The thirteenth annual anniversary Robertson family reunion of the descendants of James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885) and (1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860) and (2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909) will be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, in October 2009 in Oklahoma. Details will be posted later
The twelveth annual anniversary Robertson family reunion of the descendants of James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885) and (1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860) and (2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909) will be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 25, 26, 27, 2008 in Decatur Texas.
The eleventh annual anniversary Robertson family reunion of the descendants of James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885) and (1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860) and (2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909) will be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 25, 26, 27, 2007 in Booneville, Mississippi.
The special tenth annual anniversary Robertson family reunion of the descendants of James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885) and (1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860) and (2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909) will be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 26, 27, 28, in Elk City, Oklahoma, at the Ramada Inn.
This reunion will be dedicated in memory of Annie Louise Robertson Estes (1918-2006).
James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885)
(1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860)
(2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909)
James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885)
(1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860)
(2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909)
The gate to the national cemetery.
Confederate monument, with flag, near burial trench.
John Strachan at pulpit inside replica of the Shiloh Church.
Outside of replica Shiloh Church.
Shiloh National Military Park was established in 1894 to preserve the scene of the first major battle in the Western theater of the Civil War. The two-day battle, April 6 and 7, 1862, involved about 65,000 Union and 44,000 Confederate troops. This battle resulted in nearly 24,000 killed, wounded, and missing. It proved to be a decisive victory for the federal forces when they advanced on and seized control of the Confederate railway system at Corinth, Mississippi. The battlefield contains about 4,000 acres and has within its boundaries the Shiloh National Cemetery along with the well preserved prehistoric Indian mounds that are listed as a historic landmark. The park is located in Hardin County, on the west bank of the Tennessee River, and about nine miles south of Savannah, Tennessee.
James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885)
(1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860)
(2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909)
The seventh annual reunion of the descendants of James Harlow Robertson and (1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson and (2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson will be held October 16, 17, 18, 2003, at the Best Western motel, in Altus, Oklahoma. Please be reminded that this is a different place than where we met the last time we were in Altus. The Best Western is located north on US 283 from the Altus downtown square.
A block of rooms is reserved which will be held for us until around September 16. Rooms rates will be $53 plus tax. A complimentary breakfast bar will be available for those staying at the motel. Please mention that you will be with the Robertson Reunion and make your reservations early by contacting:
Thursday, October 16, cousins arrival and motel check-in, reunion registration, announcements, and visiting new and old cousins. Meals on your own.
Friday, October 17, breakfast bar, view family records and photos, visiting, and free time. Lunch on your own and dinner at The Pantry (tea room).
Saturday morning, October 18, breakfast bar; 9:00 a.m. or sooner, announcements; 10:00 a.m. memorial service in the Foyer at the First Baptist Church, and lunch at the Hamburger Inn in Mangum at 1:00 p.m. Sigh the desert sign-up sheet for your choice of deserts.
Saturday afternoon, October 18, in Mangum at 2:30 p.m., dedication of the marker to commemorate and honor Nathaniel Whitfield Robertson and Sarah Olive Jones Robertson to be placed in the Hall of Fame field, which is next to the Old Greer County Museum building in Mangum.
After the marker dedication, the wreath will be placed at the Robertson plots in the cemetery at Reed.
Saturday evening, October 18, The Last Supper, place and time, will be announced later.
Sunday morning, October 19, HAVE A SAFE TRIP HOME!!!
Remember to bring your brief family history or a family story so you can receive a copy of the Robertson Family booklet when it is finished. Your submission should be typewritten, double spaced, and only two pages, preferably. You may submit more than one history or story.
A variety of activities is being planned that will interest everyone. Please tell all the cousins about the reunion and encourage them to meet us in Altus. Of course, bring your favorite photographs and records for all to see.
For questions, comments, suggestions, etc. please contact:
(before May 21) (after May 21 till October 1) Jim & Jo Ann Robertson Jim & Jo Ann Robertson 1107 N. West Street P. O. Box 484 Cordell, Oklahoma 73632 Guadalupita, New Mexico 87722 (580) 832-2888 (505) 387-2328 E-Mail: E-Mail:
James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885)
(1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860)
(2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909)
The sixth annual reunion of the descendants of James Harlow Robertson and (1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson and (2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson will be held October 3-5, 2002 in Decatur, Texas
We have reserved a block of rooms at the Ramada Inn at Decatur. The management of the hotel has given us special rates for the renunion. Rooms will be $63 plus tax ($71.19). They have a continental breadfast, indoor heated pool and hot tub, game room, coin operated laundry, meeting room, and many other amenities. Reservations may be made by contacting:
A block of twenty rooms has been reserved and will be held until September 3, 2002 for the reunion; more can be reserved if needed, but reservations should be made as soon as possible. Mention "Robertson Reunion" when calling. Please pass along this information to all your "cousins". We can't enjoy seeing and visiting with you if you aren't there. The more the merrier. We hope to see you there.
