Halfpint's Home Page
Hi! I'm Halfpint. I'm new at this so please bare with me til I get the hang of it. Well, If ya come back in a couple of days I will have it up and runnin'. It will be of my critters. I have a horse and my mom has a horse. Mines name is Maggie and my moms is Levi. Well, I don't yet have them on here yet but I will someday. I would greatly appriciate it if you would help me get this up and runnin' by signing the guestbook and telling me what you want on here. Thanks for coming by and checkin' my page out..
Please come back now you here and visit me you here.

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Well, As you all know this page is about my critters and the pitcure above is of Maggie (my horse) and Levi ( my moms) well I would like it if any one that comes here if they have any pitcures of there horses that they have then I will be more than glad to put them on here and reference it back to your page. Looking for your comments to come rollin' in....