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Last Updated:

December 5, 1998

*new note*

Hi Keri!!! How are ya?? Just thought I'd leave a little note and let ya know that I'm thinkin 'bout ya. hahaha :P *hugz*


They say that dreams come often,
But what proof have I?
I go to sleep so peaceful, yet
My dreams don't make me fly.

And so I stand here helpless,
Pondering of life's dreams,
Searching, Praying, and hoping,
No matter how tough it seems.

My life, as yours, is changing,
Much like the leaves in fall,
Some times are tough, and I don't see,
The writing on life's wall.

My Father's sent me here to Earth,
Because he trusts me so,
And I must learn to look to Him,
And He will help me grow.

For in life's darkest hour,
I search for time to stay,
To hear his voice, I must remember,
To get on my knees and pray.

My Father teaches me lessons,
To help me walk the straight,
That I may be with Him again,
But for now, I just must wait.

So as I stand here searching,
To find the best way home,
My father talks to me through dreams,
He never leaves me alone.

So sleep my child, rest easy,
For tomorrow's day is bright.
And pray unto your Father,
He'll speak through dreams tonight.

~ © Jessica Theobald 8/25/98

I sit here now, surrounded
by the beauty and the light
that alwasy makes me peaceful,
be it morning, noon, or night.
The birds are softly chirping,
and I feel the soothing breeze.
the wind seems to be whispering
something through the swaying trees.
These are my first impressions
at my first day at Girls' Camp.
When I return, a stronger girl,
my clothes all wrinkled and damp,
I pray that I'll remember
all the fun times I had,
and not forget the spirit I felt.
I owe that to my heavenly dad.
For when I lie there, restless,
and awake during the night,
He comforts me and lifts me up
and assures me it's all right.
And that's why I've decided
that my new goal for this year
is to live His way, every day.
to Him, I want to draw near.

~ © Jessica Theobald 6/22/98

I went walking one night. The moon was glowing bright, the sky a deep navy blue with translucent clouds crying on the earth below. As I walk through the town, surrounded by trees, protecting me from the heavenly tears, I couldn't help but escape into my own mind finding peace in listening to the beauty that surrounded me. The city glow that floats above every house soon disappeared, and I was alone, on my walk late at night.

I soon found myself by the river, sitting on its bank, listening to the rushing sound of water over rock and the ever so subtle drumming of the rain drops falling to the river below. The wind blew a gentle breeze every now and then, and I was reminded that I was being protected. On this walk I take, I talk to my love, m y savior, and myself. And I think. I take a step away from the busy numbing feeling of scheduled life and relax. I find comfort in my surroundings and escape from all stress and the daily confusion that I so willingly subject myself to.

Tonight, on my walk, I've learned a small lesson. Walking so late, I've lost track of time. The earth's sweet melody has swept me away. I sit here, down by the river, and I'm thinking of nothing and everything, anything and something. All concept of time has left me here to ponder and to learn. A tree sways, the river calms to a slow moving swamp, and all seems to hush as the crest of the sun rises over the horizon in its glorious debut. I stand in awe. A tear falls silently down my face, and I know that my Father lives.

~ Jessica Theobald © 7/24/98

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