Seeking a position with a Connecticut company which is currently developing unique and useful software and will give me opportunities to apply extensive mainframe and midrange DBA, software administration and programming skills developed since 1984.
Chronology |
Highlights |
Education |
Military Service/Professional Music |
Last updated February 7, 2002
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Midrange Systems Performance
- Perl & Shell Script - Developed tools for AIX and Solaris system performance monitoring.
- Provided performance analysis support for web app stress environment.
UDB (DB2) Software Support
- Perl & Shell Script - Developed monitoring tools for UDB platform staff.
- UDB - Participated in extensive problem resolution with project teams and IBM reps for MSIC and DocFind.
- UDB - Upgraded test, QA and production UDB platforms on NT, Solaris and AIX from V5 to V6.
- UDB - Installed new instances of UDB (V6.1) on NT, Solaris and AIX for ASD lab.
- Y2K - Coordinated and executed Y2K rollover plan for all AIX UDB platforms.
- DATA JOINER - Built instance interfacing with SYBASE and UDB.
- DB2/6000 - Built and maintained V2 and V5 (UDB) test and production instances on AIX 4.2 .
- DDCS - Built and maintained LU6.2 (SNA/VTAM) connections between AIX and MVS.
- DB2 - Built subsystem for Y2K validation. Installed QMF, DB2PM, Omegamon/DB2, and BMC admin utilities.
- DB2 - Subsystem support for 18 V4.1 subsystems in three data centers.
- DB2 - Assisted in building production subsystem for newly acquired U.S. Healthcare system.
IDMS Software Support
- IDMS - Completed first 24*7 conversion of a production IDMS platform in Middletown.
- IDMS - Developed prototype 24*7 platform operations model.
- IDMS - Primary dictionary level support for more than 50 CVs across 3 data centers.
- IDMS - On Enterprise team for software upgrade from 10.214 to 12.01.
- IDMS - First successful conversion of production CV at Aetna from 10.214 to 12.01.
- IDMS - Revised homegrown BAL Assembler utilities.
- IDMS - Worked directly with CA technicians to resolve internal software problems.
- IDMS - Developed 10.2 to 12.0 conversion tools for IDMS team used more than 50 times.
Internet Development
Database Administrator and General Technical Support
- DBA - Secondary dictionary level support for one IDMS application (CRS) in 3 CVs.
- DBA - Supported application staff of 25 for IDMS, CICS, VSAM, PC software.
- DBA - Developed ISPF panel driven utilites for DBAs and applications use.
- DBA - Developed CICS/VSAM facility to monitor IDMS DB utilization trends.
Application programmer - Claim Reporting System (CRS)
- CRS - COBOL programmer on high volume CICS/IDMS draft reconciliation system.
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- 2/00 - NIMS - Shell Programming Workshop (ksh)
- 12/98 - IBM - Certified Solutions Expert - UDB V5 DBA
- 4/98 - IBM - UDB Performance & Tuning Workshop (CF411)
- 2/98 - M/UX - AIX V4 System Admin (Q1114)
- 2/98 - IBM - DB2 UDB Advanced Admin Workshop (CF451)
- 12/97 -Fillmore Group - DB2 UDB Admin Workshop (CF211)
- 5/97 - IBM - DB2 for MVS Data Sharing Recovery and Restart (CF320)
- 3/97 - IBM - DB2 for MVS System Administration (U4067)
- 3/97 - SYBASE - Advanced SQL Server Administration
- 2/97 - Mentor - Introduction to UNIX
- 1/97 - IBM - DB2 for MVS Data Sharing Implementation (CF310)
- 11/96 - West Hartford Schools - Adult Education - C++
- 7/95 - CA - IDMS DC/UCF Internals ID520
- 5/95 - CA - IDMS DBMS Internals ID510
- 6/94 - Aetna - DB2 Database Design and Administration
- 4/94 - CA - IDMS Performance and Tuning ID470
- 3/94 - Aetna - ADS/O Application Design
- 5/93 - CA - IDMS 12.0 Bridge Class BR120
- 9/89 - Aetna - DB2 SQL
- 3/89 - CA - IDMS Database Administration DB410 & DB415
- 8/84 - Greater Hartford Community College - Certificate in Data Processing
- 9/77 - Boston University - Bachelor of Music
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Military Service/Professional Music
12/82 - present - 102nd U.S. Army Band Connecticut National Guard
- Current rank - Sergeant First Class (E-7)
- Woodwind Group Leader - supervising 12 - 14 soldiers
- Concert Band - Clarinet player/section leader, Assistant Conductor
- Stage Band - Lead Tenor Sax, Guitar Player
- Marching Band - Drum Major
12/78 - 12/81 - First U.S. Army Band, Ft. Meade, Maryland
- Concert Band - Clarinet player
- Stage Band - Guitar Player
Other Professional Music
- Co-founder and musical director of the Aetna Wind Ensemble
- CMEA certified All-State adjudicator for Clarinet
- 1994 & 1993 - Albano Ballet Orchestra - Clarinet
- Regional Musical Theatre - Pit Orchestra - Clarinet, Saxophone, Guitar
- Silver Cornet Band, Norwich Concert Band - Clarinet
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Robert V. Breen
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