Gramma and Grampa would like to support our old "Shipmates" by posting this link.

"The Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund wants to spread the word that we are here to assist former naval personnel who served, both before and after 1968, and their dependants.

We would be grateful if you will include an outlink from your website to the RCN Benevolent Fund:which is hosted by the Naval Officers Association of Canada.Go to this site and follow the link to the "Benevolent Fund."

Yours truly,

D.E. Samson, Cdr. RCN (Retd)



My name was Linda Mosson, and I was in Conestoga 33 - Fortune. I'd love to hear from anyone who was in Cornwallis in July and August/66, and Comm School at Naden that Fall, especially the other 2 members of Linda-Cubed.

Email Linda about her request.

Here's a great new link.



(aka Rosalee van Stelten)

(aka Petty Officer Auger)writes:

"I am very pleased to announce the publication of my first book of poetry, Pattern of Genes, by Frontenac House Ltd. of Calgary, as part of their series Quartet 2001. It includes the poems Halifax and Sea Time. "

These poems are a little further down on this page.

"The books were launched on April 6 to a standing-room-only crowd and vaulted onto the Calgary Best Seller List (ahead of such luminaries as John Grisham, P.D. James, Stuart McLean and Gordon Downie of the Tragically Hip.)"


Here's some cheery news about some reunions...I pass along Lee's note for your enjoyment...

"I found a Canadian Navy site you might want to post an outlink to: Naval and Maritime Links

Dot and Ron Vallilee and their son Tim were here a few weeks ago. We spent the day together and I gave them the grand tour of Calgary. It was nice to talk old times and new. Have since had an excited e-mail from her about the Cornwallis reunion which was outstanding.

I have been up to Whitehorse with my sister, who is a landscape artist and had a show at the Yukon Museum. (She was followed this week by Emily Carr.) Laurie also gave a wilderness painting workshop. I joined the group Saturday but went off on my own on Sunday for a trip to the wildlife park. It was really something, especially since all the young critturs were just a-borning. We rented a car and went to Kluane Lake for an overnighter. It is breathtakingly beautiful. The Yukoners are super friendly.

Have just come back from the RCNBF Annual meeting in Halifax/Dartmouth. The new Lieutenant Governor gave a reception for us, her first since taking office. We enjoyed it very much. The venue was Government House, which you may recall is a historic building, 200 years old. If only those walls could talk! You would not believe the view from Citadel Hill nowadays. There isn't one! Just a couple of alleys in a maze of highrises. I met with old friends and gorged on seafood. Sigh.

Hope you are well.

Best wishes


(aka Rosalee van Stelten)

(aka Petty Officer Auger)

Re: The RCNA Millennium Reunion in May

We have a compromise from Bay Ferries, Please pass this info on to anyone who might take the Saint John to Digby Ferry.

On Thursday the ferry leaves at 0130 AM, 1415 (2:15) PM , and 2300 (11:00) PM

On Friday the ferry leaves at 0800 (8:00) AM and 1715 (5:15) PM

I hope this will help a lot of people who are using the ferry.

Bruce McKone

Dear Shipmates

Re: The RCNA Millennium Reunion in May

We have been trying to get Bay ferries to either add a ferry on for the afternoon of Fri.the 19th of May 2000 or to change the time of the noon sailing to later in the afternoon so that the people arriving on the flight from Toronto will not have such a long wait in St. John.

As of now (if I have the times right, the plane gets in at 1230 and the ferry leave at 1215).

If you are interested in the time that the ferry leaves could you either

phone 1-506-649-7705


Email them at (

so they can get an approximate number of people who want to travel that way.

Please pass this info on to your friends who are also coming this way and are planning to use the ferry.

Smooth Sailing


This week I'd like to showcase the original literary talent of one we fondly remember as P.O. Auger

On Citadel Hill
the town clock, clothed
in clapboard white
gathered the desperate
hours in the sweep
of indifferent hands.

On Barrington Street
bell bottoms flapping
sailors with saucy gait
cruised like corvettes
eyes on alert, searching
for Saturday dates.

In Halifax harbour
camouflaged convoys
huddled in packs
white ensigns dipped
in the bloodied rays
of a sinking sun.

Rosalee van Stelten

Copyright (c) 1999

Sea Time
(for the Wrens of HMCS Shearwater)
Stepping aboard
aircraft carrier Magnificent
excitement swelled
like the bosom
of the blue Atlantic

snaking along gangways
through hatchways
up and down ladders
from boiler room to binnacle

we inhaled draughts
of diesel fumes, salt spray
sipped surreptitious tots
of pusser's rum

on the flight deck
its bow bucking
we leaned into the wind
watched wires snatch
winged Trackers
from the sky

and pilots
their helmets clutched
in sinewed hands
stroll the pitching steel
with feigned indifference.

Rosalee van Stelten
Copyright (c) 2000

Used with permission of

Monday, January 17, 2000

(Obituary from the Globe and Mail)

Patricia Isobel Minnes DONALDSON,

Beloved and devoted wife of Ernie for 53 years, died peacefully on Thursday, January 13, 2000 with her family by her side.