RV hook-ups are available at Shady Oaks R.V. Park. The campground is located six miles north of Decatur on highway 81/287. Rates are $15 a day. For reservations, call (940) 627-8447.
Scheduled activities will begin Thursday evening at the Ramada Meeting Room/Lobby area with family visitation. Plans are being made to visit family home sites, cemeteries, Wise County Court House, Wise County Historical Museum, and other points of interest in the area. Decatur has Wal-Mart, antique and craft shops, and many good places to eat.
Please plan to join us in Wise County where four Robertson brothers and one sister lived after leaving Mississippi. Mark your calendars for October 3-5, 2002. Call now for reservations and plan to attend the Robertson Reunion.
Suggestions are welcome: For any inquiries, contact:
Reg & Gail Robertson Les & Mabeth Raley P. O. Box 63 141 Runaway Bay Drive Woodlawn, Texas 75694 Bridgeport, Texas 76424 (903) 938-6146 (940) 575-2491 Email:
James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885)
(1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860)
(2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909)
We have reserved rooms at the NEW Super 8 Motel in Booneville, rates are single/king bed $55.00; double/2 queen beds $65.00; single includes couch, single & doubles includes microwave, refrigerator, desk table, tv & computer connections. Has continental breakfast & meeting room for gathering; can use AAA or Senior Citizen discount.
To make reservations, call 662-720-1688 & mention "Robertson Reunion". RV hookups will again be at the Agri Center for $10.00 a night--901-728-3946. The East Side Community Center, east of town, has been reserved for Friday & Saturday.
We are promising a more relaxed schedule; but will provide tour of Robertson & Swinney sites, Old Jacinto Courthouse, time for visiting, sharing stories & pictures, singing, shopping, researching or whatever.
Ann Estes would like to have a marking for her ancestor, Edmond Young, that is buried in the Blythe's Chapel Cemetery, east of Booneville. (Easy access this time!) Again, my Piomingo Chapter, USD1812, will make plans to place the 1812 marker on his grave.
I am excited to have a supplemental line filed with the Daughters of American Revolution on the line of John Robertson Sr. approved!!! With their approval of this line I feel certain this long held theory, is our correct Robertson line!!! From James Harlow Robertson, his father James Robertson, Sr. & wife, Temperance, to his father, John Robertson, Sr. & wife, Amy Temple of Wake Co. NC, to his father, Christopher Robertson, Sr. & wife, ______ Isham of Wake Co. NC. Christopher's father is thought to be Nathaniel, son of William that came to Virginia about 1705 from Scotland. For the William Bonds line....have proved Graves line back to Capt. Thomas Graves, who arrived in Jamestown, VA in 1608.
If you have not checked Jim's web site, take a look: /Heartland/Plains/4880
Make your plans to attend; more info will follow as O'Neil & I have time to check out other details.
Bettie & Gene Gustafson O'Neil & Sarah Parker 8348 Rosemark Road 2312 Ridgeland Rosemark, TN 38053-5724 Memphis, TN 38119-7218 FAX-413-702-2019--Phone 901-829-3318 E-Mail: FAX-901-682-7520--phone-901-682-4566
James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885)
(1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860)
(2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909)
The fourth family reunion of the descendants of James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885) and (1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860) and (2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909) will be October 19, 20, 21, 2000, in Altus, Oklahoma, at the Ramada Inn. A block of rooms has been reserved for the "Robertson Reunion" at a rate of $46.00 per room, up to four people. To make a reservation, call directly, the Altus Ramada, at telephone number (580) 477-3000 and say you're part of the Robertson Reunion.
Since we have already visited the home places and cemeteries of the three brothers that came to Oklahoma, this year's reunion will be more on the line of visiting and getting to know everyone a little bit better, along with sharing of photographs and written family histories that each family is requested to bring. We will sing, tell favorite stories, brag about our grandkids, etc. And, of course, bring your musical instruments.
A "photographic quality" copying shop, down town, will be available for copying photographs and documents that you might like to share and have copied. So, bring those photographs, documents, records, and other items that you would be willing to share with our Robertson family.
Family history: It is suggested that you write, and bring with you, your family history, and, at least, your grandparents family history. If you can go back further than your grandparents, please do, and share with our Robertson family. This illustrative family deserves to be remembered with a written history.
Plans have been made for the Third Annual Reunion of the descendants of James Harlow Robertson, Manerva Swinney Robertson, and Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson to be held Thursday, October 7 through Saturday the 9th, 1999, in Decatur, Texas.
Room reservations at the newly-opened Ramada Inn in Decatur need to be made NOW; rates are $54.00 plus tax for rooms with 2 full-size beds and $65.00 plus tax for 2 king-size beds. They have a very nice continental breakfast, indoor heated pool and hot tub, game room, coin-operated guest laundry, meeting room that doubles as a storm shelter, plus many other amenities. We will use the meeting room on Thursday night to gather and at other times for fellowship; the lobby is large for gathering also. Call 940-627-6262 and mention "Robertson reunion" for reservations. A block of ten rooms has been reserved and will be held until October 1, 1999 for the reunion; more can be reserved if needed, but make reservations as soon as possible. Please pass along this information to any family member.
