Show Schedule 1999

Illinois State Fairgrounds
I-55 and Sangamon Avenue - Follow State Fairground Signs
Springfield, Illinois
May 23, 23 1999
*Saturday Evening Entertainment
Drill Team Competitioon for prize monies
Rum Runners Relay
Mundial Class Competition (no points)
Stallion Service Auction
Contact Jo Moor & Germaine Eley at 618-692-9152
High Point Amateur Owner Rider
Harold Arbeitman Memorial Trophy
High Point Youth Awards
Judges  - Saturday: Dr. Jose Laracuente and Ms. Kathy Briggs
                 Sunday: Ms. Sharon Londono and Mr. Charles Minter Jr.

To obtain a showbill for this event, contact:
Show Secretary:  Janice Meyer 314-532-4047

Mid America PFHA Summer Fun Show
June 12, 1999
Clearwater, Minnesota
This year's fun show will be held at the Clearwater Saddle Club's Show Grounds on June 12th at 9am.
Contact Mark Anderson for schedule, fees and time

Mid America Heartland Classic logo
July 24, 25, 26 - 1999
North Iowa Fairgrounds
3700 Fourth Street SW / Mason City, Iowa / 515-423-3811 or 515-424-3527
Mason City, IA
 3 PFHA / AHSA Shows, Double Points
Fun Classes Saturday Night - 100% Payback!!
Friday Night HotDog Picnic
Saturday Night Steak BBQ
Judge:    Friday - Kelly Cox     Saturday/Sunday: Dr. Jose Laracuente and Tom Walters
Steward:  Audrey Colyn
Pre-Entry Deadline:  July 13

To obtain a showbill for this event, contact:
Show Secretary: Paulette Anderson  218-543-6397
or request via email

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