Pat is ever loved and remembered by Ernie and four children; Sharon and husband Bill, Patti and fiancé Bev, Bill and wife Marg, and Ron and wife Judy.

She will live on in the memory of her ten wonderful Grandchildren.

Pat served in the WRCNS (Wrens) in WWII from 43-45 and was in the first class of Signallers graduated from St. Hyacinth, Quebec.

She served best of all as wife, mother, and grandmother.

A private family service has been held with memorial service at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Herbie fund, c/o Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto would be appreciated by the family.

Thursday, January 20, 2000

(Obituary from the Globe and Mail)

Marion Elizabeth de CHASTELAIN,

died January 17, 2000 at the Canmore General Hospital.

She is survived by her daughter Jacqueline Brewster (Pete) of Canmore and son Gen. John de Chastelain (MaryAnn) of Ottawa, four grandchildren, Duncan de Chastelain (Debbie) of Toronto, Amanda de Chastelain (Corey Finnigan) of Ottawa, Ian Denton (Naomi) of Canmore and Lucy Denton-James (Scott) of London, England, and four great grandchildren, Kylie, Meghan, Kaitlin and Bryn. She was predeceased by her husband and granddaughter Karen Denton.

Marion was born Marion Elizabeth Walsh, May 24, 1910 at Freehold, New Jersey.

She moved with her parents in 1919 to Romania, where her father worked for Standard Oil of New Jersey.

She was educated in Switzerland and France, graduating with a Masters degree in International Law from the Sorbonne.

In 1933 she married Gardyne de Chastelain, a British petroleum engineer in Romania. During the Second World War, Marion worked for Sir William Stephenson in British Security Coordination (BSC) in New York and Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), later M16, London.

Her husband, Lt. Col. A.G. de Chastelain, was head of Special Operations Executive (SOE), Istanbul.

After the war, Marion was offered a permanent job with SIS, but declined.

In 1955 the couple moved to Calgary.

From 1961 to 1971 they lived in Australia, before returning to Calgary. Following Gardyne's death in 1974, Marion joined Westburne Petroleum Services, where she worked until retiring in 1987.

She moved to Canmore in 1994. A Celebration of Life will be held at The Little Chapel on the Corner, 240-17th Avenue SW, Calgary (First Memorial Funeral Services) on Thursday, January 20th, 2000 at 10:30 am.

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made directly to the I.O.D.E., in care of Mrs. R.G.S. Currie, #101, 220-26th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2S 0M4. Funeral arrangements in care of Jacques Funeral Home, Directors. Telephone: (403) 762-3433 or 297-0711. Interment to follow. Forever Remembered

January 18, 2000

It is now official.

The Royal Canadian Naval Gun Run that will be touring Canada this year will be performed in Digby at 1300 on Monday the 22nd of May 2000

Email Bruce A. McKone about this announcement.

January 16, 2000

The South Shore Naval Association gets great pleasure in being the host for the

46th Annual RCNA Reunion

(Cornwallis Millennium Reunion) being held in Digby, Nova Scotia,

May 19-22 2000.

There are 850 registered so far for the reunion and Banquet.

We are only able to handle 1000 for the banquet but you can still attend the reunion including the three dances which are being held on Fri. , Sat. and Sunday Evenings plus take in all the rest of the entertainment even if you miss out on the banquet.

There will be tours of Cornwallis etc.

If you are interested you can call Bruce McKone about registration information at 902-543-8248 and if you want accomodation information you can call Jerry Sigrist at 902-624-9556 .

Hope to SEA you all there.


Email Bruce A. McKone about this announcement.

We have just found some more "old salts"

Ron and Dot Vallillee now. Click here for Ron(Before) and Dot (Eldridge) (Before)

You can find their email address down with the others....scroll down.

Here's some news about them and Cornwallis.

"They are expecting 1000 people but banquet will be held at the rink in Digby as there is no space in Cornwallis big enough now! Sob...Sob... They were proud days...the drill hall now has a big business in it and the parade square is nearly gone! Don't mean to make you sad too, but I've been there every summer lately and bit by bit it looks less like we remember it. Conestoga Block, interestingly enough, still stands and all rooms I understand have now been made into small apartment-like rooms with doors on them and bathrooms. I've not been in the building since about 1965 but would love to. People can rent rooms there for seminars, etc. "

January 13, 2000

Legion magazine had the following notice

NAVAL COMMUNICATORS: June 30-July 2, Lord Nelson Hotel, Halifax.

Naval Communicators Reunion,

Box 29030,

Halifax Shopping Centre,

Halifax, NS,

B3L 4T8;

Ron Leppard,

102 Pearson Dr.,

Head of Chezzetcook,

Halifax County, NS, B0J 1N0,,

January 8, 2000


Ottawa. On January 1, 2000 former members of Maritime Command became eligible for benefits from the Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund.

