Surprise, this small wonder exists! It even has been around for some time. It is a dog cage, and it is appreciated by many dog breeders and owners. A dog that is accustomed to his cage is perfectly happy when he is in it. We think of him as a person, but he sees it as something else, his home.
Cruel, you say! Certainly not, just think, what does a normal dog do when he is not eating, running, playing, or relieving himself, he lies down in a circle and sleeps, sometimes during long periods of time. In nature, wolves and other predators spend a lot of time in their lairs to get forty winks. Tired of hunting. With a little training, your puppy will come to consider his cage as a lair where he will be able to nibble at his toys quietly or simply to rest a little bit.
Begin to train your puppy in his cage as soon as he arrives in your home. Depending on how skillful you are, you can make a cage yourself, but we suggest that you buy a commercial one in metal or plastic. They are most convenient (washable, transportable, etc.), especially if you travel with your dog. You will be able to install him anywhere: a motel room, at the summer house, on grandmother's verandah, the dog will always feel in security in his home.
When the cage is installed, have a good time with your puppy. Let him get out to relieve himself and encourage him to do a lot of exercises, let your dog become really tired (it shouldn't be too difficult if you have children). When the puppy displays signs of tiredness, put him back in his cage with a bone to gnaw on or with other toys to chew, leave the room for about five minutes. Go back to look at him, and if he is still awake, congratulate him and let him out. If he is sleeping, wait until he wakes up, congratulate him and then let him out.
The cage is a place to sleep, it must be big enough for an adult dog. The dog must be able to stand and turn around easily. When the dog will be house broken, you will be able to make him a comfortable bed with old towels in washable fabric or with old blankets. The cage can also be overlapped with a sheet or a blanket. The dog can feel more comfortable with this, his home being more personal.
Repeat this exercise several times during the day. Always leave toys and treats in his room. If he begins to moan when you leave him alone, don't go, just shout "NO" from the adjacent room. Wait until he is calm, only at this time, return to look at him, congratulate him and let him out.
It is against the dog's nature to dirty up his bed, but the young puppy may lack training and some mess can happen, they just need to be trained. When you are not there to let him out often enough, like in the evening, or if you leave for a long time during the day, leave the cage open in a restricted small corner of the kitchen or a very small room, a place where the flooring is easily washable. Leave a provision of newspapers near the cage where the puppy can relieve himself. When your dog will be about six months old, he will spend all night and a good part of the day in his cage without any problem. Then you will be able to remove newspapers and you can cover the floor with a blanket.
Never forget to let your dog out early in the morning to permit him to relieve himself. If you are firm, he will learn that he can not do anything in the house. Once the dog has considered his cage a lair, he will go in there by himself just to rest or to have fun with his toys. It is also a good thing to accustom your children to consider the dog's "room" as a sanctuary, a place where he will be able to take refuge from children in all tranquillity. It will avoid abuse by your young children and avoid a lot of problems, especially with the dogs disposition.
With all this information, we are certain you will not be able to go without a cage to train your puppy. The cage will probably become one of your best friends. Don't do like some people who say a cage is useless, and then later on, realize so many problems could have been avoided with one. Act preventively, it's better for the dog and for you!