Some New Zealand History:
800: Probably around the year 800, the first polynesian explorers came to New Zealand.
1792: The William and Ann Whaling ship, came to Doubtless Bay, New Zealand. This is the first recorded visit of a whaling ship to NZ.
1861: October. The first Cobb & Co coach ran.
1863: November 13. The first issue of the New Zealand Herald.
1875: The Union Steam Ship Co of NZ started business on july 1.
1881: 24 Febuary. The cable car era started in Dunedin.
1911: Vivian Walsh. Using a Howard Wright biplane was the first to fly in NZ. Febuary 5th.
1936: Jean Batten in her Percival Gull (Plane) flew from Australia to New Zealand in 10 hours 30 Minutes, she was the first woman to fly the Tasman. this flight was a continuation of her solo flight from England to Austrailia, she set a record of 5 days 21 hours 3 minutes, she arrived at Darwin on October 11th. This was a new solo womans record from England to New Zealand.
1957: First transmission of sound & picture from station ZL1XXR at Sedden Memorial Technical College.
1840: The Treaty Of Waitangi was signed on the 6th of Febuary.
1769: James Cook sighted Poverty bay on the East Coast of the North Island, New Zealand. James Cook from the ship Endeavour first made contact with Maoris, he described them as of a brave, noble, open and benevolent disposition.
1917: The famous Maori Battalion was formed October 1917.
Another Maori Battalion was formed for World War 2. 17,000 Maoris enlisted and fought with distinction during the war.
1985: July 10. The Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior was blown up at Marsden Wharf in Auckland.
These are names used that also mean New Zealand: Aotearoa, Godzone, Land of the Long White Cloud.