Wethersfield Memories '66-'69

usafepatch.jpg (15629 bytes)   usaf-seal.jpg (26775 bytes)

Many of the photos below were taken during the 1967 Open House at RAF Wethersfield.  These were originally taken as slides and recently captured with a digital camera.  As a result the quality is not alway good.

Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image.

                                 Open House 1967         F100 D Static Display          Weapons Display         

                                   Open House '67           F100 Weapons Display @ Open House '67

                                Napalm, Cluster Bomb Unit, Genl Purpose Bomb         Click here for Multiple Weapons          55th TFS Flight Line

                                F100 Weapons Display @ Open House '67             55th Flightline

                                55th Weapons Shop         Field Maint. Hangar (Open House '67)          F104 Starfighters & F4 Phantoms

                                55th Weapons Shop        Open House '67         Open House '67

                                C124 Globemaster & C130 Hercules          RAF Lightning Fighter          RAF Vulcan Bomber

                                Open House '67            Open House '67                 Open House '67

                                w-barracks.JPG (45588 bytes)             w-flagpole.JPG (45250 bytes)            w-basechapelxmas.JPG (44204 bytes)

                                      Barracks                     Central Base         Base Chapel @ Christmas

                                w-scc@site8-1966.JPG (14558 bytes)             Saturday at Gosfield Lake             


                                Steve 1966 @                 Saturday off @           
                                Site 8 Hut                      Gosfield Lake             

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All images © Copyright 2004 Stephen C. Churchill, All rights reserved.