Penny Royle has a Party

Worf was invited to Penny's party, in honour of her 2nd birthday.
Lots of neighbours and friends were there as well!
Here are some of the pictures.

The Birthday Girl

Penny's Birthday Photo
Worf in
daddy's lap
It's me, Worf Worf being
camera shy
Zoe gets a lai Zoe in mom's lap
Hey Rush, there is
the camera
Rush and dad
Worf and mom It's my birthday
I'll eat what I want
Penny samples her cake and aother bite
I have to look
up to Penny
camera's at
my level, now
I used to be the
glamorous one!
bring me some food! I can be a party animal!
My name is Zoe, and I can lick anyone in the house! Make sure you get my better side
