Merry One's Morning Mistress
Freckles Peter Pan x Merry One's Grace and Glory

Hallie came to us as an 8-week-old puppy, chosen from a very impressive litter with several
beautiful girl puppies.  Hallie was the one who always landed in Jill's lap as she sat in the whelping box to watch puppies, and in the end, she was the one who landed in the Vick household.
She is queen of the belly rub and feels that she is entitled to at least four each day.
Hallie has fufilled her early promise by achieving admirably in limited showing.  She is pointed and
took a Group 4 at the large Carroll Kennel Club match in the spring of 2000.
Hallie will be returning to the show ring in late summer 2001after a break for maternal duties.
Eternal thanks go out to Yvonne and Bjorn Skeppstedt-Schill for allowing this little Swedish sweetheart to become a much-loved American lady.
