Childhood Dreams Come True

This is my horse Sonovagun (Sonny). He is a 24yr old AQHA registered Bay Gelding. He came to live with us in February of '97, when his owner could no longer care for him. Once a show horse and Champion Reiner, he was now old, dirty, rough coated, depressed and very out of shape.

With good food, medical care, exercise and a lot of TLC, this was Sonny 4 months later having a grand time being in the showring again. My neighbors daughter, Jessica, showed him for her 4H project.

Although he doesn't like baths, Sonny is now a happy, healthy horse. He shares the barn and pasture with Lucy, my daughters Roan Arab/Quarterhorse mare. My Daughter, DeAnna has been showing horses for two years. This is the first year with Lucy. She did very well, going to state 4H competition for Gymkana and winning three 1st place championships in T.C.H.A. Western Novice Classes. It is because of the encouragement of the

girls and my husband, I have decided to join them in showing in T.C.H.A. (Tri County Horse Association). Jessica now has her own horse to show. So check back later and see how my new "hobby" works out! If you want to know why I didn't show last year, continue by clicking on the horsies!

My Progress so far in Competition