This is Buddy our yorkie, he is mostly vick's dog..

This is CeeCee, she is a border collie, she is the best dog we have ever had. She plays ball and catches a frizbee.
This is doogie my sons beagle, he loves water, and will take a dip when ever he gets a chance. Where ever he can!!!
This is baby he is a quaker parrot, he bites everyone but Mandy he talks and says a few words!
Meet ickabod he is a iquana. He belongs to jimmy, he is about 2 foot in length, and is very cool.
And this is sassy, she is a female ferret, we just lover her to death, she loves to go outside, and she realy likes to go camping with us!
These are our two cats. The white one we have not had that long her name is snowball. But the simease is Troubles, we have had him goshh i don't remember how long, a long time. He is blind, but gets around the house fairly well!
And the last one.....this is two-spots, he is just an old tom cat that showed up here, he lives outside, and is not allowed in the house!