Joanne's Favourite "Aussie"
Here is my favourite 'Aussie' singer......John Farnham! One of the BEST male voices in Australia! If you click on his picture it will take you to another site, where you'll find lots of things about him.
John Farnham celebrated 30 years of being in the entertainment field in 1997. He put out three great CD's to celebrate this great ACHIEVEMENT. Let's hope there will be quite a lot more to come!
I would like to personally CONGRATULATE John, for all the great pleasure his has given to all of his Australian fans, also his many fans overseas!
John, I can honestly say is a real 'down-to-earth' person to EVERYBODY he meets!
Now he's 50! But I can believe it!
As he's still going strong!
July 1st, 1999.
(Thanks for the photo Lyn! Taken at the Adelaide Concert)
This picture was taken by my friend, Liz, when we both went to see John receive the 'key-to-the-city' on his Birthday, in Melbourne. It was a GREAT DAY!
Here I am about to put a message on the Birthday Card! This picture is one of my better angles - my back -! Ho, Ho.
Click on this photo for the Web Ring
Created by: Joanne Van Den
© February 24, 1998 Joanne Van Den Eynden, Glen Iris, Victoria, Australia
Last updated: July 1, 1999