Lois Helmers Home Page
"There are two lasting gifts we can give our children.
One is roots, the other wings."
(author unknown)

Thanks for visiting my website!My intent is to make your journey down the “Helmers Avenue” an enjoyable one.
AVAILABLE NOW - MY BOOK ABOUT MEIGS COUNTY, OHIO - "MEIGS COUNTY, OHIO AND HER SOLDIERS IN THE CIVIL WAR." Over 9,000 Ohio men are listed along with their service record and interesting facts about Meigs County.

Since most of my family (I'm Lois) came from Meigs County, Ohio, here is some information on that county, including a list of the first settlers, soldiers voting on October 2, 1863, information on the 63rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, marriages in 1862, 1863,1864,1865 and 1866, as well as the 1816 Tax List, all in Meigs county.
Will probably always be "under construction"

Please email me lah6@windstream.net
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Last Updated: 1/27/09
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