This includes members of the land and air elements who joined the Canadian Forces following unification on February 1, 1968, and their dependants.

Former members of the naval reserve and their dependants are also eligible.

Applicants must have one year's service in the regular force. Reservists must have three years full-time service or five years part-time service.

Supported by private donations and volunteer help, the Fund has been providing benefits to Royal Canadian Navy personnel since 1942. Veterans of the merchant navy became eligible for benefits in 1993.

Applications for assistance may be obtained from Veterans Affairs Canada offices, Canadian Legion branches, Canadian Forces establishments, or by writing to

The RCN Benevolent Fund,

Box 505, Station B,

Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5P6.

Thanks to P.O.Lee Auger (Rosalee van Stelten) for keeping us informed.

Millennium reunion for ex-servicewomen in Penticton, B.C. May 9 and 10, 2000.

It is their 44th annual reunion.

Jean Warren, organizer, says "We want representation from all services--army, navy, air.."

Registration is at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre, May 9.

Parade the following day to the cenotaph. Bus and boat tours in the afternoon. Dinner in the evening.To register write:

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #69

PO Box 66, 4407 - 2nd Street

Peachland, BC, V0H 1X0.

Phone/FAX: 1-250-767-9100

Headquarters is The Sandman Inn


Include your current name, service number and branch, maiden name, address and phone number.

So far, they have no e-mail address. Anyone living in the Penticton area could offer their help to Jean Warren at 250-767-9100.

Thanks to P.O.Lee Auger (Rosalee van Stelten) for keeping us informed.

If you are, or know someone who is a member of Conestoga Twenty Two or Twenty Three please send us a note.

If you've entered this room by mistake you can go back to the main foyer of Gramma & Grampa's House and look in a different room.

Which pictures would you like to look at first, the before or after?

On the weekend of , September 18 to 20, 1998 there was a Wren's Reunion in Toronto where some old friends met and re-lived good times.

We have decided to start this site to remember more of those good times and to keep up with all the happenings of the classes and friends from around that time.


The "before pictures" are courtesy of "Penny Hucul-Fitzgerald" ).

Click here to see the before and here to see the after. We look forward to having more fun.

If you know who I would check with to get permission to use this midi I also would appreciate it. The place I got it from gave no credit other than David Garrick 1729.

Diane Young E-mail her here. She is in Toronto
Diane Oliver E-mail her here. She is in Toronto
Marlene Chase You can reach her at 1-506-277-6256


E-mail her here.

She is in New Brunswick
Judith Poole E-mail her here. Nova Scotia
Penny Fitzgerald E-mail her here. New Brunswick you all remember "P.O. Auger"? That's Rosalee van Stelten

E-mail her here.

She's in Calgary
This message is from Dolores Parsons.You can reach her at

Dolores Parsons(nee Schaeffer)

205 fourth Ave.,

Arnprior, ON K7S 1Z5

Ph. (613) 623-6815


It would be interesting to see if any of the wrens that I was with during summer training or at Moresby House in 1954 when I was on special duty would remember me.

I was in the wren reserve from 1952 to 1957.I joined in Edmonton but moved to Victoria in 1953. My maiden name was Dolores Schaeffer. I was married in 1955 and my bridesmaid was Lyla Jones(Gilker). We were transferred from Victoria in 1957 when my husband was drafted to Prince Rupert and I lost track of Lyla. Does anyone know of someone who was at Moresby House in Naden during 1954 to 1955. I was on special duty for three months in 1954 and stayed at Moresby. I would appreciate information about her whereabouts if there is someone who may know of her
Ron Vallillee and Dot (Eldridge) Email They live in Yarmouth
- - -

If you find out any news pass it along and I will post it immediately.

The Teacher asks: "Where is My guest room...?'" Mark 14:14 The Teacher was Jesus, Christ is still asking the same question: Where is My room? And in the home of ourlife, we answer Him. Your room is the foyer, where all who enter will know You are present in this home. Your room is the kitchen, for You are our provision and our source of strength. Your room is the family room, where You are the center of our family, our fellowship, our friendships and our entertainment. Your room is the bedroom, where we rest, secure in the knowledge of your protection. Your room is the study, for all knowledge begins and ends in You. Your room is the tool closet, for all my works of service are in vain, if they do not start with You. Your room is even the deck out back, where You can watch Your sunset over Your creation and remind us each day that all You have created is indeed very good. We give Him our whole house. Contributed by Ellis Bush (All Rights Reserved)

David Garrick 1729 1. Come cheer up my lads,
It's to glory we steer
To add something more
To this wonderful year
To honour we call you,
As free men, not slaves
For who are so free
As the sons of the waves

|: Heart of oak are our ships
Heart of oak are our men
We always are ready
Steady, boys, steady
We'll fight and we'll conquer,
Again and again

2. Our worthy forefathers,
Let's give them a cheer
To climates unknown
Did courageously steer
Through oceans to deserts,
For freedom they came
And dying, bequeathed us
Their freedom and fame


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