Pelletier Family Website Guestbook

Welcome to our Guestbook where you may enjoy comments from visitors to our web pages. Click Sign Guestbook to register your visit and add your own comments.

Joan Schmidt - 12/21/00 19:34:49
From: Virginia
Site pages visited: Logic Puzzles, Home Page
Web link used to find this site: through a puzzle page

I'm sorry you aren't keeping up your site. It was a very interesting one to me. Anyway, Merry Christmas. Joan

allan axelrod - 12/10/00 17:36:13
From: hoboken new jersey
Site pages visited: read your evaluations
Search engine used to find this site: google

the typography and paper in Original and Official have exuded low quality and an attempt sometime back to enjoy original foundered on what i found unatractive: ie the multiple puzzles however at your recommend i will try both of them thanx

BZZO - 12/02/00 00:30:29
From: Connecticut
Site pages visited: Logic problems of the month
Web link used to find this site: no
Search engine used to find this site: Google
How did you locate this site?: Google

It was interesting. You need more logic problems though.

BOOKWORM5TH - 12/01/00 16:22:51
From: ohio
Site pages visited: logicpuzzles,children
Search engine used to find this site: looksmart

I am a5th grade teacher and loking for puzzles to teach my students to think in a logical way.

R. Berg - 11/18/00 17:25:27
My Email:None yet
From: Oakland, California
Site pages visited: Parts of Logic Problems; also home page and guestbook
Search engine used to find this site: Google
How did you locate this site?: searched using "Penny Press puzzles"

Nice-looking site (I like your graphics) and well written. I've been contributing items to Penny Press variety magazines for three or four years. Stopped contributing logic problems when I learned that the editors in the Logic Department rewrite most submissions to the point of unrecognizability–they retain the logical structure but replace the content. Next time I send a batch of puzzles to Penny, I'll mention the complaints of several of your guests that they couldn't find its Web site.

Deborah McGill - 11/16/00 14:54:36
From: Prices's Corners, Ont. Canada
Site pages visited: all a year ago; links & mag. reviewsg.
Search engine used to find this site: up logic prob.

Hello there, Am glad to have visited your site, once again, find logic prob. compelling, but seem to have trouble with them, have bought many varieties of mags, but finally settled down to doing easy ones for enjoyment, now will concentrate, on England's Best, after r ading your review/ would hate to tell you my age, its embarrassing to admit with the trouble I have had-but I am compelled to overcome this trouble and therefore have this pursuit as an enjoyment//your site is very thorough and enjoyable, very impressive -Deb

Deborah McGill - 11/16/00 14:51:53
From: Prices's Corners, Ont. Canada
Site pages visited: all a year ago; links & mag. reviewsg.
Search engine used to find this site: up logic prob.

Hello there, Am glad to have visited your site, once again, find logic prob. compelling, but seem to have trouble with them, have bought many varieties of mags, but finally settled down to doing easy ones for enjoyment, now will concentrate, on Englnad's Best, after r ading your review/ would hate to tell you my age, its embarrassing to admit with the trouble I have had-but I am compelled to overcome this trouble and therefore have this pursuit as an enjoyment

Gustavo Jimenez C. - 11/13/00 22:34:51
My URL:/SiliconValley/Monitor/1658
My Email:gjimenez@vencemos.socm
From: Venezuela
Site pages visited: all
Search engine used to find this site: Altavista

Your site is excellent. Thank you for the comments about the Sherlock program. Is good for training. Bye...

Karen - 11/13/00 01:24:20
From: Hayward, California
Site pages visited: all
How did you locate this site?: surfed in ?

Thanks for the site, I wanted more sources.

Joe Brennan - 11/06/00 00:18:12
From: Wales in the United Kingdom
Site pages visited: Logic Problems
Web link used to find this site: My startpoint was Ev Kaser

It's late on Sunday night here and my wife is in bed, she has a banking exam tomorrow so I'll have to go now, but I'll be back.

liritz - 11/03/00 15:03:33
From: philippines
Site pages visited: all
Web link used to find this site: no
Search engine used to find this site: yahoo

i'm a beginner and i'm already hooked. lp magazines in the philippines are rather hard to come by. if and when they do, they're a bit expensive. i hope you could suggest a cheaper way for me to get hold of back issues of lp magazines. thanks.

David Kinney - 10/25/00 18:25:49
From: Dallas, TX
Site pages visited: logic puzzles


hi - 10/24/00 22:56:09

u really should show how to construct a crisscross grid if u have alot of information

Keckle - 10/17/00 18:10:15
From: Michigan
Site pages visited: all!
Search engine used to find this site: Netscape
How did you locate this site?: I searched Penny Press Logic Puzzles

This is great! I've recently discovered I have an addiction to logic puzzles so I decided to do a search to see if there were others besides Dell and Penny Press. That's when I found your web site. I intend to bookmark it. Thanks for all the info!

saurabh jain - 10/13/00 18:08:50
From: india
Search engine used to find this site: yes,yahoo

the site is very good and i am now preparing for interviews and aptitude test taken by software companies.if u can let me know which site can allow me to download mock test.i will be very grateful to u.

Dora Duggan - 10/06/00 21:08:11
From: England
Search engine used to find this site: metacrawler

Hey, you guys! I enjoy logic problems, but when I am in bed trying to wind down, it is nice to have the easy English Logic Problems to do. Now, I am frustrated because I can't find the magazine in Canada. Penny Press does not seem to have a web page either. Can you help me find Penny Press, so I can get to sleep with my English Logic puzzles, or do I have to get my husband to come to bed early??? Dora

Jeff - 10/05/00 22:05:32
From: San Diego
Site pages visited: almost all
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo
How did you locate this site?: search "Logic Problems"

Don't know if you're still active. These pages are very old. Interesting reading. Especially about puzzle construction. Appreciate the effort. The puzzle you call "Notable Neighbors" was first posed, believe it or not, by Albert Einstein. It is called Ein tien's Riddle. He claimed at the time that 98% of the world would not be able to solve it.

Ted Sloane - 09/30/00 11:44:17
From: U.S.A.
Site pages visited: Do not know !
Search engine used to find this site: Google


Dustin Austin - 09/23/00 15:33:48
From: TEXAS!
Site pages visited: ALL
Web link used to find this site: yes,

Cool site! Keep up the good work!

missy sonnenberg - 09/21/00 18:19:07
From: mt. prospect., il
Site pages visited: plan to vist all of them - thanks
Web link used to find this site: no. on msn

I am thinking about going to law school and of course, there is the LSAT's. Doing logic problems will help. Thanks again.

