General Information:
The Welsh Springer Spaniel

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is an active, merry member of the sporting group.
The breed was developed for the purpose of flushing and retrieving small game.  The Welsh Springer
is of medium size and always has a red-and-white coat.  Although the two breeds shared ancestors, the
Welsh Springer Spaniel is not a version of the more popular English Springer Spaniel; they are very distinct, separate breeds.  The breed typically sports a docked tail, although several breeders in this country, including Alizarin, have now opted to leave tails long.  Many Welsh Springer Spaniels imported from abroad also have long tails.  Welsh Springer Spaniels are not numerous in this country and fanciers work diligently to protect the integrity of the breed.  Expect your search for a Welsh Springer Spaniel to include plenty of homework, thorough screening by breeders, and a wait for the right puppy.
Welsh Springer Spaniels have been successful in a wide variety of dog events.  You may spot  Welshies at conformation shows, obedience trials, agility trials, tracking tests, in the field, working in animal-assisted therapy, and most importantly, snuggled against their favorite human.
In the home, Welshies make wonderful companions for those willing to provide for their needs.  Welsh Springers are known affectionately as "velcro" dogs, a title that suits them well.  If you prefer to escape to the bathroom without the company of a furry friend, then this is certainly not the breed for you.

The standard of perfection for the Welsh Springer Spaniel can be viewed at the American Kennel Club web site:
