thank you for your patience.


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