Isbell's in the Civil War

Adelbert Served NY enlisted September 18, 1861 Private age 19 at New York City transferred Co. H 146th Inf. Reg. NY

Albert Served Ohio enlisted October 11, 1861 Private age 30 9th LA Reg Ohio mustered out July 25, 1865

Andrew J. Served NY enlisted July 31, 1862 Private age 24 Goshen, NY Co. B. 124th Reg NY deserted at Goshen, NY September 5, 1862

Andrew J.Served NY enlisted May 17, 1861 Private age 23 at Elmira, NY Co. I 24th Inf. Reg deserted at Upton's Hill, VA June 21, 1862

Andrew J.Served NY enlisted July 20, 1863 Private age 25 Syracuse, NY Co.U 15th Cav Reg NY (no further record)

Castle E, Served Conn.enlisted September 9, 1861 Private Co. K 6th Reg CT mustered out September 11, 1864 claimed residence Naugatuck promoted to Full Corporal September 9, 1862 Promoted to Private ( reduced to ranks) March 6, 1863

Chanley Served NY enlisted August 6, 1862 Private age 23 Sherburn, NY Transferred Co. A 90th Inf Reg RC mustered out July 13, 1865 at Elmira, NY

Charles Served Illinois enlisted September 6, 1861 Private Co. K 52nd. Inf. Reg. IL. Promoted to Full Lieut. July 5, 1865 Promoted to 1st. Sergt. July 6, 1865 . Mustered out July 6, 1865.

David Served Illinois enlisted August 2, 1862 Private Co. A 96th Inf. Reg. Illinois, promoted to full Corpl

Dewitt C. Served Conn. enlisted April 18, 1861 Private Co. F 1st. Inf. Reg Conn. discharged May 23, 1861

Dewitt C. Served Conn. enlisted Sept. 4, 1861 Private Co. C. 7th Inf Reg Conn. mustered out Sept. 12, 1864

Edgar Served Illinois enlisted Aug. 16, 1862 1st Sergt.Commission Co. E 47th Inf Reg Illinois Promoted to full 2nd Lieut. Sept. 2, 1862 Mustered out Nov. 6, 1863

Elmer Served New York enlisted Sept. 6, 1861 Private Oxford, NY Co. K 52nd. Inf Reg Illinois. Claimed Residence Illinois Promoted to Full 2nd. Lieut. July July 5, 1865 Promoted to Full 1st. Sergt. July 6, 1865 Mustered out July 6, 1865

Ezekiel Served Illinois enlisted Oct. 2, 1864 Private Substitute Co. H 48th Inf Reg Illinois died at Smithfield, NC Nov.6, 1865

George R. Served Iowa enlisted May 18, 1861 Private age 32 Co. A. 3rd Inf Reg Iowa died Oct. 2, 1863

George W. Served New York enlisted Aug. 6, 1862 Norwich, NY Private age 29 Co. B 114th Inf Reg NY Promoted to Full Sergt. Discharged disability Sept. 8, 1863.

Harlow R. Served Connecticut enlisted Aug. 25, 1862 Private age 25 Co. G 27th Inf Reg Conn. mustered out at New Haven, CT July 27, 1863

Harvey Served New York enlisted Aug. 9, 1862 Private age 43 Norwich, NY Co. K. 161st. Ing Reg discharged disability Aug. 20, 1863 at Baton Rouge, La

Heman Served Ohio enlisted Apr. 26, 1861 Corpl. age 29 Co. I 21st. Inf Reg Ohio mustered out Aug. 12, 1861 at Columbus, Ohio

Henry Served Michigan enlisted Feb. 2, 1862 Private age 18 Detroit, MI Co. E 1st. Inf Reg MI died at Detroit Feb. 15, 1862 ( before joining Reg. )

Henry D. Served Ohio enlisted Aug. 7, 1862 Private age 19 Battery Co. A 1st. LA Reg Ohio died wounds at Chattanooga, TN Oct. 16, 1863

Henry H. Served Michigan enlisted Dec. 24, 1863 Private age 18 Co. I 27th Inf Reg mustered out at Delaney House, DC, July 26, 1865

