
Dusty, Lego and Budder are my cats. Dusty is grey (part
Russian Blue) and weighs almost 13lbs. His birthday is Feb. 14th.
Lego is a orange tiger and weighs 11 1/2lbs. His birthday is Feb.
1st. Budder is a creamy light orange color and weighs about 10lbs. His birthday is March 8th. They all have distinct personalities. Dusty is quite loveable at
times and doesn't mind being held for the most part. Lego is
another story. He doesn't like to be held at all, but loves to be
near us. Budder is a little sweetie, and usually sleeps all night with me. He has his own pillow, but shares my blankets. They love to play, although Budder is the more active of
the three. Dusty's favorite pastimes are looking out the window and
sleeping. He also likes to go for car rides. Lego doesn't like to
go outside at all. However Lego does like to meow and meow, to
wake me up in the middle of the night just so he can play. If I
don't get up and play for awhile with him, he bites my toes! If my door is shut at night, Budder crys until I let him in. Budder plays quite a bit. He just loves my yarn when I'm crocheting. He goes outside, but not too often. Budder always greets me at the door when I come home. Dusty and Budder have their own leashes for back yard walks.
Lego's favorite food is pieces of McDonalds burgers. Dusty is
very fond of corn and pineapple tidbits. Budder is quite fond of WalMart's deli fried chicken. BUDDER'S PICTURE WILL SOON BE POSTED BELOW.

This is Dusty

This is Lego
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Last revised: February 12, 1998 2:45pm est.
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