The Sandbrook family of Tokoroa, New Zealand.

Father: James and Mother : Camelia

Tracy aged 11 Rachel aged 10
Grace aged 4 Duke our Dog

You are visiter number since June 15th: .

Some interesting things we have here. On Graces page she has a scanned image of Cutie Pie her toy Bear.
Rachel has a great Experiment page for children.
Tracy has a photo of her friend Peter Marable and a picture of her Grand Prix 2 car. Try the Turbo Pascal Helper v.1
Camelia has photos and stories.

If you are a Sandbrook or you know anything about the history of the Sandbrook familys around the world could you please email us and let us know, we are collecting any information together trying to put a large Sandbrook family tree together, Thank You. We have been contacted by different Sandbrook familys around the world interested in finding out if we are related to them, so we thought we will try to put together a family tree.

We have population of 3.4 Million people here in New Zealand, even though this might not seem like many people our cities are crowded if you were to visit one of them. We have a parrot called the Kakapo another called the Kea, the oldest reptile the Tuatara. The Tuatara, a lizard-like reptile dates back to dinosaur times. We have Kauri trees in New Zealand and some are said to be around 2000 years old.

To go to famous New Zealanders page

To learn some New Zealand history.

Delphi Programming Page!

Are you learning Turbo Pascal 7.0? Download our free TP 7.0 helper!

Download this game, and play Ace!

Please read the Readme files that come with these programs.

John P

Here is a photo of our good friend John Paser. We have been emailing with John since the 30th October 1996. Hello John and family Pam, Kim & Ben, we hope your year is a good one :-)

Click here To See Johns Children!

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To go to Tracys Web Page, Please "click Here"
To go to Rachels Web Page, Please "click Here"
To go to Graces Web Page, Please "click Here"

To go to Camelia's www site, Please "click Here"

Last updated 10th of July. 1998.
Site designed by The Sandbrooks .
The Sandbrooks Home Page.