(Bichon's Name)  Tigger
(sex)  male
(neuter/spay)  Yes
(Bichon's Age)  ten months
(vaccines)  Yes
(City)  Pittsburgh
(State)  PA
(Reason for Rescue)
Tigger is larger and has more energy
than owners anticipated.
(Existing Health Problems)  Unknown
(How long can dog be maintained until a suitable home is located)  unknown
(Housebreaking Status)  Owner claims Tigger is pretty much housebroken.
(Behavioral Characteristics to Consider)  Unknown
(Behavioral Characteristics)
Tigger will be coming into BFCA foster care shortly.
Not much is know about his personality other than he is
frisky and large (over 20 pounds).
(How Bichon was obtained)
Tigger is being held by owner until there is room in the
the BFCA foster home. 
(Who to contact Name)  Lynn Ramich
(Who to contact Phone)  412-373-3927
(Who to contact E-mail)  blr2@psu.edu