Joyce's Page

Family, Kids, Life, etc.

Always under major construction!

Hi, I'm Joyce, mom to Kevin (23), Jimmy (21) and Dean (would be 19). My husband Bruce and I share in the care of our boys. We try to maintain a "normal" household. Our youngest son Dean was born with a malignant brain tumor. Since birth, he had endured 50+ surgeries, a year of chemo, endless therapies and never ending doctor visits. Dean was totally dependant for everything. He'd been diagnosed with: hydrocephalus (had 4 shunts in place), severe CP, and seizures. He was fed via a G-button, and just about 7 years ago had a trach placed. We are incredibly lucky to have two older boys who had just adored their younger brother, and would have done almost anything for him.

Unfortunately, Deano died on August 16th of 2005. I need to believe that he went the way he would have wanted. Very suddenly, at home in his recliner with all of us at home with him.

I'm still waiting to wake up from this most horrible nightmare....

Our oldest son, Kevin graduated from Northeastern University this past May (2008) with a degree in Electrical Engineering and landed the job he wanted most on the day of graduation!! He's doing so great. Has an apartment with a friend, Amber, and commutes from their place, in Boston, to the outskirts of the city. He has continued to manage his diabetes so well since being diagnosed at age 14. We are so incredibly proud of him. He knows what he wants and is just all out "going for it!" ....YEAH KEVIN!!

Our second son, Jimmy is still trying to "find" himself. Has worked several jobs at either mechanics, installation of any imaginable thing into a car, and has worked in electronics. He had taken the police test for the town of Yorktown a few years ago, but wasn't quite "mature" enough at the time, and wasn't positive what he wanted to do. Well, he now feels strongly about becoming a police officer, and is just "going for it!" We are also so very proud of Jimmy, in finding himself, and all he has done, and is doing! ....YEAH JIMMY!!

All three of my boys are/have been just a joy and have taught me so much about life. I'm very proud of them all.

They do keep me on my one way or another!! Below is a beautiful song, written and performed by our dear friend Jimmy Coyle. He wrote it in memory of his brother who died several years ago. We had it played at the end of Dean's funeral service. It just seemed so appropriate. I'm also going to see if I can figure out how to add a link to hear the song. Not sure if I can, but I'll try.

Phil’s Tune (There’s A Song in There Somewhere)

By: Jimmy Coyle

I don’t know where people go when their time has come and gone

I believe deep in my soul that the spirit carries on

We hold fast to our beliefs as we struggle with our grief

And there’s a song in there somewhere

There’s eventual release

And somewhere past the pain there will be peace

And somewhere past the pain there will be peace

I will see you every morning when the sun brings on the day

In the deepest, darkest night you’ll be the stars that light the way

Though it seems we are are always in my heart

And there’s a song in there somewhere

There’s eventual release

And somewhere past the pain there will be peace

And somewhere past the pain there will be peace

Below is a picture of my son, Dean, at the beach for the first time in his life. I'd been waiting eight years (at the time) to get him there.

Another special beach picture...

Kevin and two men.

Below is a picture of a sunshade we put together for Dean while in his wheelchair. Its not the best picture, but it gives you an idea. It works great for us!!

We used the plain, white PVC (?) pipe, cut and spray painted. We heated the pieces that come up from the back of the chair to bend slightly forward. Used one of those flags you buy to hang out in front of your house, threaded it thru the one piece across the back, and velcro it to the furthest part of the front, upper pipes.

Mom and Dean.

Our Deano boy.....

Deano boy with the REAL Santa!

Below are just a few links that are important to me.
My three boys are the most important people in the world to I learn more, I'll be adding more to reflect on all of our interests, hobbies, needs, etc.

Links to other sites on the Web

Aaron's Tracheostomy Page
Quilts of Love. An absolutely beautiful site. Incredible people make these quilts. Sure to melt anyone's heart
Special Child

Hope you enjoy! (I'm waiting for Kevin to get home from school to help me with my guestbook. It doesn't always work :-/ )

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