Valerie - 09/08/00 02:16:39
From: Florida
Site pages visited: all
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo

Do you know if Penny Press has a website? I can't seem to find them. I need permission to reprint some of their logic problems for use in my classroom. Thanks!

florida sunshine - 09/07/00 01:53:50
From: Florida
Site pages visited: Logic puzzle page
Web link used to find this site: Puzzlemakers

Great logic puzzle page! I work with two other women and we work a logic puzzle every day at lunch...feeding our body and our brain. Your helpful hints should be quite....helpful! Thanks again.

Wren - 08/24/00 16:49:53
From: Ohio
Site pages visited: #'s 5, 6, 7
Web link used to find this site:'s Puzzle newsletter

I enjoyed this site. I hope you will update it and keep it current. I'll be visiting!

Laurie - 08/19/00 03:34:24
From: Brooklyn, NY
Site pages visited: I saw the unbelievable Christmas Home Page - what alot of work that must have been, all the family pages, including the letter from your daughter to Clinton. I saw the logic problems pages with your instructions, rating, etc. have seen this in the past, but only the logic problems not the indepth stuff. I viewed the Table of Contents for Politics which I will eventually totally read. I am a logic problems maniac and I think this is the greatest site I've ever seen. I espec ally liked and enjoyed all the biblical references and quotes. This is an exciting place to be.
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo search engine trying to locate logic problems

I spend many hours doing all sorts of logic problems and have all the magazines you mentioned all over my house in piles and drawers. I also enjoy creating my own puzzles which I started creating to send to my kids to do while they were in camp and then realized I could compile them in a book (with the help of the church photocopier) and donate them to children and perhaps seniors in the hospital. We will probably involve the youth group in this activity. Most of my commentary for your page I placed i the box above when I spoke of the sites I visited. You need to know this is the most uplifting site I have ever found on the computer. We just recently got the computer, so I am not too computer literate yet, that is why I could not specify exactly how I found you. You and your family should keep up the good work and I am certainly going to introduce this to my three children, ages 9, 13, and 15. Thank you so much.

Frank D'Agostino - 08/06/00 13:33:52
From: Hillisde, NJ
Site pages visited: Logic puzzles
Web link used to find this site: Yahoo!
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo!

gotta tell you, your logic page, with publisher info is incredible! Really is. My puzzle magazine page is blown away now!

Debbie Wilson - 08/04/00 23:55:45
From: Bridgeport, TX
Site pages visited: Logic Puzzles
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo


mal - 08/04/00 18:01:47
From: Santa Clara, CA
Site pages visited: Logic Puzzles
Search engine used to find this site: google

The logic problems were interesting and fun. Do you have any suggestions on solving the table puzzles? I always seem to have more problem with them.

Sheer Luck - 07/21/00 17:27:44
From: Boston
Site pages visited: logic puzzels
Search engine used to find this site: yahoo

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! I have been searching for web pages that explain how to create my own LP's rather than pirating someone elses. Do you or anyone else know of any additional resources for creating logic problems? The Dell and Pennypress magazines do not offer tips on their creation. The first christmas was well done.

Linda - 07/14/00 11:07:49
From: Oklahoma
Site pages visited: logic puzzles
Search engine used to find this site: netscape

Love your site. I am getting ready to get another logic puzzle to do before I go to bed.

Dave Curran - 06/27/00 08:01:50
From: Montana
Site pages visited: All
Web link used to find this site: We have a link to your page on our logic puzzle pages
Search engine used to find this site: Originally

It's a great site, that's why we have a link to it in our writing logic puzzles page.

Sandra - 06/27/00 00:55:19
My URL:/heartland/plains
From: Colorado
Site pages visited: Logic Puzzles
Web link used to find this site: No
Search engine used to find this site: Google

These puzzles are a cool way to keep my aging brain young and active!

íÈáíÈáÓíÈá - 06/26/00 06:21:14


Jane - 06/25/00 22:22:29
From: Buffalo, N.Y.
Site pages visited: surfed almost all

Thanks for taking the time to do this great web page. I am still a novice at the computer; have always enjoyed LPs and am praying that I will be able to ward off alzheimers by honing my lp skills.

Steve - 06/17/00 15:30:09
From: England
Site pages visited: Home
Search engine used to find this site: Excite


Jenny - 06/10/00 19:22:57
From: Miami
Site pages visited: none yet
Web link used to find this site:


Imzadi - 05/26/00 07:47:39
From: Hawaii
Site pages visited: Logic problems, ect.
Web link used to find this site: 4puzzles

I really liked your overview of all the different types of lp books. I am currently working with kids on trying to improve their comprehension and I thought getting them hooked on lp's might be the way to do it. That is how I improved mine. So as I was ying in bed last night, bored and troubled with insamina (sp is not my strong suit) I thought to myself, I should go to the store and get a lp book. Of course all of the stores that sell them are closed, so I laid their some more. And then I thought "Du !" the internet. Surely somewhere there has to be a puzzle page and wahla! I found it! Thank you. My sleepless nights will be a little fuller. Melissa Aka Imzadi

mudit khanna - 05/21/00 13:06:04
From: india
Site pages visited: started today only
Search engine used to find this site: google

it's great

mudit khanna - 05/21/00 13:05:50
From: india
Site pages visited: started today only
Search engine used to find this site: google

it's great

Michelle - 05/09/00 02:21:50
Site pages visited: Logic Puzzles
Web link used to find this site: ED's puzzles, brain teasers, and logic puzzles
Search engine used to find this site: excite

I loved your logic Puzzles! I love to work them out and I hate drawing out a table, that's why I really appreciated the logig puzzles on your web page! They all had the tables already drawn out for me! Thanks a lot! Please feel free to send me more lo ig puzzles that are new to your web page!

Dawn Desmond - 05/05/00 00:22:49
From: Richmond, VA
Site pages visited: Almost all
Search engine used to find this site: Google search

I'm a diehard logic fan, too, and your observations basically verified what I'd been thinking. I have been buying mine off the rack, but the good ones are getting scarcer. So I wanted to subscribe, and did a search to collect addresses and subscribtion ates. Voila! there you were. I'm one of those front-to-back solvers, and I work from a notepad so I can pass the book on to others in my family, so the grids and index don't matter so much to me. I did wish you had included an accuracy rating, because I definitely can't depend on the precision of wording in clues and solution with some of the publications. Dell has been slipping in that regard, I think. Penny is a lost cause. You spend your tim with them at your own risk. Thanks for taking the time to do this. The only thing I could wish is that more story lines would be something that would tweak my imagination a little more. I'm glad to see more variety in names, jobs, etc. Although basically the details don't matter. A well-constructed logic puzzle is an algebraic exercise. What do you think about that? Bye! Dawn D.