RV hookups are available nearby at the Shady Oaks RV Park on Highway 81-287 South, phone 940-627-8447; rats are $10.00 a day. Another campground, Bay Landing, is located near Bridgeport Lake. For additional information concerning RV hookups, contact R.S. & Gail Robertson at P. O. Box 63, Woodlawn, TX 75694-0063, phone 903-938-6146, or E-Mail
Please gather on Thursday evening at the Ramada Inn in Decatur. Plans are being made to visit family home sites, cemeteries, tour of Wise County Courthouse and Wise County Historical Museum and other points of interest in the area. Decatur has many good places for eating; A group dinner is planned for Friday night at the Twin Hills Restaurant on the banks of Lake Bridgeport; Specialties include catfish, seafood, stakes and chicken. We will gather at night for visiting, sharing information, music and songs (bring music items), picture taking, etc. Decatur has Wal-Mart, antique and craft shops, plus other activities.
Please plan to join us in Wise County where four Robertson brothers and one sister lived after leaving Mississippi. Mark your calendars for October 7-9, 1999, call now for reservations and plan to attend this exciting Robertson Reunion!!!
Suggestions are welcome; for any inquiries, contact:
Ann Robertson Estes Mabeth & Les Raley 28347 Hazelridge Drive 141 Runaway Bay Drive Rancho Palos Verdes, Bridgeport, Texas 76424 California 90275-3126 940-575-2491 310-377-6036
The Second Annual Reunion of the descendants of James Harlow Robertson, Manerva Swinney Robertson, and Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson will be Thursday thru Sunday, October 15-18, 1998, in Booneville, Mississippi (Old Tishomingo/Prentiss County).
Rooms have been reserved at the Day's Inn in Booneville. Rates are $48.15 for a double and $42.80 for a single with a continental breakfast. The Western Sizzler is across the parking lot plus other fast food places are nearby. Call 601-728-2244 and mention the "Robertson Reunion." Check in is at 2:00 p.m. and check out is 12:00 p.m.
The Community Center, a short distance from the motel, has been reserved for Friday and Saturday. Scheduled Activities Include:
Thursday: Hear from the Booneville Robertsons and old timers.
Music and song fest, so come prepared.
Friday: Tour of the old Robertson/Swinney/Jones homeplaces and cemeteries.
Gene's Bar B-Q, more music and more stories.
Saturday: War of 1812 Marking of Wiley Swinney's grave located at old Swinney homeplace and family cemetery with info about the homeplace from the present owners. Tour of old Jacinto Courthouse, built circa 1854, and beautifully restored, was county seat of Old Tishomingo County. Footprints of James Harlow Robertson and Wiley Swinney are sure to be found in this area!
Catered catfish (or whatever) supper, pictures and more visting.
Sunday: Memorial service for all those previous departed descendants.
Check out Tippah County areas.
The the library and Chancery Court office are available for research, and there is shopping in Corinth or Tupelo. City park has great new playground for children.
O'Neil and I are still excited and anxious to show you our part of the Robertson history. Did you know that in 1837, after the treaty with the Indians, James Harlow Robertson received two land patents here in this area for a total of 320 acres, at a price of $1.00 and $1.25 per acre? Wiley Swinney received a total of seven land patents here! New information since our first reunion . . . the possibility that James Harlow Robertson's mother, who we have known as Temperance, may have been named Mary (Temperance) BOYD. Can anyone shed any light on this theory?
Please mark your calendars and make plans to come; come early, stay late, come for whatever time is available, BUT COME!!!
Remember, if you are in the Memphis area, do not fail to get in touch with us or stop by for a visit! We will keep in touch as more details become available.
Bettie & Gene Gustafson O'Neil & Sarah Parker
8348 Rosemark Road 2312 Ridgeland
Rosemark, Tennessee 38053-5724 Memphis, Tennessee 38119-7218
901-829-3318 901-862-4566
The first family reunion of the descendants of James Harlow Robertson (1805-1885) and (1st) Manerva Swinney Robertson (1827-1860) and (2nd) Martha Ann Jones Wadsworth Robertson (1842-1909) was October 15-19, 1997, in Altus, Oklahoma.
There were 64 that registered for the event. The person traveling the most distance was from Anchorage, Alaska. The oldest person attending was age 91 years. The youngest person attending was age 9 years. There were 30 persons attending from other states.
Along with visiting the old home places and cemeteries of three of the sons, at Reed and Vinson, Oklahoma, a cup full of true Robertson soil from Prentiss County, Mississippi, was given each family by Betty Gustafson and O'Neil Parker.
Next year, the second reunion will be October 15-18, 1998, in Booneville, Prentiss County, Mississippi, where the family resided the longest.
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