Robert V. Breen

Systems Engineer

Seeking a position with a Connecticut company which is currently developing unique and useful software and will give me opportunities to apply extensive mainframe and midrange DBA, software administration and programming skills developed since 1984.

Chronology | Highlights | Education | Military Service/Professional Music | e-mail
Last updated February 7, 2002


3/01 thru present Aetna U.S. Healthcare - Midrange Systems Performance
10/96 thru 3/01 Aetna U.S. Healthcare - UDB(DB2) Software Support
1/92 thru 10/96 Aetna Life & Casualty - IDMS Software Support
1/88 thru 1/92 Aetna Life & Casualty - Database Administrator and General Technical Support
9/84 thru 1/88 Aetna Life & Casualty - Application programmer - Claim Reporting System (CRS)
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Midrange Systems Performance UDB (DB2) Software Support IDMS Software Support Internet Development Database Administrator and General Technical Support Application programmer - Claim Reporting System (CRS) Return to Chronology
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Military Service/Professional Music

12/82 - present - 102nd U.S. Army Band Connecticut National Guard 12/78 - 12/81 - First U.S. Army Band, Ft. Meade, Maryland Other Professional Music Return to top of resume

Robert V. Breen
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