Here are some Pictures.

The newest ones are at the top

This was taken November 13, 1998.
Left: Sarabeth; Middle: Julia; Right: Me
Pretty scary, huh? I chopped off all my hair. But, it'll grow back. I also dyed it burgundy but you can't see the color too well. :)

I took this in January of 1998, but I look like a guy in this pic. My hair is pulled back in a ponytail.

L to R: Jennifer, my sister, Elder Abrego, Elder Greene (missionaries that taught me the Discussions) and me, two or three days before my baptism, so, September 12/13, 1997.

This is me standing infront of the Whitehouse. April, 1997

This is left to right: Me, Aiya, Jenni, Stevee, and Julie, getting ready for a night at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC, taken April, 1997

This is me at my mom's wedding, walking in procession on the arm of my step father's friend, Tim.

This is me and my mom at her wedding, September 30, 1995

This picture is of my sister Jennifer (left) and me (right) on Easter

This is me, a long time ago, at a beach in California.

I am supposed to be making a cake

I just like this picture for some reason. I'm standing outside my grandmother's old house.

hehe This is my little step-sister, Steph. She's much older now, but I still love this picture. She sure wasn't happy about being dragged off!

This is my other step-sister, Kris. She's older now too, but this picture brings back memories.

This is my step-mother, Lisa, holding Steph, outside of my Dad's house in Oklahoma. Aren't the flowers beautiful?

Well, that's it for now. I'll find some more current pics of me to add soon, but for now, this will have to do. :)

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