Dawn Desmond - 05/05/00 00:21:57
From: Richmond, VA
Site pages visited: Almost all
Search engine used to find this site: Google search

I'm a diehard logic fan, too, and your observations basically verified what I'd been thinking. I have been buying mine off the rack, but the good ones are getting scarcer. So I wanted to subscribe, and did a search to collect addresses and subscribtion ates. Voila! there you were. I'm one of those front-to-back solvers, and I work from a notepad so I can pass the book on to others in my family, so the grids and index don't matter so much to me. I did wish you had included an accuracy rating, because I definitely can't depend on the precision of wording in clues and solution with some of the publications. Dell has been slipping in that regard, I think. Penny is a lost cause. You spend your tim with them at your own risk. Thanks for taking the time to do this. The only thing I could wish is that more story lines would be something that would tweak my imagination a little more. I'm glad to see more variety in names, jobs, etc. Although basically the details don't matter. A well-constructed logic puzzle is an algebraic exercise. What do you think about that? Bye! Dawn D.

Jerry Lerman - 04/30/00 14:54:33
From: Massachusetts
Web link used to find this site:

Wonderful site! You have one of the types of sites that make you bang your forehead and exclaim, "darn, I wish I knew about this site before!"

Julia - 04/29/00 02:40:42
From: Texas
Site pages visited: all
How did you locate this site?:


Sherlock Holmes - 04/22/00 21:29:43
From: England
Site pages visited: The one on logic problems with a quote from me

You have done a good job on this elementary network of yours. Good luck!

Jay - 04/20/00 04:10:43
From: Houston
Site pages visited: quotes
Search engine used to find this site: altavista

Great quotes!! Good grief, you learn something new every day! Keep up the great work!

Julie - 04/18/00 22:03:28
From: Canada
Site pages visited: The Logic Puzzle Page
Search engine used to find this site: yes...Metacrawler

I just love logic puzzles, although I'm currently rather frustrated with a "Penny Press" double issue I bought last year, as there are table puzzles included in with the rest and I'm definitely not as skilled at doing those...however, I'm hoping the hints you gave on your page will be of some help! Keep up the great work! :o)

Diana Dossey - 04/18/00 05:23:46
Search engine used to find this site: AT&T


Liz - 04/09/00 13:39:53
From: South Pasadena, CA
Web link used to find this site: Aol games

I am just drifting around putting off a writing project for work. I love Logic puzzels, but I fear I am not very good at them. I usually can do three stars. I have found that they are the only thing that really keeps me from going bonkers on long air f ights. We love to travel and go coach. Thanks for putting up a site,I will visit again.

homer - 04/09/00 13:34:33
From: west virgina

i have found an old baby bed, i think it's a jenny linn. it's got a wooden frame and a metal insert on both the head and foot boards with a little girls face with pigtails.

- 04/09/00 13:32:02

i have found an old baby bed, i think it's a jenny linn. it's got a wooden frame and a metal insert on both the head and foot boards with a little girls face with pigtails.

homer - 04/09/00 13:27:49
From: west virginia

i have found an old baby bed, i think it's a jenny linn. it's wooden frme and has a metal insert with aface of a little girl.

homer - 04/09/00 13:21:16


homer - 04/09/00 13:20:21


Daryl Pelletier - 04/07/00 00:29:09
From: Burbank Washington
Site pages visited: homepage
Search engine used to find this site: excite


Catharine - 04/01/00 21:37:13
From: north Florida
Site pages visited: Logic Problems Page
Search engine used to find this site: Dogpile

Hi, I started out looking for Crytograms because my son-in-law sent me a web site to search. I am really torn between Crytograms and Logic Problems. Unfortunately, the puzzle magazines are getting really scarce in our area. Even Walden's book store does 't stock them much. I was hoping that I could find some to print, but I didn't, Idon't think. Maybe I just didn't read carefully enough. I read some of the comments in your address book and I must say I'm impressed. Considering the garbage found in the entertainment media most of the time, I is refreshing to come to a place where Christians are not afraid to let their feelings be known. Now I'm going back and see if I can find a Logic problem to print. Thanks for being available.

mace pavelek - 04/01/00 11:59:16
My Email:macepavelek@hotmail
From: Pennsylvania
Site pages visited: quotes
Search engine used to find this site: alta vista

great quotes. I'll begin using them in my staff minutes as I am an advertising direcdtor.

Patrick Scott - 04/01/00 01:50:25
From: IL
Site pages visited: Provocative Quotes
Search engine used to find this site: Alta Vista


Stumpy - 03/29/00 14:47:58
From: Thunder Bay Canada
Site pages visited: Logic Problems and Tips for solving logic problems
Web link used to find this site: nope
Search engine used to find this site:

Cool page...helped a lot.

Laurie - 02/19/00 17:06:18
From: St. Louis, MO
Site pages visited: all
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo (search for logic problems)

I really enjoyed your web site!

- 02/17/00 18:39:10

You conservatives would get much farther with your otherwise honorable libertarian sentiments by ejecting the religious nonsense. No gods or governments can give you your freedom! A quote form a good yet imperfect man (as we all are): "I have sworn on the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson (1800) This is contradictory; "God" is tyranny, the tyranny of superstition over the erstwhile logical mind. Also, Jefferson, for all his noble ideals, was a tyrant himself, a slave owner! Gun control is also tyranny; you get a point for that one.

anon. - 02/07/00 03:45:37
From: california

your website info is to long.

Sandra - 02/04/00 02:00:00
From: Poulsbo, Washington
Site pages visited: All
How did you locate this site?: Friend

Great site! I always wanted to learn how to do logic problems.

Bruce - 01/25/00 13:50:00
From: Newfoundland,Canada
Site pages visited: Welcome/Logic Problems
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo

Very informative site, wow what a lot of info. I especially like the, "For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them."

Luke Fallon - 01/17/00 16:38:27
From: MD
Site pages visited: Provocative Quotes
Web link used to find this site: No
Search engine used to find this site: Altavista
How did you locate this site?: chance


pseudonymn - 01/11/00 05:39:40
From: Chicago area
Site pages visited: Hit most. Will come back for the rest.
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo

