to our home on the net. We are the Kunstman family from Darboy, Wisconsin.
Yes, we're Cheeseheads.*S* We're a Christian homeschooling family of three-Jay
(dad), Eileen (mom), and Benjamin (our son). Please sign our guestbook
before you leave so we can get to know you!
Visit our other pages:
Jay's Page:Nothing there yet...in fact, it may *never* get done!
Eileen's Page:
Parenting, Family, Crochet, Sewing, Books
Ben's Page: A few pics of Ben
Our Cats: Tyler and Pushy
Our Dog: Chester
Christianity: What we believe
Homeschooling: Our homeschool experience, links
Green Bay Packers Yes we are big fans!
Family Pictures: See what we look like
This is the Family Web
Line. It's an effort to help families all around this great planet of ours
meet each other on the World Wide Web. This is how it works: A list is
being kept, in exact order, of families around the Internet. If your family
would like to join, simply click on the line for more information. Click
on the left arrow to visit the Irby Family in West Virginia. Click on the
right arrow to visit the Amey Family in Michigan.
Click here to see where I got all my graphics.
Thank you very much to all who allowed me to use their work!
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Revised 1/28/99