Pennsylvania Independent Engineer Company
"Wrigley's Independent Engineers"
The Pensylvania Independent Engineer Company is a Civil War reenacting unit designed to provide engineering services to the United States Volunteers and their affiliated orgnaizations.

Civil War history is dotten with references to engineers.  According to
The 1862 Army Officer's Pocket Companion, Art. 27; "the engineers are charged with the planning, constructing, and reparing all fortifications and other defensive works; with planning and constructing such civil works of the goivernment as may be assigned to them.  In time of war they present plans for the attack and defense of military works; lay out and construct field defenses, redoubts, entrenchments, roads and military bridges, etc.; form a part of the vanguard to remove obsturctions; and in the retreat, for a part of the rear-guard, to erect obstacles, destroy roads, bridges, etc., as to retard an enemy's pursiit."

Today's Pennsylvania Independent Engineers provide much work in the area of fortifications, building bridges, and providing maps for Brigade and Regimental staffs of the USV.

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