Finally I've found the site I was looking for. Actually I had just got done doing my daily devotions in the Bible and decided to give it one more try: my search for logic puzzles on the web that is. I didn't even know what they are called, but I knew t at I wanted to find one. My boss has charged me and a partner with comming up with a creative, entertaining and adictingly fun way to write what can be moderately boring educational material online. My previous ideas have been shot down bigtime. Using ogic puzzles to present important information came to my partner and me earlier today. I had just gotten out of a meeting with my boss and he had told me in a nice way that my "Fun, Entertaining, Sense of Acomplishment" ideas weren't so fun, entertaining etc. So I went back to the internet to do some research on what's fun and entertianing etc and wasted an hour doing a math problem. I told my partner what I had wasted my time doing and he said, "Just like that LP you did this past summer." That's when the idea came to us. Anyway this is just the site I was looking for. Not only do you have great logic puzzle examples already laid out, I can't wait to read through your tutorials on how to make a logic puzzle. I wouldn't consider myslef to be a logic puzzle junkie, but thi past summer I spent all night working through another version of "Notable Neighbors" and I loved every pain-staking minute of it. If I were a true junkie it wouldn't have taken me all night. I'll have to remedy that. Your Christmas LP is GREAT! In the same way you incorporate the Truths of Christmas and the gospel I hope to incorporate the truths of my profession. That's not to say that anything can compare to the Truth that Jesus Christ died for our sins so that we can go to heaven and live eternally in the presence of God praising Him; I'm merely suggesting that I have the same idea that I think you had with your "Christmas Special" idea. Seeing your presentation solidifies that this can indeed be done very well! Thanks again. You're an answer to prayer. PS I'm in competetion with others at the company to come up with the best idea. If my partner and I win, we're $15,000 better off than we otherwise would be! That's an added bonus. God Bless! I don't know if you post these messages, but I would appreciate it if you would hold off on mine in the slim case that the others at work were to see this and get the same idea that my partner and I have. Our deadline is in one month, after that I'm not orried about anyone seeing this.

Puzzlemakers - 01/04/00 03:29:24
My URL:http://www.puzzlemakers/net
From: UK
Site pages visited: Logic Puzzles Page

Happy New Year! Thanks to your link to our website, we've received a great many visitors interested in logic puzzles. We've now expanded the site and included a great many more pages, with lots of new puzzles and examples of the Logical Challenge magazine. We've also changed our URL to: Please visit the site and enjoy the puzzles! Best regards Puzzlemakers

DAS - 12/22/99 02:18:26
Site pages visited: Quotes
Search engine used to find this site: Altavista "Quotes" key

Thank you for your group of quotes. I enjoyed your selection.

Moshe Mayefsky - 12/19/99 14:01:41
From: Brooklyn, NY
Site pages visited:
Web link used to find this site:

Your page provides a wealth of information for logic puzzle lovers like myself. Thank you very much for your help in deciding which logic puzzle magazine to purchase.

- 12/17/99 00:39:32


Gernardo Pannacci - 12/03/99 13:37:08
From: Venezuela
Search engine used to find this site: Mata Hari

Great page about logic puzzles!

Russel Brooks - 11/30/99 19:36:53
From: San Jose, CA USA
Site pages visited: main page
Web link used to find this site: yes, from Kaser

I agree about Kaser's SHERLOCK pc game. I've been playing it for years; great game. Someday I've got to give the paper puzzels a try.

Lisa Hatch - 11/28/99 04:25:27
My Email:unknown
From: north vancouver


pooky bear - 11/26/99 20:12:18
From: Southern California
Search engine used to find this site: Google
How did you locate this site?: Search


Luke Cain - 11/26/99 13:07:06
From: Florida
Web link used to find this site:


Eric Frank - 11/19/99 21:54:43
From: my mother
Site pages visited: all
Search engine used to find this site: ask jeeves

where can I find logic problems for kids?

Amy Pelletier - 11/19/99 18:50:03
From: Michigan
Site pages visited: too many
Search engine used to find this site: Excite

It saddens me that you would use quotes from Hitler to support your biased, abmormal, demented views. My grandfather, Verdon Joseph Pelletier, died on the shores of Normandy defending our ancestors' homeland against Hitler. You sicken me. You are quite obviously a Nazi sympathizer and you do not deserve the surname of Pelletier. And as for welfare reform, you will do well to remember that Jesus was a homeless man born to a single mother. He also spent time in the company of hookers. Your bigoted hatre is a mark of damnation on the faces of all Christians. You will not find your answers in the Bible; sadly, you lack the intellect to discern the truths God has put there.

11/13/99 17:08:52
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook

Ann Marie Pelish - 11/13/99 00:55:32
From: Terre Haute, IN
Site pages visited: logic problems and Christmas
Search engine used to find this site: google

Your logic problems are very good. Do you submit them to publishers? I love to create puzzles too. Do you have any suggestions about getting puzzles published? I've been looking for puzzle magazine websites, but am having trouble finding them. Any inf rmation would be appreciated! Thanks, Ann Marie Pelish P.S. I love your Christmas decorations!

claude - 11/13/99 00:44:17
From: ontario canada
Search engine used to find this site: ask jeves


Colleen - 11/10/99 18:51:23
From: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Site pages visited: Logic Page(s)
Search engine used to find this site: Google
How did you locate this site?: typed in free logic ppuzzles

I spend approx. $25 per month on various logic magazines (none of them printed in Canada) and it was nice to be able to print off puzzles without it costing me anything. I also did the What HO! Another Logic Challenge but had a hard time trying to e-mail my answer to the right person. I still don't know if it got through.

poidog - 11/09/99 02:16:12
From: Oregon


Dave - 11/05/99 17:35:00
From: Overland Park, KS
Web link used to find this site: Everett Kaser Software

Exceptional site!! I have enjoyed playing / working with logic problems for many years, but have never found as much information as you have compiled here. Thanks for developing this site. As Gen MacArthur said, "I shall return."

thejude - 11/05/99 05:12:18
From: San Francisco
Site pages visited: all
Web link used to find this site: Yahoo, Puzzles

Great reviews!

Mag - 11/02/99 20:27:43
From: New York
Site pages visited: Actual Puzzle Pages
Search engine used to find this site: Dogpile

Great Site! I am in love with logic puzzles, I make them, do them, and try to find them! It took me two days to find the perfect site- yours! I searched for hours and I'm glad I found this one because whenever I have a spare moment, I can whip out my logi puzzles I printed off the site and work on them. Thank you for making this site, I'm overjoyed I found it!

Kim Jeselnick - 11/01/99 02:14:56
Web link used to find this site: Askjeeves
Search engine used to find this site: Altavista

Thanks for the tips. I've loved logic problems for a long time. Now that I'm a teacher, I'm trying to find puzzles that are appropriate for my students. I have some talented kids in my class that could really use the challenge!

Daphne - 10/29/99 00:58:46
From: Barnwell, SC
Site pages visited: All
Web link used to find this site: na
Search engine used to find this site: yahoo
How did you locate this site?: na


chris - 10/20/99 04:05:37
My Email:butterfree381
From: ill
Site pages visited: all of them
Web link used to find this site: no
Search engine used to find this site: no
How did you locate this site?: do not know

e-mail me some more of your sites

Mark Hefley - 10/01/99 22:11:31
From: Calif
Site pages visited: all
Search engine used to find this site: AOLNet

I'm new to logic games. Happy to find your site. Thanks for the tips and clues as I venture into the world of logic problems. Keep up the good work.

