We have been metal detecting for about a year. Started out with two radeo shack detectors. I finally went out and bought a Whites classic IDX, and i love it. Jim found the silver doller with the radeo shack detector, the day i bought the whites. Here are a few of the things we have found.
We have found lots of things that are interesting to us. We have found a civil war button in our yard. And the button from England came from our yard..

This is the button that we are told came from England, around the 1800's.

This is Jim's silver doller

This is the necklace,that had a class ring, and a pair of earings hanging on it. That Jim found in the school yard. We found the young girl that lost it, and retured it.

This is hard to see, But it is a 1901 Indian Head penny.That our 14 year old son found.

This is an old powder compact, that vicky found in our own yard also.It still has powder, and puff in it.

The class ring vicky found in a local school yard, there is no name, date or school on it. The other ring Jim found at a beach, at a campground we camp at.

Vicky found this coal-minning tag. We beleive it is from the old coal mine that is shut down now. Later jim found one to. With the #158 on it.

This is a watch fob that vicky found. It was found in a ball-park.

Jim found this, we are not sure what it is. It looks old, and is fairly heavy. But it has a surfing guy on it. But why the old dates. It has 1813 on the front, and 1914 on the back. With a W and a crown.