Gateway to Ing & Yu 's Secret Garden

For those who happen to step in, we just want to tell you ... you're really really lucky... 'cause not many know of our secret garden, but... ...
DON'T be too excited, 'cause this is just the gateway, see if you can find out more about us and our secret garden,... ... 'k??

Hi!! We're Ingrid & Yusan, but usually known as Ing & Yu on the net. We never really thought of making an homepage before, neither did we think we could do it, but just to prove ourselves, we gave it a try... Well, seems like it not as hard as we thought it would be, 'cause see?? ... Otherwise, how could you be reading this at the moment?

We have planted a row of roses by our garden gate, but the key to our garden is hidden behind only one of them, see if you can find it....
Here's a clue to help you.... The hint is in our age... ... Have you any idea?? Well, if not, try your luck!!

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Sorry, still under heavy construction, so you might want to step back later..

Last updated on April 22nd, 2002

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