Mazie - 09/26/99 21:30:08
From: NYC
Site pages visited: All of them!! Thank you
Search engine used to find this site: Aol search

Thank you! I cannot find Logic Problems magazines on the newstands here - I spent two days driving around my island looking and looking. I was in the middle of logic-problem withdrawal syndrome (LPWS)! Thank you so much for a great site!

Sue - 09/22/99 18:32:36
From: Fort Worth, TX
Web link used to find this site: gamespot

I enjoy the monthly logic problem. The solving diagrams are good. Keep having a new monthly problem if you can.

Phil - 08/22/99 03:02:33
From: TX
Site pages visited: about 6
Web link used to find this site: nope
Search engine used to find this site: yahoo
How did you locate this site?: nope

Way Cool, Used to do these about 15yrs ago and just stopped. Got a mag when wifey got her wordsearch fix. Internet junkie had to see if there were net versions also. Did two of your puzzles. Awesome site. Much better than the usual "ILoveMe" Websites Good to go. Have a great life.--Phil

Nick - 08/12/99 14:28:15
From: Leighton Buzzard, Beds. England
Site pages visited: all of them
Web link used to find this site: logic puzzles

hi ya, cheers for the infuriating puzzles

Kathy Sciamanda - 07/27/99 01:31:21
From: Spokane


jessica - 07/20/99 17:05:10
From: waite park, mn


fraXn - 07/18/99 22:08:36
From: rural South Alabama
Site pages visited: The main page and the "Tips For Solving" page.
Search engine used to find this site: Found you through

I enjoyed your page. Dell Math Puzzles & Logic Problems is my favorite puzzle magazine. I like the math puzzles almost as much as the LPs. Like you, this is how I relax. Working a math puzzle or LP is part of my bedtime ritual. I enjoy them other tim s of the day, too. You are right: this is one of the truest bargains among entertainment choices. You say you find Dell's solution explainations easy to follow. I find them vague and confusing, actually. Maybe it's just me. You have a nice webpage. t is attractive, well-organized, and enjoyable. I like the simple, quick-loading design.

Gregg Weldon - 07/15/99 20:44:28
From: GA
Site pages visited: All
Search engine used to find this site: Hotbot

Very informative web site. It doesn't look like you're updating it anymore, which is a shame. Also, I especially enjoyed the section on how to construct an LP.

rosie - 07/04/99 08:25:08
From: Zimbabwe
Site pages visited: Logic Problems
Web link used to find this site: AskJeeves

GREAT!! I'm an LP lover and very excited to have found this site. THANK YOU!

Jacques - 06/29/99 21:54:11
From: Canada
Site pages visited: logic pages

Nicely done. Very good overview of logic problems. No recent updates ? How come? If anyone is interested, I have written a series of Windows 95 programs to help in entering and solving(in some cases) logic problems. Contact me at my email address.

Parent - 06/22/99 19:33:12
From: TX
Site pages visited: Childrens, magazines, most of pages
Search engine used to find this site: Aol net search

Thank you for providing a site with so much information. My child has been exposed to logic puzzles in school and your site made it easy to find some for her spare time.

Cathy Sanford - 06/21/99 14:27:33
From: Iowa
Site pages visited: Home - will visit more later
Search engine used to find this site: alta vista

I love cross sums and came across your site while looking for more. I'll be back. Cathy

Cathy Sanford - 06/21/99 14:25:27


marc - 06/07/99 17:56:36
Site pages visited: OHIO
Search engine used to find this site: Infoseek

I am hooked on logic puzzles. I can't get enough--I enjoyed looking around your site and I will enjoy solving your problems.

Sivasailam Thiagarajan - 05/20/99 21:24:30
From: USA
Site pages visited: All pages
Web link used to find this site: Alta Vista
Search engine used to find this site: Alta Vista

This is a wonderful site. I appreciate your hard work, idelaistic passion, and high level of competence. I am a puzzles and games designer and specialize on the application of fun and challenge to training adults. I publish a monthly newsletter (printed v rsion) and I'll be happy to send you sample copies if you send me your snail mail address. Keep up the great work!

Michael Pillitiere - 05/14/99 03:10:42
From: Akron, Oh
Search engine used to find this site: AltaVista

Just looking up the family, I had no I dea there were so many. By the way It appears from your other guests, that you have some sort of lateral thinking site. Im a Mensan (not in good standing) and enjoy that sort of thing.

Brian - 04/26/99 01:09:48
From: Philadelphia Suburbs
Site pages visited: I am only aware of the ones pertaining to the homepage for your logis puzzle site
Web link used to find this site: No
Search engine used to find this site: Yes, Alta Vista, however my computer chooses one at random and I merely follow suggestion, there is no 1 particular browser that I use

I am a huge logic enthusiast and I do look forward to becoming an active visitor to your site to either submit&download puzzles, and also to enjoy the other various information that you provide.

RaeAnn - 04/13/99 05:22:55
From: Colorado
Site pages visited: LogicProblems
Search engine used to find this site: AOL

I am on a search for a empty logic problem grid to print. I have tryed to make one on my computer and that didn't work. I have tryed to make one by hand and that didn't work either. I'm going to explore your site some more and try to find one. I really li e your site and I personally like Dell and PennyPress logic problem magazines.

Puzzlemakers - 04/01/99 20:29:58
From: UK
Web link used to find this site: Bookmarked

Just to let you know that our site has been recently updated with some new puzzles! Please pay us a visit. Best regards

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 03:23:10

Ich mag Sie nicht paginieren. Ich denke nicht, daß es sehr interessant ist. Sie sollten es neu entwerfen. Ich hoffe, daß dieses hilft. Gutes Glück.

Russell Carley - 03/13/99 06:19:06
From: Earth
Site pages visited: Logic
Web link used to find this site: Everett Kaser Software


Lucas - 02/24/99 11:04:45
From: CT, USA
Site pages visited: Logic page

Hi! Logic fans who also like mysteries might want to check out Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. Each issue contains one "Unsolved" puzzle, a logic problem built around a crime. There's one up on their website:

Felipe Santos Reis - 02/16/99 19:33:13
From: Brasil
Web link used to find this site: Indication of snark list

Very beautiful. Continue!

Susanne Schmid - 02/09/99 08:57:13
From: Germany
Site pages visited: all
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo

Great idea!!! It is hard to find any LP`s in Germany, so actually I was looking for some addresses for LP`s magazines. I guess I found them! Also the links to the other pages are very helpfull. I definetely add this address to my bookmarks!

Joel Janzen - 01/14/99 03:42:00
From: CA
Site pages visited: most
Web link used to find this site: via cornell university

A delightful site! Keep up the good work.

Susan Rash - 01/09/99 14:36:13
From: Mt. Vernon, IL
Site pages visited: Homepage only
Search engine used to find this site: Alta Vista

It is so nice to know that there are other LP addicted people in the world. With two children keeping me busy, finding time to do anything is difficult. The time I do find is used to solve LP problems. Is there a Penny Press directory? I would love to find a copy of a misplaced puzzle that I never had the time to do.

