<%@ Language=JavaScript %> Mieke's Vanity a family journal

Geocities has hosted our family site for FREE for over 9 years. This is a great way to learn about website design and my family tree.

Abrahami de Melverda

From my maternal grandmother we follow branches to Holland and the journey to Indonesia at the turn of the 19th century. View the coat of Arms and how the family came to the Dutch East Indies.

de Jonge

My mother's family branch give us a snapshot of pre-war Indonesia rich in friendships and rememberences of Tempo Doeloe.


My father's branch shows the building of bridges from the islands, back to Holland and the fertile gardens of America. A new country, a new language and a new freedom.


My husband's branch gives us a reunion of old friends and neighbors through marriage. A story of women who prayed for their children across continents and generations.

Surnames in the Family Tree
1790 - 1999

We would like to continue to add and correct the information on our geneology site.  If you have updates, edits or corrections please email me, or fill out a family update survey.


for Micah


Our God

Our God is the creator of heaven and earth, who lives in us in spirit, who sacrificed himself for our transgressions, who gives us hope of a resurrection, who prepares our way, who delights in our fellowship, who fights our battles, who safely leads us home.