Here are some questions you need to answer before making your final decision and welcome home a new friend into your home. They are all very important, you should consider them before making your final decision.

Question of money

he purchase price of a dog can easily reach $1000.00 but it doesn't stop there. You have to think about the expenses for the care of your new friend. Are you ready to assume these costs? You must consider :

- The veterinary costs:
- Including exams, yearly vaccinations, preventive worming (including the tests for heartworms) and for the unavoidable infections, or injuries possible during the life of the animal

- The Food :
- Including quality food and quantities that are directly proportional to the size of your friend , and of course the unavoidable small treats.

- The essential accessories:
- The collar, the leash, identification medals, special collars and leashes for training, bowls for water and for food, reference books, the small shovels to maintain the yard clean, the nail cutter, the brush, and finally the cage.

- The grooming :
- Some breeds require a special grooming of their fur(cutting, brushing etc.). It must be groomed regularly by a professional unless you do it yourself (foresee necessary tool purchases)

- The boarding :
- If you often travel for more than one day, you should foresee expenses for boarding, evidently your dog won't be able to stay home alone for more than half a day.

- The licence :
- Some cities will require a yearly license.

- The obedience classes:
- It is essential that you follow at least one obedience class.
As you see, depending on the breed you choose, the price can be a little bit heavy. Make your choice according to your budget.

Time and patience

Be sure that you have enough time for each task you must accomplish for and with your dog. If you use your house as an hotel, only for sleeping, if you are absent most of the time, you probably don't have the necessary time to assume your part of the life contract with your dog. Make an evaluation of your available time
Have you really the time for:

The daily care and feeding.
The brushing and the grooming,
The daily exercises,
The time to go to the veterinary clinic,
Cleaning the back yard,
The training.
The socialization
The education or housebreaking of a puppy,
Obedience classes.

Are you patient ?
Another important point is patience. Will you have the necessary patience to accept:
that the dog dirties on your floor, just after you finished cleaning it.

that he splashes water all around his bowl.
that he wags his tail on your delicate living room table.
that he knocks over one of your precious plants.
that he always chooses to chew your new shoe.
that he looses hair at the time of his seasonal molts
that a hair is found on occasion in your food
There is only one rule to follow to evaluate your time and your level of tolerance, be honest and remember that the other members of the family must also have their say.

Your obligations toward other people

To be a responsible dog owner and especially a good neighbor, you will need to take charge of certain things . You must be prepared to protect your dog and other people of interaction that could be mutually harmful.
Thus, you can not let your dog:
bark unconditionally.
harass the mailman.
jump on visitors.
remove toys from children.
raid the neighborhood garbage cans.
dig in the neighbor's flower beds.

Your responsibilities toward your dog

A good quality food in sufficient quantities.
Cool water at all times
An appropriate place to sleep
Adequate preventive and curative health care.
You won't be able to let it wander the streets in order to avoid:
Getting hit by a car.
Getting injured in a trap meant for other animals.
Running away.
Poisoning himself with various harmful products.
Messes in front of the neighbor's door.

To acquire knowledge
The first thing to admit is that you and your dog are not from the same race ! Up to there, generally no problem. You certainly noticed that this dog didn't arrive with a label indicating the "how to" instructions and the fact that you have had a dog is not a guarantee that you will understand this one. This is where it generally spoils, and it is now that it is necessary to learn. Learn to communicate with the dog, and especially to understand it. The following section consists in helping you understand the right way. A dog learns easily, but he only obeys a master that he respects. Don't confuse love with respect, your dog will love you unconditionally but will respect you solely if you dominate him.
To arrive at your goal, prepare yourself the right way. Take the time to read books or articles about your breed, on canine psychology etc. You will also need to consult specialists in the field, consult your breeder who is generally himself an excellent source of information adapted to your breed. Professionals will also know how to help you, question your veterinarian, your groomer etc.

Finally, an obedience course will probably prove to be the best investment that you will make. Not so much to train the dog, but to teach the master how to train his dog, it makes all the difference. No two dogs are the same, it will be up to you to find and adapt every method case by case.

You will need to clear with success all these steps without exception before making the big jump. If it is the case, go ahead and move on to the following section and determine what is the best breed for you.