Susan Rash - 01/09/99 14:29:33


Brenda - 01/09/99 02:33:06
From: Westlake, OH
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo, I think.

This is really neat. I will bookmark it for future reference. I find myself doing logic problems for a half hour before I go to bed at night. It helps me to relax, and as a side benefit, I think that it improves my thinking skills. I also enjoyed your references to childrens' logic problems, as I have a 9-year-old son. My 11-year-old niece, who is in a gifted education program, has already discovered logic problems. Thanks!

Japkin - 12/23/98 19:15:17
From: Earth
Site pages visited: A few of the logic problems
How did you locate this site?: Friend emailed me your URL

I have been a fan of logic problems for a long time now. I really enjoyed your section on how to create logic problems. However, I have one comment: Logic problems are not limmited to table problems like these. My favorites are the ones that have very few boundaries. For example, if you take two apples from three apples, how many do you have? This kind of problem makes you think outside the lines. Doing table logic problems gets boring after a while because you are only thinking about one type of problem with only one kind of thought flow. I'd like to see your site expand into different types of logic problems so there is variety. Try linking to the Games Magazine site for something different. I do like your site. Keep up the brain stimulation. =) [You'd probably heard it before, but the answer to my problem is two; you have what you took.]

Miranda Morris - 12/12/98 13:59:53
From: Tasmania/Australia
Site pages visited: Logic Problems
Web link used to find this site:

I have been a LP addict for some years now - regularly buying the British Logical Challenge, and really loving (and grieving the demise of) Logical Challenge Expert. I greatly appreciate your page on how to construct logic problems and look forward to having a go. Thanks Miranda

Michael E. Benson - 12/11/98 20:17:24
From: Sunnyvale, CA

Your site is very informative. Please visit me again at The Mystery Master. With your permission, I'd like to use some of your logic puzzles to see if The Mystery Master software can solve them. I appreciate your excellent site.

Ella McCrystle - 12/03/98 10:38:19
From: Baltimore, MD
Site pages visited: most
Web link used to find this site: yes, Everett Kaser Software

Keep up the excellent work!

garfield - 12/02/98 17:38:00
From: ontario
Site pages visited: logic problems
Search engine used to find this site: webcrawler

honestly u shoud actually have logic problems on your page in stead of riddles. write back GARFIELD

garfield - 12/02/98 17:37:52
From: ontario
Site pages visited: logic problems
Search engine used to find this site: webcrawler

honestly u shoud actually have logic problems on your page in stead of riddles. write back GARFIELD

Jing Chen - 12/02/98 04:12:29
From: Las Vegas
Site pages visited: Logic puzzle one
Web link used to find this site: Don't remember
Search engine used to find this site: yeah, that was it. Snap

my web page has nothing to do with logic puzzles, but that's okay. My fav logic puzzle, except to this one, is the Grey Labyrinth and the to The grey labyrinth is at I re lly like your links. Keep it up.

Trevor Harris - 11/24/98 04:47:17
From: Perth, West Australia
Site pages visited: Most
Web link used to find this site: Puzzlemakers

Found your site a valuable source for information on logic problems. I enjoyed your review of various publications. Will re visit soon

Lauren - 11/07/98 17:53:46
From: Ohio
Site pages visited: Logic Puzzles!!
Web link used to find this site: AOL Search

Thanks! Great Resource

Susan Crochet - 11/01/98 22:36:22
From: Louisiana
Site pages visited: Logic Problems
Web link used to find this site: Everett Kaser Sofware Link

Thanks for all the logic puzzles. It's been quite some time since I've worked on them, but I look forward to returning to your page for puzzles.

Vivienne Montague - 10/30/98 20:15:02
From: Toronto, Canada
Site pages visited: Logic Problems
Search engine used to find this site: Metacrawler search for Penny Press

Glad to find this site, especially the information on constructing logic problems as I was curious as to how it ws done. Also the tips always come in handy. I plan on following up some of the links on your site when I have the time. You're on my bookmark ist!

Bob Savary - 10/29/98 14:56:58
From: Tolland, CT
Site pages visited: logic.htm, logic.htm#where
Search engine used to find this site: HotBot

Great site! My daughter's fourth grade teacher is using logic problems in the classroom. I'll pass on your URL to her....

Andrea Jackson - 10/13/98 23:30:21
From: Atlanta
Site pages visited: Logic Puzzles
Search engine used to find this site: Excite

Didn't know I could get a subscription to logic puzzles. It's nice to know I'm not the only person who gets a kick out of these brain twisters. Thanks for the info and evaluations. I'll be back!

Mr. L - 10/11/98 04:22:43
From: Pasadena Ca
Site pages visited: Logic Puzzle
Search engine used to find this site: aol net find

outstanding site! I am going to link my page to yours, my students need a link(s) to logic puzzle sites, they need to learn how to do them for the jr. high academic decathlon. if you have any logic puzzles you would like to send i'd be appreciative thanx a bunch

Clayton Burnett - 10/05/98 01:12:34
From: Hartsburg, Missouri
Search engine used to find this site: netscape

Get more philosophical quotes, not so many government quotes

10/04/98 10:18:32
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Bobbi Lusic - 10/04/98 05:45:43
From: BC Canada
Site pages visited: Logic Problems
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo

Your LP content is unique among the hits in Yahoo. I'll try to enrich the web with similar content on my site too.

Arlene Hurd - 09/21/98 22:36:22
From: North Carolina
Site pages visited: Logic Problems
Web link used to find this site: webcrawler

Great Puzzles and very thought provoking I printed them and did them instead of watching tv thanks again for the puzzles Ollie

Alice Butler - 09/18/98 21:42:58
From: Pennsylvania
Site pages visited: So far only the home page. I plan to visit them all as time permits.
Web link used to find this site: Link from Everett Kaser Software

I've been needing a site like this for years. Thanks. Alice

Debbie Larson - 09/01/98 19:32:52
From: Iowa
Site pages visited: X-sums review & logic pages
Web link used to find this site: from your X-sums 98 review

Thank you for provideing this web site. There are so many crossword sites and so few number & logic puzzle sites!

Jo Jarman - 08/28/98 07:45:08
From: Southsea, Portsmouth. U.K.
Site pages visited: All
How did you locate this site?: Details found on editor's page of Logical Challenge no.161

Please !!!! More details of English LP mags and subscription addresses. The more difficault the puzzles the better.

Lisa - 08/15/98 15:59:31
From: Las Vegas

Great site

Michael Fiedler - 08/08/98 21:48:44
From: Israel
Site pages visited: A great many
Web link used to find this site: Logic Problems Page
Search engine used to find this site: HotBot

Loved it. many good and great stuff to be found. Maybe give the option of e-mailing a monthly logic problem out?

