Welcome to Cindy's home page
"Lady Cinderella Bea of Bay"
Hi, my name is Cindy. "I can't help it if I'm cute!" I was the only pup
born at home and I'm still here. I love my pack, I sleep and bark
and eat and play. I'm so cute, I was born on November 14, in 1995. They call me "BABY". Everybody loves a BABY!
They originally called me "Betty Britches" because I had little brown
"britches" on my butt! Then my HUMAN mom decided I looked like
Cinderella, and they started to call me "Baby Cindy"! I love all the names
I am called, except when I am a "Bad Dog"! Then I hear, "What did you do?"
and that makes me flop onto my back like a Beagle Noodle! The family is
always asking my dog mommy, "Penny, where's your noodle" They think I am
really a noodle!
Things I Like:
Sleeping on the queensized bed.
Sleeping under the queensized bed.
Sleeping hanging off of the queensized bed.
Helping to make the queensized bed. (I love that QUEENSIZED BED!)
Playing with my cats, Indiana.
Getting my back scratched.
Sitting at the table, pretending to be "Mabel".(trying to steal any morsle of food that rolls by my place!)
Playing with my sock toys!
Things I Dislike:
To have my sock toy taken away, especially by My Mom, "Penny" GRRR!
To have my leather harness put on for a walk! (Don't get me wrong,
I love to go on walks . . .I get to bark the whole way.)
Bikes and Skateboards
Big Dogs (I can take'em all on! I have been known to turn INTO a Rotweiller!)
People walking past my house
When daddy, Pete, barks it makes me mad, I bite his collar.
Some of my Nick Names are:
"Cindy Pindy"
"Noodle Pup"
"Pindy Pants"
"Mabel on the Table"
"Motel 6 Maid"
"Sock Baby"
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