Hi!!!This is the Cruise to Nowhere.
Well... we did it. We went on a cruise reciently...one of those ones that don't go anyplace.. just out to sea and back. It was a HOOT! (I got caught trying to smuggle some liquor on to the boat... Kathy! I will NEVER listen to YOU again! lol) They DID let me board (thank god...) and we had a good time. Here are some of the pics that the photographer took of us. Take a look. More to come as they develope.

Boarding...(right after i got snagged! lol)

Leaving the pier.

On the way out of New York Harbor.

The first nite at dinner (wonder if they think i have more booze hidden?) lol

The second nite at dinner.
Well.. that's all the pics that I have at the moment. When we get the rest developed I'll be posting them (if they are any good that is!). In the meantime, I totally recommend the cruise thing.. it's really great, we had a good time! We went out on a Premier Cruise, the ship was called "The Seabreeze". The crew was great. They really know their stuff!

Be strong America!
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