*Rachel Sandbrooks WEB page.*

My name is Rachel Sandbrook. I am 10 years old. I live in New Zealand on the North Island in a small town called Tokoroa with my mother (Camelia Sandbrook), my father (James Sandbrook), my 11 year old sister Tracy Sandbrook, and my 3 year old sister Grace Sandbrook and my dog Duke. One of my hobbies is programming with Turbo Pascal 7.0, I like programming because I get to make programs that work the way I want them to, not just the way someone else makes them. Tracy likes using Delphi 1 to program. We all like playing Grand Prix 2 on our computers and we enjoy the fun of the race. Grand Prix 2 is a great game that can be changed for the enjoyment of good old fashion racing. I am Home Schooled and I like this way of learning.
Email me if you want to say "HELLO". Click Here!


Home Experiment Number One

SUBJECT: Chemistry.

Title: The Coca Cola Experiment.

DESCRIPTION: To inflate a balloon with gas.

CONTRIBUTED BY: Tracy and Rachel Sandbrook, New Zealand.

EDITED BY: Dad (James M Sandbrook).

Step 1. Take a round balloon and draw a smiley face on it.

Step 2. Take a full bottle of Coca Cola and then take the 'cap' off the bottle. Replace the cap with the balloon. Make sure the balloon is over the top of the bottle tight.

Step 3. Shake the bottle.

Step 4. Write to us and let us know your results.

Home Experiment Number Two

Subject: Celery.

Title: Lili's Vegi Experiment.

Description: Vegi's.

Contributed by: Lili Chapman, USA.

Edited by: Lili Chapman.

You will need:

1 peice of celery

1 glass of COLD water

Directions: Leave the celery overnight to wilt. In the morning take the celery and again leave it overnight in the COLD water. See what happens!!!

Home Experiment Number Three

Subject: Pressure.

Title: Jennifers POP the Cork Experiment.

Description: Pop The Cork.

Contributed by: Jennifer from Maryland, USA.

Edited by: Jennifer.

I like an experimet called POP THE CORK!

First you fill a empty bottle with:




and water.

Find a cork that will fit the bottle. Put patrollum jelly on

the cork and place it in the bottle.

Home Experiment Number Four

Subject: Volcanic Eruptions.

Title: Peters Volcano.

Description: Volcano.

Contributed by: Peter Marable, USA.

Edited by: Peter Marable.

This is how you can make your own volcano.

Take a small vial (about 1/2 a cup size) and put in about

1 tablespoon of baking soda. Then fill it with vinegar.

You can mix the vinegar with red food coloring so it

looks more real. Watch it bubble up and foam. Make sure you

put newspaper under it because it makes a mess.

Home Experiment Number Five

Subject: Testing Gravity.

Title: The Great Ball Drop.

Description: Different Weights and Gravity.

Contributed by: Tracy & Rachel Sandbrook.

Edited by: Dad (James M Sandbrook).

Take 2 balls and drop both balls from the same height.

Which ball hits the ground first?

They both should hit the ground at the same time.

Then take 2 balls that weigh different.

Drop both these balls at the same time, from the same height.

Which ball hits the ground first?

You might be surprised by the answer.

Try this experiment with a golf ball and an egg (outside the

house) or some objects that are simular.

Home Experiment Number Six

Subject: Plants.

Title: The Sandbrook Sponge Garden.

Description: Growing Plant Life From A Sponge.

Contributed by: Tracy & Rachel & Grace Sandbrook.

Edited by: Dad (James M Sandbrook).

This is how you can make your own Sponge Garden.

Take a Sponge (Round is best) wet the Sponge, then squeeze

all the water out of the Sponge.

Spread bird seed (Or other seeds) on a flat surface, then

roll the Sponge over the seed.

Put in a warm and sunny place, then wait for your garden

to grow.

You will have to make sure the Sponge stays damp.

I am a helper for Sandbrooks Software and PC Services Ltd and I also have a computer repair tool kit that Dad gave me for christmas. Dad said I can help him with company duties so I can learn about working and what it is like to run a business.

My favorite T.V program is Walker Texas Ranger.

This is a really great web site:

BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper

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