Brenda Terry - 08/03/98 15:15:03
From: Kentucky
Site pages visited: all of them!
How did you locate this site?: letter from a friend

WELL DONE! There should be more sites like this. You have done (comparisons) what I've wanted to do for years, but hadn't the energy. Thanks!

John B.Thomas, III - 07/27/98 18:09:03
From: Texas
Site pages visited: All
Web link used to find this site: No
Search engine used to find this site: Alta Vista advanced

I just found your page which I will explore more fully later. What I was looking for was a critique of the various LP publications, and I'm glad to see that you had one, and I agree with most of what you say. Was any one else but me surprized (to say th least!) to find that most if not all of the problems in the Sept. 1998 issue of Dell Math Puzzles and Logic Problems have been reprinted from the Dell Book of Logic Problems, no. 2 (as I recall)? Dell certainly seems to be a mixed bag these days: I love the Barnaby and Dorabella puzzles, but then there are these unannounced reprints, and I've had a terrible experience in subscribing. All-in-all I think that Original Logic Problems are my favorites.

Edward Jackman - 07/09/98 22:45:31
From: Los Angeles
Site pages visited: all logic problem related
Search engine used to find this site: probably Yahoo

Excellent! I just started doing LPs again and your info on the magazines was very useful. (You might want to mention that both Dell and PennyPress off back issue packs for about half off.) I'd like to see your comparison of the magazines in terms of variety of puzzles, humor, amount of text, graphics and other quality issues besides difficulty. Which ones do *you* like to solve? I'd love to various construction methods, and of course, more problems. I especially appreciate the tasteful and casual way you express your religious beliefs rather than beating us over the head with it and chasing away those of us with different beliefs. Thanks. it.

Puzzlemakers - 05/27/98 19:19:55
From: England
Site pages visited: All
Search engine used to find this site: Alta Vista, we think, or InfoSeek

We liked your page so much, we contributed (via our compiler!) a puzzle of our own - thank you for choosing it as Puzzle of the Month. Best regards. Puzzlemakers UK

Glen Wilson - 03/28/98 23:25:53
From: Cambridge, MA
Site pages visited: Infor on children's LPs
How did you locate this site?: Surfed here


Mary McKinnon - 03/22/98 14:57:03
From: Oklahoma
Site pages visited: all
Search engine used to find this site: Internet Sleuth

I think your site is wonderful...very complete and informative. I have been doing Logic Problems for many years and I am always looking for more puzzles. I agree with your evaluations of the puzzle magazines. Have you ever purchased the Dell Book of Lo ic Problems? I like it the least, but it is an alternative. Thank you for your site.

- 01/10/98 03:04:16

Added to comments from Trish Rizko: Glad to see your views are the same as ours. In this day and age it is very difficult to find Christians who are willing to express there views on certain subjects(abortion) without apologizing for their beliefs in the same sentence. As the day of His eturning is approaching quickly, we all need to stand fast on His teachings and never waver or submit to worldly pressures.

Trish Rizko - 01/10/98 02:55:07
From: Edmonton,Alberta CANADA
Site pages visited: all
Search engine used to find this site: Logic Problems - AltaVista

Being a mother of 3(4yrs,2yrs & 2mns) does not give me a whole lot of time to myself. I discovered logic problems about 2-3yrs ago, and whatever spare moment I can find I devote to doing these puzzles. The problem I found was that I ran out of problems o do, so I turned to the Internet not really expecting to find anything. Thank you so much for expanding my puzzle library and giving me back a few moments of sanity. I also agree with you that PennyPress does publish better Logic Problems overall.

Steve(ArmyVet) - 12/21/97 05:45:01
From: Iowa
Site pages visited: all
How did you locate this site?: Guest Book entry

Very interesting thought provoking site. Very well put together.

Jean Griggs - 12/19/97 01:17:53
From: South Carolina
Site pages visited: the Christmas home page
Web link used to find this site: no
Search engine used to find this site: no
How did you locate this site?: A homeschool listserv

Your Christmas page is great. I really like it. The scrolling Scriptures was impressive and eye-catching.

Jim - 12/14/97 03:58:07
From: N. Calif.
Site pages visited: Almost all
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo/Alta Vista

very interesting. I downloaded the problems to work on. will return!

J.W. Moore - 12/02/97 20:27:15
From: Batesville, Ark
Site pages visited: most
Web link used to find this site: surfed
Search engine used to find this site: webcrawler


P. B. Little - 11/19/97 03:32:16
From: Sterling Heights, MI
Site pages visited: Logic Problems
How did you locate this site?: My daughter E-mailed me your URL.

My daughter, son and I are all logic problem lovers, although not to a fault. About once or twice a year I purchase a puzzle magazine and try, sometimes with limited success, to solve every logic problem. It is, as you say, a lot of fun.

A. David Chan - 10/18/97 07:53:58
From: Central/Southern California
Site pages visited: Logic Problems & Political Views
Web link used to find this site: Search for Logic Problems
Search engine used to find this site: Yahoo?

We seem to be of like spirit. WHEN this country destroys itself over abortion, gun control or religious freedom, we probably fighting for the same side. No, not everyone in L.A. is a rabid socialist liberal. There are a few Libertarian/Conservatives around.

Mark Baker - 10/10/97 18:03:15
From: Linn, MO
Site pages visited: Logic Problems
How did you locate this site?: From Math Teacher

I enjoyed the problems. They are really complicated!

John R. Pelletier - 09/24/97 08:49:37
From: P.A. ORIG- NYC
Site pages visited: ALL

HELLO, Nice to see such fine folks carrying the Pelletier name!

Sherri Stephens - 09/09/97 14:44:00
From: Dallas,Texas
Site pages visited: all
Web link used to find this site: geocities

I have always enjoyed LP's. I believe that if only more people would discover LP's the world would have a lot more sense. Maybe this site is the beginning of opening the eyes to these people.Thanks for the enjoyment and I hope you keep up the good work.
Jeff - 09/01/97 05:38:35
From: Palmdale, CA
Web link used to find this site:

A valuable source for information on logic problems. I enjoyed your review of various publications.

George Hernandez - 08/19/97 18:53:02 GMT
From: San Antonio, TX
Site pages visited: Politics, Logic, Family, Quotes
How did you locate this site?: Friend's recommendation

I'm impressed by the consistent logical thought which pervades your site -- from logic puzzles through logically conservative Biblical commentary. Your site suggests that you probably have a well-developed, carefully thought-out world view which should b publicized. How about some essays from you on how to develop a logically consistent world view?