Henry L. Served New York enlisted July 27, 1862 Musician age 22 McDonough, NY Co. A 114th Inf Reg discharged wounds at Franklin , TN Mar. 10, 1864

Henry L. Served Kansas enlisted May 14, 1861 Private Co, B 2nd. Inf Reg. KS mustered out at Leavenworth, KS Oct. 31, 1861

Henry L. Served Kansas enlisted Adjutant Co S 2nd Ca. Reg KS mustered out at Lawrence KS Aug. 11, 1865

Henry L. Served Kansas enlisted Nov. 6, 1862 Sergt. Major Co. S 2nd Cav KS mustered out at Little Rock, AR Apr. 18, 1865

Isaac H. Served Kansas enlisted Aug.21, 1862 Sergt. Major Co S 11th Cav Reg KS mustered out Aug. 19, 1865.

James H. Served Iowa enlisted July 7, 1862 Private age 18 Co H 18th Inf Reg mustered out Little Rock AR July 20, 1865

James H. Served Illinois enlisted Aug. 14, 1862 Private Co G 111th Inf Reg IL mustered out May 30, 1865 ( MO transferred from Co E to Co G)

John C. Served Kansas enlisted May 25, 1861 Private Co F 2nd Inf Reg KS mustered out at Leavenworth, Kansas Oct. 31, 1861

John C. Served Kansas enlisted Nov. 6, 1861 Co K 2nd Cav Reg KS mustered out at Leavenworth, KS Jan. 23, 1865

John F. Served New York enlisted July 25, 1862 Private age 23 McDonough, NY Co A 114th Inf Reg Promoted to Full Corpl Mar. 1, 1865 mustered out at Wash., DC June 8, 1865

Leonard M. Served Michigan enlisted Feb. 19, 1864 Private age 24 1st.SS Co 27th Inf Reg MI discharged wounds at Delaney House , DC July 26, 1865

Louis Served Illinois enlisted Mar. 7, 1865 Co D 18th Inf Reg Illinois deserted at Columbus, Ohio Aug. 12, 1861

MarshallServed Michigan enlisted Jly 19, 1861 Private age 24 Ann Arbor, Michigan Co A 1st. Inf Reg mustered out at Weldon Railroad, VA Sept. 8, 1864

Myron Served Michigan enlisted Oct. 2, 1863 Private age 18 Raisinville, MI Co E 11th Cav Reg MI discharged at Pulaski, TN July 18, 1865

Myron M. Served Iowa enlisted Mar. 17, 1864 Private age 29 Transferred Co E 5th Consoldated Cav Reg IA

Nathaniel Served Indianna enlisted June 5, 1864 Private Co D 139th Inf Reg IN Promoted to Full Corpl. mustered out at Indiannapolis, IN Sept. 29, 1864

Richard W.Served Illinois enlisted Feb. 18, 1865 Corpl age 18 Co A 15th Inf Reg Illinois mustered out Leavenworth, KS Sept. 16, 1865

Samuel E. Served Michigan enlisted Jan. 4, 1864 Private age 17 Co I 27th Inf Reg mustered out at Delaney House, DC July 26, 1865

Uri Served Michigan enlisted Mar. 16, 1864 Private age 34 Co A 15th Inf Reg mustered out Little Rock AR Aug. 13, 1865

VolneyServed New York enlisted Nov. 10, 1862 Private age 21 Nelson, NY Co F 176th Inf Reg mustered out at New York, NY Nov. 16, 1863

William Served New York enlisted Aug. 28, 1862 Private age 35 Syracuse, NY Co A 149th Inf Reg NY deserted at Fredrick City, MD Sept. 25, 1862

William D. Served Illinois enlisted Aug. 14, 1862 Private Co E 111th Inf Reg IL discharged disability Jan. 25, 1863

William F. Served Kansas enlisted Feb. 27, 1864 Private age 27 Co E 11 th Cav Reg KS Transferred Co E to Co M Apr. 18, 1864 mustered out Sept. 26, 1865

William W. Served Ohio enlisted May 2, 1864 Private age 36 Co E 144th Inf Reg OH mustered out at Camp Chase OH Aug. 31, 1864


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