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VOOGD Family Genealogy
(Comer Nickolas Voogd (of Holland))

Welcome visitor number Since 09-13-1999

This site is dedicated to the research of the relatives of my family:

My name is Joseph L. Yancey Jr. and I am married to Mary Voogd. It is my desire to compile and maintain a family history for this extended family at no cost. this project started with members of my family, thanks to one of my cousins (Eulalia Welleden) in Alabama where my family settled. Since I have been working with the data, I have expanded the tree to include the Voogd's the Collins and the Brents (ancestors of my wife Mary). The data base contains well over a thousand names and I add names weekly. Most of the information has been collected from members of the family very few solid references are available.

I have tried hard to maintain accuracy of the data, this is not a finished project if any person finds mistakes in the data or wishes to add input to the book they may contact me by telephone (408) 224 0261 or write to me at 403 Henderson Drive, San Jose CA, 95123-4417. You may also contact me online ( ) . I welcome your help and will incorporate your information in the database. Since I did not get a chance to know many of the individuals in this family it is obvious that I alone can't write memories of them.

Anyone who would like to send me a few lines about a relative could help make the biographies more interesting. Anyone having in their possession or knows where any item (old photo, marriage license, Bible etc.) might be located, and desires to add to this project, can do so by contacting me.

Voogd Family Album  

Voogd Family Documents

Nicholas Voogd Family Tree    Revised 08-24-2001

Other Voogd sites of interest to Voogd researchers:

Up the family tree  Some decendants of Ouwe Willem Voogd (Born ca 1700?) René Luijkenaar

Brents Family

Collins Family Genealogy:

Gibbs Family Genealogy:  

Haynes Family Genealogy:

WebSites of Interest to Yancey Family Researchers:

Yancey Genealogy:

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This site is maintauned by:
Joseph L. Yancey Jr.
403 Henderson Drive
San Jose CA 95123-4417
Phone (408)224-0261

Updated 12-21-2002