Name: Connie Shin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Findlay Ohio
Time: 1997-07-23 12:52:00
Comments: Just passing by. Will pass the site on to other instructors who would use this information in logic classes.

Name: strfri
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: lakeland, fl
Time: 1997-07-21 19:05:00
Comments: interesting

Name: shafqat
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bournemouth England
Time: 1997-06-13 02:57:00
Comments: what can i say ?

Name: Emily
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-05-27 09:52:00
Comments: I love the quotes from the Bible!!!

Name: Katheryn Moore
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Dallas, Texas
Time: 1997-05-21 05:45:00
Comments: Great Logic Problems! We really enjoy this site!

Name: Lady G
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Southern, IN. (yuck!)
Time: 1997-04-21 15:30:00
Comments: Just popped in for a minute and found it very interesting. I love LP's! I shall return when I have more time. What I have seen is great.

Name: Emily Dow
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Maryland
Time: 1997-04-20 11:30:00
Comments: I love logic problems, but I just wish that there were some that you could actually work out while you're on the computer instead of having to print them out so you can do them.

Name: Mike Austerman
Website: Mike Austerman's Web Zone
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Novi, Michigan
Time: 1997-04-07 10:02:00
Comments: Found your page while looking for other Michigan pages in GeoCities. I visited your logic puzzles and children pages. Great job - I'm coming back to your logic puzzles when I have more time!

Name: Paul Spangenberg
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Telford, PA
Time: 1997-03-31 13:33:00
Comments: I am using my friends computer to try to learn logic problems in order to pass a test at work. I have started in a "dell" book but have found it a bit confusing and lacking enough easy ones to learn. I would like to hear back from you if you have any su gestions or could help me.

Name: Pam Dutch
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sleepy Hollow, IL (Chicago suburb)
Time: 1997-03-26 19:30:00
Comments: This is a great web site! Do you know why magazine publishers don't have web sites (i.e., Penny Press)? There is a new publisher of Logic Problems that I don't see on your web page. It's called "New York Herald Tribune Logic Problems" and its published by H-T Publications, 7002 West Butler Pike, Ambler PA 19002. It's published quarterly. Each issue is $4.95 or a subscription is $17.50. It has 1-4 stars for difficulty (I'm just reaching the 3 star section on the new Spring issue). I have printed the logic problems that you have posted here and look forward to solving. Again, great web site! Have you given any consideration to starting a news group? I don't know, maybe there aren't enough of us on the web yet (too busy doing Logic Problems) :-)

Name: Léna Stombs
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: California
Time: 1997-03-22 08:42:00
Comments: I have just about done all of the logic puzzle books I can find. I have progressed to the point where I can do the Dell challengers in 30 - 60 minutes and get it right the first time. I am eager to take the next step. I am searching for harder puzzle . I also have a interest in learning how to construct the puzzles themselves. Please e-mail any ideas!! Léna

Name: Kim eason
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New Bern NC
Time: 1997-03-10 18:21:00
Comments: More Problems!!!!!

Name: Sheryl Hall
Referred by: Net/Web Search
From: Ketchikan, Alaska
Time: 1997-03-09 02:22:00
Comments: Great Webpage! Thank you. I'm looking for logic puzzle software that is similar to the magazines we use. I want to be able to undo as many moves as I want to, either one command at a time, or by hitting some key that takes me back to the "x" just before I boo-boo-ed. Maybe something that I could set to caugh if I neglect to fill in all the 'X's after I've "done" a clue, or filled in an "o". Doesn't seem like it would be hard to write this. Does it already exist? If so, where? How much?

Name: George Coleman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Time: 1997-03-01 14:53:00
Comments: I enjoyed your page and will be back often, I'm sure. I have been a logic problem fan for years and have gotten into the habit of buying them 2 or 3 magazines at a time. I've come to like the Penny Press publications the most after years of being a Dell only fan. My main objection to some of the Penny Press stuff is that they seem to be much more error-prone than the Dell publications. What's going to happen now though, since Penny Press bought Dell ???

Name: Tom Thompson
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Detroit, Michigan
Time: 1997-02-27 18:39:00
Comments: "Tolerance for Error, but NO Tolerance for the Truth", those 9 words say more than a years worth of "news".

Name: Everett Kaser
Website: Everett Kaser Software
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: a LOT of wise-guy answers come to mind.... :-)
Time: 1997-02-16 12:56:00
Comments: VERY nice, VERY thorough site! Congratulations!

Name: Norbert Kruk
Referred by: Net/Web Search
From: Helsinki, Finland
Time: 1997-02-10 04:46:00
Comments: I have been a fan of LP for a long times. I even subscribed to a magazine called "Logic Problems" but they went bankrupt or something. As I got connected to the Internet, I have to try the Net for LP's. I liked your site and all the links I found on it.
Norbert Kruk

Name: Puzzle
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: U.S.
Time: 1997-02-02 11:10:00
Comments: I have been working numerous LPs for about 3 years now. Enjoyed your Logic Problem page.

Name: Jim Bob Harver
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: South Georgia
Time: 1997-01-29 12:56:00
Comments: Right on about Christmas! We should celebrate with public manger scenes and everything. No point in being shy about it just because it's not politically correct.

Name:The Will Family
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Royal Oak, MI
Time: 1997-01-26 14:06:40
Comments: We really enjoy your commentaries!

Name: Chuck P.
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Michigan
Time: 1997-01-24 14:16:00
Comments: Liked your Christmas message, especially the "be bold" part. Very good.

Name: Tom S.
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Providence, RI
Time: 1997-01-21 11:38:00
Comments: Where is "America's Logically Conservative Political Analyst and Commentator"? Are you on the airwaves or associated with a newspaper or magazine? I want to read more of your stuff. Is it regularly published somewhere? Keep up the good writing! We need more commentators like you.

Name: B. Jamesk
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Alaska
Time: 1997-01-19 20:06:00
Comments: Loved your Political Perspectives page. Way to "get after" Hillary. Eager to see the "Coming Attractions" you promised. Keep up the great writing. I'll be checking back.

Name: Philip
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Phoenix, AZ
Time: 1997-01-18 09:27:00
Comments: You should PUBLISH your articles! We need to hear more viewpoints like yours to help return our country to sanity. Keep speaking out!

Name: Jenny K.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: California
Time: 1997-01-15 08:58:00
Comments: Way COOL dude! Clinton jokes are too funny -- luv em! Keep posting them.

Name: D. Breyan
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Michigan
Time: 1997-01-13 08:54:00
Comments: I haven't had a chance to read everything, but I just wanted to say I enjoyed your Christmas commentary. I often feel that it is imprudent to wish people a Merry Christmas, but I do not as much after reading your message. So with all the sentiments this wonderful day brings, I wish you and your family a belated very Merry Christmas!

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"For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth,
the sea and all that is in them." Exodus 20:11

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