Hi! Well, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Jessica; I live in Colorado; I am 16 years old, and I am a convert to
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
I am also on ICQ. You can reach me by email, EmailExpress, paging me, or message me on ICQ, # 7888063.
I gained my testimony of The Church before I became a member. I knew I wanted to be baptized, but which church was the question. Really, I was the first family member interested in The Church. About 4 years ago, I saw a Book of Mormon commercial on TV. Not knowing what I was getting myself into, and wanting to strengthen my Christianity, the Book of Mormon was advertized as Another Testiment of Jesus Christ. I wanted to know more about the Savior, so I called the number and ordered one. When my Uncle was baptized, the missionaries, having found out of my interest, wanted to talk to me and teach me the discussions. I was about 12 at the time. My step-dad, being against The Church, wouldn't allow me to invite them into our home. So, as you can see, I've been going around obstacles for years. I must have known something four years ago. Thank goodness I didn't lose interest. Though I did shy away for a long time. I didn't even go to my grandmother's baptism. I still kick myself for that. I guess I was just being the average American teenager, rebelious and haughty. Well, last summer (1997), I was visiting my dad for 5 weeks. The last week, I was struggling with going back home. I spent the days of that week at my step-grandmother's house while my dad worked. We talked a lot. Church came up a lot. I told her I wanted to be baptized, but I didn't know what church. I said, "I don't think I will ever join the Mormon church, though. It's so weird. Jennifer (my sister) would, but I just don't think it's right." Man, was I ever WRONG! Upon my return, I had a similar discussion with my Uncle. I told him of my delema, which church should I join. He simply gave me a Book of Mormon, I had lost the one I ordered, and said, "Jess, just read it and pray about it. If it's true, you'll know." So, that's exactly what I did. I started reading it. Not understanding much at all, I prayed and continued to study. It was the end of the summer, I didn't have much to do, so why not read. I love to read anyway. On the night of Saturday, August 16, 1997, I got down on my knees and prayed to God. I asked to know if the Book of Mormon was true. I can't describe how I felt when I awoke early Sunday morning. I had had a dream. It is described in the poem, My Conversion, that I wrote. If you're interested in hearing it more in detail, I'd be more than happy to tell you. Just email me with your questions.
I was baptized and confermed a member of The Church on September 14, 1997. My sister and I were baptized on the same day, and what a day it was. I hadn't felt the Spirit as strong as I did that day, until Sunday, May 3, 1998. It, being the first Sunday of the month, was Fast and Testimony Meeting in sacrament. I hadn't planned on bearing my testimony. I just wanted to sit back and listen to everyone else for a change. Since my baptism, I've only not got up to bear my testimony once. Well, I was so full of the Spirit, I couldn't contain myself. After a woman got up and expressed her gratitude to one missionary who translates the meeting into Spanish for one man, I knew I had to get up there. I stood up at the altar, and expressed my feelings, and how I know this church is true. Then I did something I've never done before. Having 3 years of high school Spanish behind me, in an attempt to communicate with the spanish speaking people attending that day, I bore my testimony, or part of it, in Spanish. It went something like this:
"Yo no hablo Espanol muy bien, pero esto yo necisito digo a ustedes. El Esperito esta aqui ahora. Yo se que este iglesia esta verdad. Joseph Smith es un profeta cierto. Yo estoy muy contento, y me amoro todos los personas que son aqui. Especialmente ustedes, que van aqui y escuchan a los persones cuando ustedes no comprenden todos los cosas. Bienvenido. Esto yo digo en el nombre de El, nosotros hermano, Jesucristo. Amen."
I was so nervous, and scared, I was shaking.
Now, let me give you some background. My parents are divorced. They have been since I was about 6. My dad lives in Oklahoma with my step-mom, Lisa, and her two daughters, Kristen and Stephanie. They go to a different church. My mom is re-married to my step-father, Alan, who is an alcoholic. They have just separated, and I live with my mom and my sister in a new house I call home. When I made the decision to be baptized, I didn't tell Alan until three days before the day. It was hard. We got into a big debate.
Well, mom was investigating the church, but not anymore. I don't know what happened. It's my fault. I pushed to hard, we all did. It's so hard, being one of 2 members in your house. I don't know.
I've got friend off at Ricks now. And another that'll be heading there in just 6 short weeks. I'm heading up there myself for a quick visit on the 17th of this month!
Now at a
time when my life's turned around,
and made a full U turn,
I realize now, as I have before,
I still have much to learn.
Though life won't always be easy,
but sometimes be quite tough,
I need to know who'll be there,
when I think it's been enough.
Skeletons hang in my past closet,
most old, but some new, too.
Compared to other people, though,
my problems seem so few.
Days will come and days will go,
and each one holds the key,
to choose the right and follow the path
that will someday set me free.
I live today to write this
as my past I still remember.
That times were tough all through my life,
from January to December.
I will not write just melancholy thoughts,
for my life's also been nice.
My family, friends, and memories
each add a different spice.
My parents divorced when I was seven,
my life then seemed really messed.
But now, they're remarried, and I have two families,
I know that I've been blessed.
There is a man, who I love,
but few days together, we've had.
This comforting main figure in my life
is my very own dad.
My mom, I do see every day,
for it's with her I live.
And we're still learning, even today,
that love, we both must give.
I have one sister, Jennifer,
years younger than me, two.
We argue and fight sometimes,
but she makes me happy when I'm blue.
My grandparents and uncles live really close,
this, I've always had.
A comfort it is to visit them,
when things are looking bad.
In August before my sophomore year,
I began to pray.
To find a church, my answer came,
in August, on the 16th day.
In a grove of trees, I walked,
throughout a sacred place.
An angel, then, above me, stood,
and we looked face to face.
"Taste the grapes," he said,
as my heart filled with love.
This glowing white angel
was hovering above.
A young boy appeared,
and to him, the man talked,
as together, my family,
away from me walked.
"Go to the Lost Temple," he looked down and said,
then I woke up and got out of bed.
The following Sunday,
to church, I went.
There, talking and listening,
three hours, I spent.
I knew it was true,
every last word.
Nothing, I doubted,
not one single word.
I started discussions the very next day,
thinking and knowing this was the right way.
On the 14th of September, I got something we should all want.
I watched my sister enter the font.
Then, it was my turn to enter the water.
My eyes became teary; my temperature hotter.
I stood there and listened, and then, I went under,
I came up and that's when it hit me like thunder.
I'd started my life on a path that was good.
My mind's only question was, "who understood?"
I came back into the room and sat down for a while,
then looked around, on each face was a smile.
They were the ones in whom I depended.
It was my soul that they had mended.
They saved my soul, they changed my fate,
They helped me to know that it wasn't too late.
They helped me to enter the waters that day,
to start on my journey in a positive way.
Shortly, thereafter, I was blessed
with a friend, not just any, but the very best.
Her name is Becky, and she is real sweet,
a spiritual person, an honor to meet.
Since the day we first met, she's become my best friend.
We'll walk together, from here to the end.
Especially, since August, my life's become better.
I know that we all will live it together.
I write every day in my personal journal.
I've taken four trips to the Temple in Vernal.
I'll work on family history to find the relation,
so someday, I'll enjoy the blessings of exaltation.
~ Jessica Theobald