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The CAMPsite
Thank you for stopping by our CAMPsite, here on the Heartland Plains.  We are always happy to see old friends, as well as to make new ones.  There is always something happening around here. We hope you will stop by and visit us often.  While you are here, let us give you a quick tour of the CAMPsite.
The Tent- This is where we live and work. Here you will find news about our everyday lives; our job(s), our church, parenting pages, etc.
The CAMPfire- This is where we cook, entertain, & relax. The coffee is always on, or if you prefer,  there is hot water for cocoa and tea. Check here for links to cooking pages, our hobbies, family, and friends.  If you wish to link to our page, this is where to look to find the graphics and code.
Our Backpack - Please feel free to rummage around in our backpack, you never know what you might find... Who knows, you might find a great book to read from or check out CDnow to find great CDs and movies.  In the backpack you will find more information about  both of these sites.  You will also find a listing of holiday gift ideas. More ideas are being added on a regular basis so take a closer look at the Bookstore .  The contents of the backpack are continually changing, so dig in and see what you can find.  This is also where we keep our guestbook. Feel free to see what messages others have left and  please take the time to share your comments.
Our Hiking Boots- Check them out to learn about our travels.   Here you can also learn more about fun family outings in the Pacific Northwest and other travel related pages.
Backyard CAMPing with David and Drew- Stop by and see what David and Drew are up to.   This is a place designed by kids, for kids.    Also, if you get a chance, take a moment to sign their personal guestbook.  David and Drew would love to  show you their cyber pet. He is a puppy named Prince.    Don't miss "Tales from the Crisper".  David and Drew's own Veggie Tales page.
Awards We Have Received
After being posted for one month, most awards will be moved to the Awards Page.
Best experienced with
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Graphic Set By Angela