

These are the "Days of Our Lives".



Hi, my name is Tracy. I live in Marietta, Georgia. I'm a homemaker with four kids. They keep me on the road going from bowling practice to gym. I don't have much time for myself, but when I can, I like to garden, crochet, play with my pets, and try out new recipes. Here's a great recipe for Mexican Chocolate Cake and my daughter's favorite snack.

Famous Microwave Fudge

Mix the ingredients in a shallow microwave bowl.
Microwave for 2 minutes.
Stir it again and place it in the refrigerator.
After 30 minutes, it's ready to serve.

FLOWERS Georgia is a subtropical climate, but we have pretty good success with tropical plants. Banana trees, cannas, ginger flowers, taro root, and malangas grow big and beautiful in my yard in the summer. They have to be dug up in the winter and stored. It's alot of work, but I enjoy each year trying out new tropicals.

These are some of my favorite garden links: Horticulture Solutions and the great seed catalog from Johnny Select Seeds is a must in any gardener's collection. Country Living has beautiful flowers to view.

Below is a picture of me in my friend Jeri's garden:

Elephant Ears

I've learned to crochet in the last couple of years. I spend my spare time in the evening making afghans for my family. I use the cotton threads. (Sugar & Cream and Peaches & Cream are the best.)

Here's an amish quilt motif pattern that I've crocheted for my family.

I said before that I have four kids, but actually I have many more babies. Let's just say I'm an animal lover. We have 2 dogs, 1 birds, 1 Persian cat, and Teeki (who is my little Himalayan mix mother). Siamese is my favorite breed of cat. Yes, it is loud. But I couldn't live without anyone of them.

/ Aquar



ball Metacrawler is a search engine that rides like a Lamborghini.

ball My better half's new website. He's a real outdoorsman.

ball My Sis's company homepage. A shameless plug.

ball Jeri's page is full of her favorite places on the net. She shares many of my interests, so please give her a click.

ball My Godson Max helped to build this homepage.

My Kids' Page is not for the squeamish.

Our Photos Gallery is full of our best photos.

This is where I work.

